

earthen,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“土製的;陶製的;地球上的”。 [1] 
詞    性


earthen /ˈɜːθən/ TEM8
1.ADJEarthen containers and objects are made of clay that is baked so that it becomes hard. 陶製的 [ADJ n]
2.ADJ An earthen floor, bank, or mound is made of hard earth. (地板、堤岸等)硬土做的 [ADJ n] [1] 


earthen pot 砂鍋
Earthen Ring 陶土議會 ; 大地之環
earthen seat 瓦凳
Earthen shoulder 土肩 ; 土樓的肩膀
earthen ware 瓦器 ; 陶器
earthen trenches 土溝
Earthen Embrace 大地的擁抱
earthen tower 陶製蒸餾塔 ; 陶製蒸溜塔 [1] 


  • 1Molai built at the top of each sapling a bamboo platform, where he placed earthen pots with small holes to collect rainwater.莫萊在每棵樹苗的頂端都搭建了一個竹子平台,在那裏他放置了帶有小洞的陶罐來收集雨水。
  • 2This led to the construction of earthen or stone steps, arranging the audience into a semicircle in front of the speaker.這導致了泥土階或石階的建構,安排觀眾們面對講演者坐成一個半圓形。
  • 3In the largest Dallas communities, some individuals were buried in the earthen mounds that served as sub-structures for buildings important to civic and religious affairs.在達拉斯最大的社區中,一些人被埋在土堆中,這些土堆是對市政和宗教事務很重要的建築物的子結構。
  • 4The earthen pot is grazed inside.瓦盆裏面掛了一層釉子。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5The earthen pot is glazed inside.瓦盆裏面掛一層釉子。
  • 6"I shall do what I can, my Master, " said the earthen lamp.瓦燈説道:“我要盡我力之所能的去做,我的主人。”
  • 7In the col what makes me stop is only a wall, a yellow earthen one.山拗子叫我立住的僅是一面黃士牆;
  • 8Workers then assembled the oven and placed it onto an earthen mound.工人進行組裝,放在烤箱上一個土冢它。
  • 9The quietness of the chapel has casted away noises from the earthen world.教堂的寂靜把外面的嘈雜關在了門外。
  • 10Earthen oven serves Northern Indian food with hot, fresh Indian breads from the oven.土爐是北印度食品熱,新鮮的印度麪包從爐。
  • 11Some enterprises and construction units to buy cheap, use these earthen simple elevator.一些企業和施工單位貪圖便宜,擅自購買使用這些土製簡易升降機。
  • 12A patina of earthen clay or sandstone helps fit your landscape into its native surroundings.一個土黏土或砂岩帕蒂娜有助於適應環境的原生景觀。
  • 13Despite its large size, I find the principal part of this mausoleum remains the hill-like earthen mound.雖然這陵園那麼大,我看最主要的還是這座像山一樣的土堆了。
  • 14They hurriedly threw up earthen walls, stretching blankets over the top to shelter these homeless people.他們匆匆地築起了土牆,在頂上蓋些毯子,給這些無家可歸者提供住處。
  • 15But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency may be of the power of God, and not of us.但我們是在瓦器中存有這寶貝,為彰顯那卓著的力量是屬於天主,並非出於我們。
  • 16The tsunami destroyed the earthen Banks of the fishponds and filled the ponds with debris and often-toxic silt.海嘯破壞了魚塘的土築堤壩,將池中灌滿了殘片和往往是有毒的淤泥。
  • 17The main road was no more, but there was still an earthen track that my Giant "track" bicycle could cope with.幹道已盡,但還有一條泥濘路,我的自行車尚能應付。
  • 18The largest earthen dam in the U.S., it was constructed on an active fault line in the 1950s and filled in 1968.奧羅維爾壩是美國最大的土壩,20世紀50年代建在一個活動頻繁的斷層帶上,1968年開始蓄水。
  • 19Tractors are tilling the land and building earthen rows that will serve as levees once water flows into these fields.拖拉機在耕地,並且建起一道道田埂,等水流進這些農田時,這些田埂就能起到河堤的作用。
  • 20This led to the construction of earthen or stone steps, arranging the audience into a semicircle infront of the speaker.這導致了泥土階或石階的建構,安排觀眾們面對講演者坐成一個半圓形。
  • 21Send me the love which is cool and pure like your rain that blesses the thirsty earth and fills the homely earthen jars.賜予我這樣的愛吧,清涼純淨,像你賜福於乾渴的大地、注滿家中陶罐的雨。
  • 22Aside from great museums tucked away in temples or behind earthen garden walls, I saw few traces of Sian's glorious past.除藏在寺廟裏的大博物館或在陶製花園圍牆後面之外,我看到了西安輝煌歷史的幾處遺蹟。
  • 23DHIRUBHAI AMBANI grew up in a two-room home with an earthen floor in the Indian state of Gujarat, close to the Arabian Sea.迪盧柏•阿姆·巴尼成長於一個有着泥土地板的二居室的家裏,這是靠近阿拉伯海的印度古吉拉特邦(音)一個地方。
  • 24Meanwhile, downstream communities faced a risk of a flood should the landslide lake break through the earthen dam suddenly.與此同時,下游地區則面臨着堰塞湖突然潰壩導致洪水氾濫的風險。
  • 25While the glass lamp rebukes the earthen for calling it cousin the moon rises, and the glass lamp, with a bland smile, calls her玻璃燈因為瓦燈叫它做表兄而責備瓦燈。 [1] 