


詞    性
複    數


n.(名詞)[C](化學)元素 a simple chemical, for example oxygen or gold
[C]成分,要素 a quality which can be noticed
[C](社會的)分子 a particular group of people


  1. 要素(舊時認為土、空氣、火和水是構成一切物質的四大要素)
  2. 自然環境
  3. 基礎
  4. 電熱元件,電熱絲
  5. 適宜的環境
  6. 成分
  7. 原理,綱要
  8. 基本部份,典型部份
  9. 一組,一夥,一羣
  10. 少量,有點,有些
  11. 天氣
  12. 【化】元素(如金、氧、碳)


  1. an abstract part of something;"jealousy was a component of his character""two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony""the grammatical elements of a sentence""a key factor in her success""humor: an effective ingredient of a speech"
  2. an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system;"spare components for cars""a component or constituent element of a system"
  3. any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter
  4. the most favorable environment for a plant or animal;"water is the element of fishes"
  5. one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe;"the alchemists believed that there were four elements"
  6. the situation in which you are happiest and most effective;"in your element"
  7. a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone


  • 1Cost was a key element in our decision.價錢是我們決策時考慮的主要因素。《牛津詞典》
  • 2There is an element of subjectivity in her criticism.她的批評有主觀因素。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Diamond is the crystalline form of the element carbon.鑽石是碳元素的晶體結構。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4It is probable that the disease has a genetic element.這種疾病很可能有遺傳因素。《牛津詞典》
  • 5It introduced an element of randomness into the situation.這就為形勢增加了一種不確定因素。《牛津詞典》
  • 6They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound.他們已經開始在音樂風格中展示出一種強烈的靈歌因素。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7In order to make it safe, the element is electrically insulated.為安全起見,該元件做了絕緣處理。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8His testimony was an important element of the prosecution's case.他的證詞是本起公訴案中的一個重要因素。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Physical fitness has now become an important element in our lives.身體健康現已成為我們生活中的重要元素。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10The second element is passion.第二個要素是激情。
  • 11Nitrogen is an unstable element.氮是一種不穩定的元素。
  • 12Every entry will have one element.每個條目將有一個元素。
  • 13Work should be an element of your life.工作應當是你生活的一種元素。
  • 14Element 43 has a very fast rate of decay.43號元素的衰變速度非常快。
  • 15If it's not, append it to the root element.如果不是,就將其附加到根元素。
  • 16The element was found using X-ray spectroscopy.這種元素是利用 X 射線光譜學發現的。
  • 17You have to provide an element for this operation.你必須為該操作提供一個元素。
  • 18Next comes an element known as the: obligatory scene.接下來是一個被稱為“強制性場景”的元素。
  • 19That was the defense of her own discovery of element 43!這是對她自己發現43號元素的辯護!
  • 20Not everyone is able to filter out that negative element.不是所有人都能過濾掉那些負面元素。
  • 21Every time you had one more proton, you had another element.每發現多一個質子,就會多一種元素。
  • 22For each element we need to identify the best source for it.對於每個元素,我們需要確定它的最佳來源。
  • 23There is an element there about competition then, isn't there?這其中有一個關於競爭的因素,不是嗎?
  • 24Early versions did not list an element for every atomic number.早期的版本並沒有為每個原子序數列出一個元素。
  • 25Element 43's radioactivity makes it easy to isolate and measure.43號元素的放射性使其易於分離和測量。
  • 26TV and movie producers often incorporate an element of bad behavior.電視和電影製作人通常會融入不良行為的元素。
  • 27Then, there'd be an atomic number, for which there was no known element.然後會出現原子序數,代表了未知元素。
  • 28If not for this small optimization, we would go through every element twice.如果不是由於這個小小的優化,我們將遍歷每個元素兩次。
  • 29Design courses, then, should be an essential element in engineering curricula.因此,設計課程應該成為工程課程的一個基本元素。
  • 30A business glossary should contain not only the agreed-upon definition for a data element, but any variations or dependencies associated with that element.一個業務術語表不但應該包含商定的數據元素定義,還應該包含與這個元素相關聯的任何變體或依賴項。 [1] 


  • element, component, constituent, factor, ingredient
  • 這組詞都可作“成分,要素”解。其區別是:1.element指整體中的任何部分,有時指整體中那些重要、必需或基本的部分。2.component指與其他部分組合起來發生電能的某一部分。3.constituent通常指整體中必不可少的組成部分,它跟整體融合在一起而喪失了自身的獨立性。4.ingredient是個比較籠統的詞,主要指混合物的成分。5.factor指能使或有助於整體產生某種具體和明確的結果或使事物朝某個特定方向運動的因素或要素。
  • component constituent element ingredient
  • 這些名詞均含“組成、成分、部分”之意。


  • trace element[化]痕量元素...
  • out of one's element處於不適宜的環境...
  • independent element獨立成分
  • project management elements項目管理要素...
  • rare-earth element稀土元素
  • in one's element處於適宜的環境...
  • absolute element絕對元素
  • arithmetic element運算元素,算術元素,...
  • detecting element檢測元件
  • code element(電)碼(單)元...
  • AND element"與"元件
  • linear element線性元件,線性元素...
  • data element數據元素
  • identity element單位元素
  • sensing element傳感元件
  • essential element必需元素,主要元素...
  • rare element稀有元素
  • heating element發熱元件,發熱器...
  • active element有源元件,活性元素...



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  • Clifford was never so much in his element as when conversing of art.出自:G. Gissing
  • Early nineteenth century in character, he was..out of his element in this neo-Georgian era.出自:Truth
  • We do not inhabit the same element as the Greeks.出自:British Journal of Aesthetics