


詞    性


英[dɔːm]美[dɔːrm] [1] 


cohabitation dorm 同居寮
dorm mate 室友 ; 合租一間宿舍的人
Dorm Master 舍監
purple dorm 紫色宿舍
My dorm 我的宿舍
fan dorm 風扇房間
Your Dorm 你同宿舍 [1] 


  • 1The dorm will remain open until 5 pm.宿舍將一直開放到下午5點。
  • 2You've had bull sessions with your high school friends or in your college dorm.你們和你們的高中朋友們或在大學宿舍有過自由討論。
  • 3Some parents would rather their children rent houses outside the school instead of living a dorm.有些家長寧願自己的孩子出去租房住,也不想他們住在學校的寢室裏。
  • 4Maybe instead of studying in your dorm, you'd better go some place where there are fewer distractions.也許你最好不要在宿舍裏學習,而是去一些讓你分心的事物更少的地方。
  • 5I can get it from my dorm room, bring it back with me and submit it with those forms you need from me.我可以回宿舍拿,並把它拿回來和你需要的那些表格一起交上去。
  • 6The dorm will remain open until 5 p.m. on Friday for those students that could not get a ride or flight.對於那些無法搭到車或飛機的學生,宿舍將一直開放到週五下午5點。
  • 7If you have a phone in your dorm or apartment, a cell phone, and any other phone numbers, consolidate them into one number with Google Voice.如果你的宿舍或公寓有電話、手機或其他任何電話號碼,可以通過谷歌聲音把它們集成為一個號碼。
  • 8Some programs provide dorm housing in cities like New York and Washington, allowing students from around the country to work for the nation's biggest companies.一些項目在紐約和華盛頓等城市提供宿舍,讓來自全國各地的學生為美國最大的公司工作。
  • 9The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you'll often get to stay in a central location with security and comfort.羅馬的青年旅社提供一晚25美元左右的牀位,因此,你通常可以住在一個安全和舒適的中心地帶。
  • 10I'm afraid I left my Student ID card in the dorm.恐怕我把學生證落在宿舍了。
  • 11I'll wait for you in the dorm.我將在寢室等你。
  • 12He's in his Harvard dorm on a laptop.他在哈佛宿舍裏使用電腦。
  • 13Start a business in your 1 dorm room.第二,從宿舍開始做生意。
  • 14So we actually lived in the same dorm.我們實際上住在同一幢宿舍樓。
  • 15Family life in a dorm.宿舍裏的居家生活。
  • 16She lived in my dorm also.她也住在同一座宿舍樓。
  • 17College dorm life can be rather trying.大學宿舍生活可能相當難受。
  • 18So did all the other roommates in her dorm.她宿舍的室友也都掛上了簾子。
  • 19Everyone in the dorm runs at night. That's why I run.宿舍的人都在晚上跑步,所以我也跑步。
  • 20My friendship with roommates added spice to dorm life.我和室友們的情誼為宿舍生活增添了樂趣。
  • 21One of the worst things about dorm life is taking a shower.宿舍生活其中一件最麻煩的事就是洗澡。
  • 22My daughter is an engineer in Cornel, and that's their dorm.我的女兒是康奈爾大學的工程師,這是他們的宿舍。
  • 23But I had no food in my dorm, so I had to go to canteen.但是我在宿舍沒有東西可吃,所以我只能去餐廳了。
  • 24I rushed back to my dorm, where a growing crowd was waiting.我回到宿舍,一大羣人在等着。
  • 25When I arrived at our dorm room, I found her putting on perfume.我到了寢室,看到她正在往身上灑香水。
  • 26No dorm room will have enough outlets to keep up with the demand.沒有哪間寢室能有足夠的插座。
  • 27I spent most evenings reading that book in the dorm room that summer.那個夏天的晚上就幾乎全都被我用來在宿舍讀那本書了。 [1] 
  • 1.    dorm  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-24]