

詞    性


英[ˈefɪkəsi]美[ˈefɪkəsi] [1] 


self efficacy 自我效能 ; 自我效能感 ; 自我效驗
Collective Efficacy 集體效能 ; 集體效能感 ; 體效能
causal efficacy 因果功效 ; 因果效力 ; 因果效驗 ; 因果效用
lose efficacy 失效 ; 失去效力
Medicinal efficacy 藥用功能
treatment efficacy 療效
Luminaire Efficacy 光效 ; 燈具效能
disinfection efficacy 消毒效果 [1] 


  • 1Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle.近來的醫學研究證實了更健康的生活方式的功效。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Ciliv is selling the efficacy of so-called build-operate-transfer (BOT) operations.瑟利夫正在大力宣揚被稱之為“建設—經營—移交”(BOT) 模式的效力。
  • 3Firms are now studying how genes interact, looking for correlations that might be used to determine the causes of disease or predict a drug's efficacy.公司正在研究基因是如何相互作用的,以此尋找可用來判斷疾病的起因或者預測藥物功效的基因相關性。
  • 4The milky tea has high nutritive value, various flavors and has the efficacy of clearing heat and detoxicating and reliving summer heat and water retention.奶茶營養價值高、口味多樣,並具有清熱解毒、消暑利水的功效。
  • 5A recent study suggests that vitamin E supplements, despite widespread belief in their efficacy, are no better than sugar pills for delaying the onset of the degenerative disease.最近的一項研究表明,儘管人們普遍相信維生素 E 補充劑的功效,但在延緩退行性疾病發病方面,維生素 E 補充劑並不比糖丸效果更好。
  • 6It evaluates the efficacy and the safety of liranaftate 2% cream in the treatment of tinea manuum.這評價了1%鹽酸布替萘芬溶液治療趾間型足癬和體股癬的療效及安全性。
  • 7Investigate the clinical efficacy of proximal needling and ventouse treating lumbar gluteal myofascitis.探討採用傍針刺加拔火罐法治療腰臀肌筋膜炎的臨牀療效。
  • 8The objective was to compare the efficacy of zolpidem tartrate and stilnox in the treatment for insomnia.目的是比較酒石酸唑吡坦與噻諾克斯治療失眠症的療效。
  • 9Investigate the curative efficacy of ademetionine in the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia for chronic hepatitis B patients.分析腺苷蛋氨酸治療慢性乙型肝炎高膽紅素血癥的臨牀療效。
  • 10The objective is to observe the clinical efficacy of the saccharomyces boulardii sachets in the treatment of children with acute diarrhea.目的是觀察布拉氏酵母菌散劑治療小兒急性腹瀉病的臨牀療效。
  • 11Test the efficacy of sulfluramid bait against Solenopsis invicta in gardens and common greenbelt.測定氟蟲胺餌劑用於公園和公共綠地等對紅火蟻的滅治效果。
  • 12This establishes the drug's efficacy.這説明了藥物的療效。
  • 13Repeat throughout the day to maintain the efficacy.在白天反覆擦拭來維持效果。
  • 14Intensive monitoring of therapeutic efficacy continues.正在繼續密切監測治療效果。
  • 15Does Placebo Effect Mask True Efficacy of Antidepressants?安慰劑效應掩蓋了抗抑鬱劑的實效嗎?
  • 16Clinical trials of tiger bones' medical efficacy are also under review.對虎骨醫用療效的臨牀試驗也在評估之中。
  • 17And that seriously jeopardizes the efficacy of traditional browser clients.這種狀況嚴重損害了傳統瀏覽器客户端的效果。
  • 18He concluded that empirical evidence supports the efficacy of these treatments.他總結説,經驗證據支持這些治療方法的療效。
  • 19This is a promising technique that needs more research to determine its efficacy.這種技術很有前途,不過尚需更多研究以確定其功效。
  • 20How do you assess the utility and efficacy of this channel in today's environment?你如何評價在線渠道在當今環境中的實用性和功效?
  • 21Yet some Freudians worry about the efficacy of short-term, long-distance programs.一些佛洛伊德主義者還是擔心這種遠距離短期項目的功效。
  • 22A relevant issue in this context is the efficacy and coverage of deposit insurance.與之相關的問題是存款保險的功效和覆蓋範圍。
  • 23Such luminous efficacy is probably beyond the scope of incandescent technology.這種照明效率可能就超出了白熾燈的技術範圍。
  • 24The internet is crowded with testimonies of their efficacy and helpful intervention.網上關於他們的效能和助益的證據隨處可見。
  • 25Thus, you have effectively formulated an hypothesis about the efficacy of the process.因此您必須有效地闡明關於這個過程功效的假設。
  • 26Studies performed on humans to determine the safety and efficacy of new drugs or therapies.用人體做實驗,弄清新藥或治療方法的安全性和功效。
  • 27They also say this argument should not be just about short-term efficacy, but morality as well.他們也認為,這場爭論不僅僅關係到短期效力,更關係到道德問題。
  • 28That is because such trials are concerned mainly with testing a drug’s safety, not its efficacy.這是因為這類試驗主要關注測試藥物的安全性而不是藥效。 [1] 