


drift,英語單詞,名詞、及物動詞、不及物動詞,作名詞時意為“漂流,漂移;趨勢;漂流物”,作及物動詞時意為“使…漂流;使…受風吹積”,作不及物動詞時意為“ 漂流,漂移;漂泊”。
詞    性
英[drɪft],美[drɪft] [2] 
類    別
釋    義


  1. 趨勢
  2. 大意
  3. 堆積物
  4. 傾向
  5. 漂流物
  6. 要旨
  7. 漂流
  8. 漂移
  9. 要點
  10. 吹積物
  11. 動向
  12. 放任自流
  13. 坐觀
  14. 漂亮
  15. 推進力
  16. 【地】冰磧
  17. 漂礫
  18. 流動
  19. 航差
  20. 偏航 [1] 
  1. 漂流
  2. 使漂流
  3. 漂泊
  4. 遊蕩
  5. 漸漸趨向
  6. 逐漸陷入
  7. 吹積
  8. 漂移
  9. 逐漸地睡着了
  10. 使吹積
  11. 使漂積
  12. 把…吹積
  13. 【機】衝孔
  14. 被吹積成堆
  15. 心不由主地走
  16. 吹積成堆
  17. 逐漸地睡着了覺
  18. 使吹積成堆
  19. 流浪
  20. 無意間進入
  21. 不知不覺陷入
  22. 堆積
  23. 緩緩移動
  24. 緩慢行走
  25. 無意間發生
  26. 無目的地轉變
  27. 順其自然地做
  28. 使漂浮
  29. 衝漂
  30. 漂流漂泊
  31. 覆蓋
  32. 使堆積 [1] 


英[drɪft]美[drɪft] [2] 


genetic drift [遺] 遺傳漂變 ; 遺傳漂移 ; 基因漂變 ; 基因漂移
Drift City 極速快車手 ; 漂流城
frequency drift [測] 頻漂 ; 頻率偏移
Metal Drift 金屬漂移
drift error [自] [電子] 漂移誤差 ; 偏移誤差 ; 翻譯
drift computer [計] 偏差計算機 ; 偏流計算器 ; 漂移計算機 ; 漂移計算器
drift net [水產] 流網 ; 流刺網 ; 無下綱刺網
drift space [電子] 漂移空間 ; 漂移空間英語
random drift [計] 隨機漂移 ; 隋機漂變 ; 逢機漂變 [2] 


用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. The sailors cast the boat off and allowed it to drift away on the tide.水手解下纜繩,任船隨潮流漂走。
  2. The boat drifted down the river.船順水漂流而下。
  3. What causes continents to break up and drift apart?什麼原因導致大陸分裂漂移?
  4. Some roads are closed owing to drifting.有些道路因積雪而封閉。
  5. I think I 'll drift around for a few years, then manybe try to find a job.我想我會先漂泊幾年,之後沒準找個工作!
  6. As children grow up,they drift away from their parent's views.隨着孩子不斷成長,他們便開始偏離其父母的觀點。 [1] 
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. They drift the logs down the river to the sawmills.他們使那些圓木漂下河流到鋸木廠。
  2. The winds drift dry leaves into piles.風吹枯葉積成一堆。 [1] 
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The general drift of the current was northerly.這水通常向北流。
  2. There is a drift of farmers to the cities.農民流向城市。
  3. We must stop this drift towards war.我們必須制止這種戰爭趨勢。
  4. There is a slow drift into crisis.有一種漸入危機的趨勢。
  5. And for those who do drift beyond that frontier, the same re-search may offer new hope for treat-ments and even cures.對那些已經漂泊遊蕩過那道邊界的病患,同樣的研究可能可以提出新療法,甚至療程。
  6. Two Cleopatras in our royal barge, my sister and I reclined and let our little rowboat drift out onto the lake.兩個克利奧帕特拉女子在我們的皇家駁船,我的妹妹和我斜倚着,讓我們的小舟在湖面漂泊。 [1] 


drift along (v.+adv.)
  1. 慢慢向前漂〔飄〕 move slowly forward in no particular direction drift alongThe boat drifted along, with the child asleep inside it and no one guiding its direction.小船緩緩向前漂去,船上的孩子睡着了,無人掌舵。drift sb/sth ⇔ alongThe current was drifting us along.水流將我們漂走。
  2. 遊蕩,混日子 act aimlessly in lift drift alongHe's still drifting along, without a proper job or any sense of purpose.他仍在混日子,既無正當職業,又無任何志向。 [1] 
drift apart (v.+adv.)
  1. 漂離; 飄離; 分離 become separated, as by waterThe two small boats drifted apart in the storm, and lost each other. 那兩隻小船被風浪衝散,失去了聯繫。
  2. 在思想、感情等方面疏遠 become separate in thought, feeling, etc.After twelve years of marriage, the two people began to drift apart. 結婚12年後,兩人開始彼此疏遠。They used to be friends, but now they've drifted apart. 他們原來是朋友,但已疏遠了。 [1] 
drift away (v.+adv.)
  1. 慢慢飄〔走〕,逐漸離去 be carried away slowly, as by wind or water; leave graduallyThe piece of paper fell onto the surface of the river and drifted away out of sight. 這張紙掉到了河面上,漂走看不見了。People could be seen drifting away before the end of the concert. 音樂會還沒結束,人們就逐漸離去了。
  2. 開始用不同的方式思考或感覺 begin to think and feel in a different way (from sb or sth)As children grow up, they drift away from their parents' views. 孩子們長大以後就不再按父母的觀點考慮問題了。 [1] 
drift in (v.+adv.)
  1. 漂; 飄入 be carried in, as by water or windA small boat drifted in during the night, with no one on board. 夜間漂來一條小船,船上沒人。Some leaves have drifted in, we'd better sweep them out. 一些樹葉飄了進來,我們最好把它們掃出去。The aroma of coffee drifted in from the kitchen. 咖啡的香味從廚房裏飄來。
  2. 偶爾到來,順便來訪 arrive, informallyTwo of Jane's friends drifted in last night, and are staying here. 昨夜簡的兩個朋友來了,現在還留在這裏。 [1] 
drift out (v.+adv.)
  1. 漂(出去),漂(走) be carried out, as by waterIn the storm the boat drifted out to sea. 在暴風雨中,那條船漂進了大海。
  2. 散開; 蔓延 spread; move slowly or informallyWhen the lid came off the box, loose papers drifted out. 箱子蓋掉了,紙片兒撒了出來。The crowd drifted out after the performance. 演出結束後,觀眾四散而去。 [1] 
drift towards (v.+prep.)
  1. 飄或漂向…(通常指某處) be carried by water or wind towards (usually point at someplace)With any luck, this boat will drift towards the shore. 幸運的話,這條船會漂到岸邊。
  2. 因未受阻而逐漸達到(某種狀態等) gradually reach (sth such as a state) without making any effort to prevent it
  3. Is the world drifting towards war? 世界是否正滑向戰爭?
  4. The business seems to be drifting towards failure. 這行業看來正漸趨衰落。 [1]  用作動詞 (v.)~+副詞drift aimlessly〔casually〕 漫無目的地漂流
  5. drift alternately 有變化地漂流
  6. drift delightfully 高興地漂流
  7. drift hopelessly 無希望地漂流
  8. drift lazily 懶惰地漂流
  9. drift naturally 自然地堆積
  10. drift quietly〔smoothly〕 平靜地漂流
  11. drift slowly 慢慢地漂流
  12. drift unconsciously 不自覺地漂流
  13. drift about in sea 在海中四處漂泊
  14. drift along 漫無目的地遊蕩,迷迷糊糊地過日子
  15. drift apart 分開,疏遠下去,放任自流
  16. drift out to sea 漂往大海 [1] 
  17. ~+介詞 drift before wind (船)隨風漂流 drift down river 沿河而下 drift down stream 順流而下 drift from chimney (煙)從煙囱裏飄出來 drift from one country to another 從一國流浪到另一國 drift from one subject to another 從一個主題轉到另一個主題 drift into habit 逐漸染上習慣 drift into high banks 積成高高的堆 drift into life of crime 陷入犯罪生涯 drift through life 隨波逐流,虛度年華 drift to some subject 轉向某個問題 drift towards bankruptcy 逐漸走向破產 drift towards collapse 漸趨崩潰 drift with 隨…漂流 drift with current 隨波逐流 [1] 
  18. 動詞+~ catch〔get, understand〕 drift 明白要旨
  19. 形容詞+~ cultural drift 文化傾向 the general drift 大的趨勢 the westward drift 西遷
  20. 名詞+~ cloud drift 浮雲 road drift 路上積起的沙土
  21. ~+介詞 a drift of cloud〔snow〕 浮雲〔積雪〕 the drift of … 的趨勢 a drift toward … 的傾向 [1] 