

erode,英語單詞,主要用作及物動詞、不及物動詞,作及物動詞時意為“ 腐蝕,侵蝕”,作不及物動詞時意為“侵蝕;受腐蝕”。
詞    性


Erode Width 侵蝕寬度
nto erode 侵蝕
slope erode 壓實土坡面
electric erode 電腐蝕
Erode white 腐蝕白
crucible erode 爐缸侵蝕
erode corrosion 沖刷腐蝕 [1] 


  • 1Then over many more years, the Phosphorus-rich rocks of the new land begin to erode and the cycle continues.然後過了許多年,含磷豐富的新陸地岩石開始被侵蝕,而且循環還在繼續。
  • 2The central state, though often very rich and very populous, was intrinsically fragile, since the development of new international trade routes could undermine the monetary base and erode state power.儘管中央帝國通常非常富有和人口稠密,它本質上是很脆弱的,因為新的國際貿易路線的發展可能會破壞貨幣基礎和侵蝕國家權力。
  • 3The rain will erode the deeds of his life.雨水將慢慢地腐蝕掉他的生命契約。
  • 4In fact, you begin to erode all freedom.其實,在這種情況下,所有的自由都將被破壞。
  • 5Without living reefs, these islands could rapidly erode.一旦缺少活生生的珊瑚礁,這些羣島很快就會被腐蝕。
  • 6Otherwise, inflation will erode the value of your savings.要不然,通貨膨脹會侵蝕你的存款價值。
  • 7A stringent regulatory environment ought to erode profits.嚴格的監管環境應該也會侵蝕利潤空間。
  • 8These kinds of thought patterns tend to erode self-esteem.以下思維模式會蠶食你的自尊。
  • 9Rising seas threaten to erode the coastline and spoil thegroundwater.上升的海洋可能侵蝕海岸線,破壞地下水。
  • 10And rivals are likely to continue to erode its share of the market.而競爭對手們很可能繼續蠶食福特的市場份額。
  • 11However, forcing Banks to recognise losses would erode their capital.但是強制銀行認可損失將會使他們的資本減值。
  • 12Likewise, the toxins can damage plants and erode walls and monuments.不僅如此,這些毒素也讓植物,城牆和古蹟難以倖免。
  • 13America's policy shift will inevitably erode the western liberal axis.當然,美國的政策轉移將不可避免地造成西方自由體系的衰退。
  • 14The stomach acid from repeated vomiting can severely erode tooth enamel.反覆的胃酸嘔吐會嚴重損壞牙釉質。
  • 15Don't let your credibility and people's trust erode by retrofitting rules.不要讓更改規則這種狀況削弱你的信用值,降低人們的信任度。
  • 16How does it come about now that the Alps erode at the same speed that they rise?為什麼現在阿爾卑斯山會以它上升相同的速度被侵蝕呢?
  • 17This will erode their cost advantage, since every transaction involves a fee.因為每筆交易都收費,所以就會消弱其價格優勢。
  • 18Climate change has the potential to erode progress in universal primary education.氣候的變化很可能會阻礙初等教育普及的進程。
  • 19A husband and wife can sense the trust erode, and feel their hearts growing colder.丈夫和妻子都能感受到信任在離自己一步步遠去,感受的到自己的內心變得越來越冷淡。
  • 20Falling prices erode the value of collateral, tightening credit and depressing demand.房價下降拉低抵押品價值,信用緊縮,需求下降。
  • 21As borrowers defaulted, the Banks' losses started to erode their own thin layers of capital.隨着貸款者違約,銀行的損失開始侵蝕其自身微薄的資本。
  • 22Anything less will erode the trust that is essential to building a high-performing team.二者缺一就對對雙方的信任造成傷害,而那份心人恰恰是構建高效團隊所必需的。
  • 23Usually, price wars wreak havoc because they erode the pricing power of an entire business.價格大戰通常損失嚴重,因為他們破壞了整個行業的定價機制。
  • 24And that will cause the brand gap between the top VCs and the super-angels gradually to erode.而且那將導致頂級風投與超級天使們之間的品牌鴻溝逐漸被侵蝕。
  • 25Once the animals die, the rocky structures erode, depriving fish of vital spawning and feeding grounds.一旦這種動物死亡,礁石結構將會受侵蝕,作為魚類至關緊要的產卵及進食的重要場所也不復存在。
  • 26A business owner or CEO who constantly makes fun of himself will erode confidence in his abilities.一個不斷開自己玩笑的企業所有者或總裁將損害他能力中的自信。
  • 1.    erode  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-08-21]