

dubious,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“可疑的;曖昧的;無把握的;半信半疑的”。 [1] 
詞    性


dubious /ˈdjuːbɪəs/ CET6 TEM4
1.ADJ If you describe something as dubious, you mean that you do not consider it to be completely honest, safe, or reliable. 可疑的; 不太可靠的
2. dubiously ADV 可疑地; 不太可靠地
3.ADJ If you are dubious about something, you are not completely sure about it and have not yet made up your mind about it. 有疑慮的 [v-link ADJ]
4. dubiously ADV 遲疑地 [1] 


dubious a 懷疑的 ; 有問題的 ; 值得懷疑的
Dubious Packet 可疑封包
dubious answer 含糊其詞的回答
dubious foundation 不可靠的基礎
dubious expression 暖味表達
dubious adj 半信半疑的
dubious deal 可疑交易
dubious honour 可疑的榮譽
dubious s 半信半疑的 ; 無把握的 ; 可疑的 [1] 


  • 1They indulged in some highly dubious business practices to obtain their current position in the market.他們採取了一些極為可疑的商業手段以取得目前在市場上的地位。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The testimony given by him is dubious.他所作的證據是可疑的。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 3The idea was to stop such accounts being used for dubious purposes.其想法是防止這些賬户被用於可疑的目的。
  • 4Scant attention has been paid to many of the dubious social and economic assumptions that underlie the plan.人們對該計劃背後的許多可疑的社會和經濟假設缺乏關注。
  • 5Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious distinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011.去年春天,這兩個國家之一的澳大利亞放棄了這一可疑的榮譽,從2011年開始建立帶薪家庭休假制度。
  • 6In boxing, we have already seen numerous, dubious world title categories because people will not pay to see anything less than a "World Title" fight.在拳擊中我們已經看到了大量可疑的具有世界頭銜類別的比賽,這是因為人們不會花錢看任何次於“世界頭銜”類別的格鬥。
  • 7While these early historians of Southern dissent broke new ground, they also reproduced Confederate authorities' negative view of loyalists as shady characters driven by dubious motives.雖然這些早期的南方異議歷史學家開闢了新的領域,但他們也重複了南方當局對保皇派的負面看法,認為他們是受可疑動機驅使的陰暗人物。
  • 8I was rather dubious about the whole idea.我對這整個想法持懷疑態度。《牛津詞典》
  • 9This claim seems to us to be rather dubious.這項聲明在我們看來相當不可信。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10They consider the plan to be of dubious benefit to most families.他們認為這項計劃對大多數家庭不一定有好處。《牛津詞典》
  • 11My parents were a bit dubious about it all at first but we soon convinced them.起初我父母親對此尚心存疑慮,但很快我們便説服了他們。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 12Some human experts are dubious.而一些人類專家卻對此半信半疑。
  • 13China's Dubious "Miracle".讓人懷疑的中國“奇蹟”。
  • 14In Dubious Battle was his rock pool.《勝負未決的戰鬥》是他的岩石做的水池。
  • 15There are other dubious details too.除此以外,還有其他未解決的細節問題。
  • 16He USES some dubious shifts to get money.他用一些可疑的手段去賺錢。
  • 17But the economic merit of many is dubious.但其中很多項目的經濟價值遭到質疑。
  • 18The scheme's prospects were always dubious.這個方案的前景一直備受質疑。
  • 19They also forfeited most of their dubious gains.他們的大部分可疑收入也都遭沒收。
  • 20The future, as noted, appears even more dubious.而如前所述,未來的情況也並不樂觀。
  • 21For that dubious distinction, we pay a high price.為了那不光彩的殊榮,我們付出了高昂的代價。
  • 22So far, only protons have had this dubious pleasure.到目前為止,只有質子才享受過這種風險下的刺激。
  • 23I am dubious about online video sites' business models.我對在線視頻網站的商業模式心存疑慮。
  • 24As the De Bauw report notes, this is a dubious argument.正如得堡的報告中所説,這是一個有爭議的爭論。
  • 25There is no evidence for this group beyond dubious documents.除了一些可疑的文件外沒有什麼證據可以證明這個社團的存在。
  • 26How can you protect yourself from dubious money fund holdings?怎樣來保護你遠離那些可疑的貨幣基金呢?
  • 27A few smart people. feel dubious about how to help others.幾個聰明的人對如何幫助其他人感到猶豫不決。
  • 28Many of the most dubious assets were, indeed, held by hedge funds.的確,是對沖基金持有了很大一部分最可疑資產。
  • 29He is dubious, too, about the investigations into the incident.他也質疑了對該事件的調查。
  • 30That must tempt them to say yes to ideas of dubious originality.這必將誘惑他們對那些值得懷疑的原創專利説“是”。 [1] 