

詞    性


英[ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə]美[ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpidiɚ] [1] 


encyclopedia britannica大英百科全書 [1] 


  • 1The encyclopedia is available on CD-ROM.百科全書光盤已上市。《牛津詞典》
  • 2It resembles a picture in the encyclopedia.它就像百科全書裏的一幅畫。
  • 3It is a new kind of encyclopedia about books.這是一種有關書籍的新型百科全書。
  • 4I would have to go to some encyclopedia or something like that.我必須去找一些百科全書或者類似的書籍。
  • 5You should manage the foundation models in a separate encyclopedia.您可以在單獨的百科全書中管理基礎模型。
  • 6How could such a stupid notion, an encyclopedia written by anyone and everyone, ever work?一個由任何人和每一個人撰寫的百科全書,這麼一個如此愚蠢的概念怎麼能獲得成功?
  • 7No data has been duplicated, and the encyclopedia will work as it always has, except in a read-only mode.沒有數據被複制,而除了在只讀模式下運行外,百科全書會按照一貫的方式工作。
  • 8How can you manage evolutionary versions of an Encyclopedia during the lifecycle of your architecture development?在結構開發的生命週期期間,您應該怎樣管理百科全書的發展版本呢?
  • 9Workers at the Root Glass Company got the request and began flipping through the encyclopedia at the local library, landing on cocoa seed.魯特玻璃公司的員工收到了這份要求,他們開始在當地圖書館翻閲百科全書,找到了可可種子。
  • 10He can read and remember the contents of an encyclopedia volume in a few minutes, and speak a language fluently after reading one textbook.他能在幾分鐘內閲讀並記住百科全書的內容,並且能在讀完一本教科書後流利地説一門語言。
  • 11The encyclopedia is packed with clear illustrations and over 250 recipes.這本百科全書充滿了清晰的插圖,還有二百五十多個食譜。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 12It's like an encyclopedia for social life.它就像一本社會生活的百科全書。
  • 13There are Chinese language learning books, encyclopedia, linguistic books and reading materials.有漢語學習書籍、百科全書、語言學書籍和閲讀材料。
  • 14The police officer sent a young man out to get an encyclopedia.警官派了一個年輕人去拿一本百科全書。
  • 15I am assuming you haven't loaded the Encyclopedia Britannica into the memory.我認為你們還沒有下載大英百科全書到存儲器裏。
  • 16When planning Encyclopedia Britannica, I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles.在規劃《大英百科全書》時,我必須根據文章的主題創建一個目錄。
  • 17Why don't you look it up in the encyclopedia?你為什麼不去查百科全書?《新英漢大辭典》
  • 18She is reading the encyclopedia!還讀百科全書呢!
  • 19Want to try this encyclopedia?想試試這本百科全書嗎?
  • 20I have looked it up in the encyclopedia.我已經在百科全書中查到它了。
  • 21You can't do this with an encyclopedia.要是百科全書的話你就無法做到這一點。
  • 22Click new to create a new encyclopedia.點擊new以創建一個新的百科全書。
  • 23Open the encyclopedia that interests you.打開您所感興趣的百科全書。
  • 24The encyclopedia thudded onto the floor.那本百科全書砰地掉在地板上。
  • 25He was turning over pages of an encyclopedia.他在翻閲一本百科全書。
  • 26The next step is to create a new Encyclopedia.接下來的一步是創建一個新的百科全書。
  • 27Encyclopedia.百科詞典。
  • 28She has said she plans an encyclopedia on the series.她表示已有計劃為該系列編撰一本百科全書。
  • 29"We're not trying to write an encyclopedia," he said.“我們又不是在寫維基大百科,”他説道。