

druggist,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“藥劑師;藥商;(美)藥房老闆(兼營化妝品、文具、牙膏、漱口劑、香煙等雜貨的)”。 [1] 
詞    性


druggist /ˈdrʌɡɪst/ TEM4 ( druggists )
1.N-COUNT A druggist is the same as a . 藥劑師 [美國英語]
2.N-COUNT A druggist or a druggist's is the same as a . 藥房 [美國英語][oft 'the' N] [1] 


hospital druggist 醫院藥劑師
druggist t 藥劑師
druggist chemist 藥師
American Druggist 根據美國藥師 ; 美國藥劑師
chemist druggist 藥品商
druggist detail 藥材商
druggist balance 藥商天平
druggist formulation 醫用劑型
E druggist 藥劑師 [1] 


  • 1The druggist dispensed a prescription.藥劑師照藥方配了藥。
  • 2The druggist owns a small store.藥房老闆擁有一家小店。
  • 3The druggist put in a full stock of drugs.那位藥商進了一大批藥品。
  • 4He set himself up as a druggist in Leamington.他在利明頓是一位小有名氣的藥劑師。
  • 5The next morning Morgiana went to the druggist.第二天早上她去找藥劑師。
  • 6The druggist made no immediate move to pick them up.藥房老闆沒有立即把錢拿起。
  • 7The ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug.醜陋的藥劑師測量了難民毛毯中的巨大插頭。
  • 8The druggist suggested a preparation to relieve the ache.藥劑師建議配一種止痛劑。
  • 9"I can't sell you any for that reason," says the druggist.“我不能出於任何原因賣給你”,藥劑師説。
  • 10Druggist Asa Candler bought The Coca-Cola Company in 1891.藥劑師阿薩·坎德勒在1891年購買了可口可樂公司。
  • 11The druggist asks: "Ma'am, what do you want with arsenic?"藥劑師問道:“夫人,你想要用砷做什麼?。
  • 12The ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee 's rug.醜陋的藥劑師測量了難民毛毯中的巨大插頭。
  • 13A lady walks into the drug store and asks the druggist for some arsenic.一位女士走進了藥店,要求藥劑師對某些砷。
  • 14Immediately the husband drove downtown to accost the druggist and demand an apology.丈夫即刻就驅車進城質問藥劑師,要求得到一個解釋。
  • 15The druggist later confirmed that he had just started using the new safety caps.藥劑師後來對我説,他也剛剛開始使用這種安全瓶蓋。
  • 16In his will, Mr.Brick left more than half a million dollars in cash and stock to the local druggist.在布瑞克先生的遺囑裏,他給本地藥劑師留下了超過五十萬美元的現金和股票。
  • 17How to handle correctly the introduction of new drugs is a new problem hospital druggist are facing in the new Period.如何做好醫院新藥引進工作是醫院藥劑工作者在新時期所面臨的新課題。
  • 18The druggist plugged in an electric coffee pot, found two cups and put them on a table that had a chair on either side of it.老闆把一個電咖啡壺插上電源,找了兩個杯子,放在一張桌上,桌子的兩邊各有一把椅子。
  • 19The next day she went to the same druggist and with tears in her eyes asked for an essence which was given only to a dying person.第二天她又跑去找同一個藥劑師,淚汪汪地向他要一種只有垂死的人才用得着的香精。
  • 20He grew up in Uravan, a mining town near Nucla, and his mother was a clerk in the pharmacy, where Don liked to hang around and watch the druggist.他是在紐克拉附近的礦鎮尤拉文長大的,他母親在藥店工作,他就喜歡泡在藥店裏看藥劑師工作。
  • 21Morgiana went out early the next morning to a druggist, and asked for a sort of lozenge which was considered efficacious in the most dangerous disorders.莫吉安娜第二天一早就出門去找藥店,向他買了一種對被認為對一種非常嚴重病有效的含片。 [1] 