

詞    性


英[ɪmˈplɔɪ]美[ɪmˈplɔɪ] [1] 


employ batteries 廢電池
Political Employ 政治錄用
self employ 職業
Once Employ 若被錄用
employ fuel 用過的燃料
employ personnel 僱用人員
Employ Musicians 招聘音樂家 [1] 


  • 1How many people does the company employ?這個公司僱用了多少人?《牛津詞典》
  • 2We employ an expert to advise on new technology.我們聘用了一位專家擔任新技術顧問。《牛津詞典》
  • 3We'll have to check him out before we employ him.我們得先調查一下再僱用他。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The three sites employ 12,500 people between them.3個工地共僱傭12500個人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5No one wants to employ somebody who bad-mouths their former employer.沒有人願意僱用説前僱主壞話的人。《牛津詞典》
  • 6Employ the most up-to-date technology.使用最新的技術。
  • 7The agent was in the employ of a foreign country.這個代理人員是外國僱傭的。
  • 8To employ native English teachers to teach in China.聘請母語為英語的教師來中國任教。
  • 9I'll engage in John's behavior if you decide to employ him.如果你決定聘用約翰,我願為他的行為擔保。
  • 10I'll engage for John's behaviour should you decide to employ him.如果你決定聘用約翰,我願為他的行為擔保。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 11Factories that employ workers to do dangerous work should be closed.僱傭工人從事危險工作的工廠應該被關閉。
  • 12It's standard practice for a company like this one to employ a security officer.像這樣的公司僱用一名保安是慣例。
  • 13It's a standard practice for a company like this one to employ a security officer.像這樣的一家公司,僱傭安保人員是一種標準做法。
  • 14It's not only unsustainable for workers, but also for the companies that employ them.這不僅對工人是不可持續的,對僱傭他們的公司也是如此。
  • 15A famous company wanted to employ a reception secretary for its public relation department.一家著名公司想為其公關部聘請一名接待秘書。
  • 16Many of the big DIY warehouses employ older, ex-skilled men and women to help their customers.許多大型 DIY 倉庫都僱傭有經驗的老員工來幫助他們的客户。
  • 17The factories here employ 17,000 people in an area where there is very little alternative employment.這裏的工廠在這個地區僱傭了17000人,而這個地區幾乎沒有其他就業機會。
  • 18Selective schools don't systematically employ better instructional approaches than less selective schools.精英學校並沒有系統地採用比普通學校更好的教學方法。
  • 19The company Jackie chose planned to employ only one person, but more than twenty people applied for the job.傑基選擇的公司計劃只僱用一個人,但有二十多人申請了這個工作。
  • 20Yorco and Zortech are two corporations that employ large numbers of full-time workers who are paid by the hour.Yorco 和 Zortech 是兩家僱傭大量按小時計酬的全職工人的公司。
  • 21An alternative technique could employ conventional lanes, which would be shared by automated and regular vehicles.替代技術可以使用傳統車道,由自動化車輛和普通車輛共享。
  • 22Many people feel that volunteering to help feed, cloth, and employ the homeless reduces the population of those in need.許多人認為,自願為無家可歸者提供食物、衣物並僱用他們減少了貧困者的數量。
  • 23It's no wonder these companies employ teams of people focused on engineering their services to be as engaging as possible.難怪這些公司會僱傭團隊,來讓他們的服務儘可能地吸引人。
  • 24Its lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law that would make it a crime to employ ultra-thin models on runways.上週,立法者初步批准了一項法律,規定僱用過於瘦弱的模特走秀是犯罪行為。
  • 25I counter with another reasonable argument: that a higher minimum wage will force businesses to employ fewer people for less time.我用另一個合理的論點進行反駁:提高最低工資將迫使企業在更短的時間內僱傭更少的人。
  • 26The Confederation of British Industry surveyed 694 businesses and organisations across the public and private sectors, which together employ 2.4 million people.英國工業聯合會對公共和私營部門的694家企業和組織進行了調查。這些企業和組織總共僱傭了240萬人。
  • 27We employ a gardener two days a week.我們僱了個花匠,每週工作兩天。《牛津詞典》
  • 28She agreed to employ me for a trial period.她同意試用我一段時間。《牛津詞典》
  • 29The police had to employ force to enter the building.警察不得不強行進入大樓。《牛津詞典》
  • 30It would be preferable to employ two people, not one.僱請兩個人比僱請一個更好。《牛津詞典》 [1] 