

詞    性


educate vt 教育 ; 訓練 ; 培養 ; 毀滅
Shanghai Educate 上海教育台
educate insensibly 無知地教育
Educate quality 教育質量
educate for 學
educate youth 教育青年
cramming educate 補習班
educate classically 受古典式教育
educate musically 音樂訓練 [1] 


  • 1The object is to educate people about road safety.目的就是教育人們注意交通安全。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Caitlin's parents opted to educate her intensively at home.凱特林的父母選擇在家對她進行強化教育。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Our priority is to educate people about the dangers of drugs.我們首先要考慮的是教育人民,使他們認識毒品的危險。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment.這一運動旨在教育公眾愛護環境。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The programme aims to educate and prepare students for a challenging career.這個項目旨在教育學生使其為一個具有挑戰性的職業做好準備。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Why don't we educate more?我們為什麼不多教育?
  • 7We are able to educate every child.我們能夠教育每個孩子。
  • 8It takes patience to educate children.教育兒童須要耐心。
  • 9Parents have responsibility to educate their children.家長們有責任教育自己的孩子。
  • 10It's necessary to educate children to sort the garbage.教育孩子們要垃圾分類是很有必要的。
  • 11Have they become somehow massively more expensive to educate?教育是否在某種程度上變得更加昂貴了呢?
  • 12Its goals were to educate, share ideas and present Indiana's best products.它旨在教育、交流思想以及展示印第安納州最好的產品。
  • 13I think part of the problem is how we educate people to work in this field.我認為問題的一部分原因在於我們如何培養從事這一領域工作的人員。
  • 14We need to re-educate ourselves by looking at the problem in a different way.我們需要通過用不同的方式看待問題來重新教育自己。
  • 15It may be said that the teacher has done his very best to educate and help him.老師對他的教育幫助可謂盡心盡力。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 16To educate the young generation in such a way is just like making the rice shoots grow by pulling them up.用這種方法教育下一代無異於拔苗助長。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 17The National Hydrogen Bomb Association hopes to educate people in the safe handling of this type of weapon.全國氫彈協會希望教育人們如何安全使用這類武器。
  • 18Lovers should not only make each other feel relaxed or comfortable, but also educate and improve each other.情侶不應該僅僅讓對方感到放鬆或舒適,還應該互相教育和提高。
  • 19For this purpose, our schools need both the talent and the organization to educate each child who arrives at the schoolhouse door.為此,我們的學校需要人才和組織來為每一個來到學校的孩子提供教育。
  • 20It therefore presents an excellent opportunity not only to screen for HIV, but also to educate and advise about the dangers of the virus.因此,這不僅為檢測 HIV 病毒,同時也為進行有關 HIV 病毒危險性的教育和諮詢提供了一個極好的機會。
  • 21If we want to educate a future generation of great scientists, we can start by changing the way we talk about the great scientists of the past.如果我們想培養下一代的偉大科學家,我們可以從改變我們談論過去的偉大科學家的方式開始。
  • 22Four months later, Pania reluctantly but courageously decided to try to educate the public and to fight for laws to ban drivers from using cell phones while a car is moving.四個月後,帕尼亞雖然不情願,但勇敢地決定嘗試去教育公眾,並爭取通過法律禁止司機在汽車行駛時使用手機。
  • 23Legislation and court decisions have made it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home and each year more people take advantage of that opportunity.在大多數州,立法和法院裁決使父母在家教育他們的子女在法律上成為可能,每年都有更多的人利用這一機會。
  • 24Do you think your parents know how to educate you properly?你認為你的父母知道如何正確地教育你嗎?
  • 25To start recycling we should educate people and make them understand.為了開始回收利用,我們應教育人們,讓他們理解。
  • 26I decided to do something to educate people about this problem.我決定做一些事情來教育人們瞭解這個問題。
  • 27Tony has been trying to educate people about the positive things snakes do.託尼一直試圖讓人們瞭解蛇的積極作用。
  • 28Kathy, 14, set up an organization to educate people about growing right plants in right places.14歲的凱西成立了一個組織,教育人們如何在正確的地方種植合適的植物。
  • 29More organizations (組織) have joined together to educate the local people that trading elephants is against the law.更多的組織加入一起教育當地人大象交易是違法的。
  • 30Instead of just giving money to poor people, it has tried to educate people and give them the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.它不只是給窮人錢,而是努力教育人們,為他們提供脱貧所需的工具。 [1] 