


drummer,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“(Drummer)人名;(德)德魯默爾;(法)德呂梅;(英)德魯默”。 [1] 
詞    性


drummer /ˈdrʌmə/ TEM4 ( drummers )
1.N-COUNT A drummer is a person who plays a drum or drums in a band or group. 鼓手 [1] 


Modern Drummer 現代鼓手
Drummer hoff 鼓手霍夫 ; 鼓手Hoff
Youthful Drummer 青春鼓手
ghost drummer 幽靈鼓手
Rowdy Drummer 吵鬧戰鼓
Little Drummer 歐美流行
Drummer Talent 鼓手達人
Fast Drummer 快速鼓手 [1] 


  • 1He was a drummer in a rock band.他曾是一支搖滾樂隊裏的鼓手。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The band's drummer is the brains behind their latest venture.這位樂隊鼓手是他們最近一次活動的策劃人。《牛津詞典》
  • 3He was a carpenter and talented drummer.他既是個木匠,又是個有才華的鼓手。
  • 4Because he needed the money, Northup agreed to join them as a drummer in Washington D.C.因為需要錢,諾瑟普同意加入他們,在華盛頓特區當一名鼓手。
  • 5The group is now unafraid of the occasional tempo shift, and on some songs, drummer Will Champion even trades in his brushes for real live drumsticks!這個樂隊現在已經不再害怕偶爾的節奏變化,在一些歌曲裏面,鼓手 Will Champion 甚至把他的電子刷換成真實的鼓槌!
  • 6How did you become a drummer?你是如可成為鼓手的?
  • 7Pam: Maybe I can be the drummer.潘:説不定我可以當鼓手。
  • 8Look, this is the drummer.你看,這是鼓手。
  • 9Pam: Oh, he will be a great drummer!潘:哦,他一定會是很棒的鼓手!
  • 10Imagine what a drunk drummer is going to say.想象一個喝醉的鼓手會説些什麼。
  • 11The drummer was looking from one to another.鼓手看看這個又看看那個。
  • 12A drummer, Stan Levey, later played with Charlie Parker.鼓手斯坦·列維後來和查理·帕克同台演出。
  • 13As a former drummer, I can tell you were right on rhythm!我做過鼓手,這裏可以告訴你,你已經跟上旋律了!
  • 14So it looked like we were going to lose [drummer] Gene Krupa.這麼看來,我們將要捨去爵士鼓手吉恩•克魯帕。
  • 15He was also a longtime drummer for the rock band Cold Water Flat.他還是搖滾樂隊“冷水公寓”的長期鼓手。
  • 16But when there's a bass player and a drummer, something extra happens.但當有了貝司手和鼓手之後,更多意想不到的事就會發生。
  • 17Be a visual drummer - this is only learned from experience and watching others.當個有視覺衝擊力的鼓手。這隻能通過經驗和觀摩他人來學習。
  • 18Drums take the longest so the drummer should arrive earlier than the others.佈置架子鼓是最費時費力的,所以鼓手要比其他人早來。
  • 19An accomplished pianist, guitarist and drummer, Sheena writes all of her own material.身為才華橫溢的鋼琴手、吉他手和鼓手的椎名,完全自己創作她的所有歌曲。
  • 20Save for the busy drummer and his companions in the saloon, Yellow Sky was dozing.除了沙龍里繁忙的鼓手和他的同伴,黃天鎮正在打瞌睡。
  • 21The drummer in my band plays many percussion instruments including a gong and a cow bell.我的樂隊裏的鼓手彈奏很多的打擊樂器,包括鑼和牛頸鈴。
  • 22Elias is the drummer of Los Pelados, and the only band member who was born in Stockholm.身為鼓手的伊萊亞斯是樂隊中唯一一位在斯德哥爾摩出生的成員。
  • 23When I was a professional musician I asked my drum teacher one day When will I be a drummer?“當我還是一個專業的音樂家有一天我問我鼓師”當我會是一個鼓手?
  • 24The Pariahs were a specific caste whose hereditary job it was to act as the drummer in those festivals.帕利亞階層的人世世代代都在那些節日裏擔任鼓手。
  • 25This is very important if you are looking to be in a band, a steady beat is what everyone loves in a drummer.如果你想要加入一支樂隊,這非常重要,擁有穩定節奏的鼓手是每個人都會喜歡的。
  • 26This is the commercial display for Trommler (drummer) cigarettes, in the dress of an SA (Sturmabteilung) man.這是一張“鼓手”香煙的廣告,廣告上畫的是一個穿着“SA”制服的男人。
  • 27First, the drummer in Cox's rock band quit so he could focus on teaching music in order to support his family.第一件事,科克斯搖滾樂隊的鼓手退出了,因此他可以集中精力教習音樂來養家。
  • 28The drummer is believed to be the ghost of a headless boy who reveals himself before the castle is attacked.據説這位鼓手是一個斷頭的小男孩,他曾經在城堡受到攻擊前出現在城堡裏。 [1] 