

displeasure,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“不愉快;不滿意;悲傷”。 [1] 
詞    性


displeasure /dɪsˈplɛʒə/ TEM4
1.N-UNCOUNT Someone's displeasure is a feeling of annoyance that they have about something that has happened. 不悦 [1] 


expression displeasure 皺眉
to grimace with displeasure 甩臉子
incur the displeasure of 觸犯
showing displeasure or disapproval 嚴肅的
a frown of displeasure 因不滿而皺眉
Haemorrhage Draws Displeasure 出血吸收不快
Displeasure and Anger 生氣和惱怒
expression of displeasure 蹙額
His displeasure wore off 他的不愉快心情漸漸消失了 [1] 


  • 1The crowd howled its displeasure.羣眾不滿地怒吼着。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He made his displeasure patently obvious.他清楚地表明瞭他的不悦。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The population has already begun to show its displeasure at the slow pace of change.人民已經開始對變化的緩慢速度表示不悦。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4He has been very vocal in his displeasure over the results.他直言不諱地説出了對結果的不滿。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5She made no attempt to hide her displeasure at the prospect.她沒有掩飾自己對將要發生的事很不高興。《牛津詞典》
  • 6I have never seen her say a word of displeasure or boast (誇耀) about her great success in her study.我從未見過她表達過一句不滿或誇耀她在學習上的巨大成就。
  • 7His words implied displeasure.他的話暗示出他很不高興。
  • 8A form is a sign of displeasure.一種形式是一種跡象的不悦之情。
  • 9He howled his displeasure.他咆哮着表示他的不滿。
  • 10I have displeasure with what he did.我對他做的事情實在不滿意。
  • 11She swallowed her displeasure and smiled.她抑制我自己的不快,強顏歡笑。
  • 12Thee chairman showed displeasure at his remark.主持人對他的話露出不悦之色。
  • 13India responded by expressing strong displeasure to both.印度則對雙方表達了強烈的不滿。
  • 14Used to express extreme displeasure or exasperation .用來表示極端的不快或憤怒。
  • 15The timing seemed calculated to show Beijing's displeasure.時機似乎經過精心計算,為的就是表現北京方面的不滿。
  • 16He sought a decent pretext for venting his displeasure.他一心想找個名正言順的藉口發泄不滿。
  • 17He braved his father's displeasure by marrying that girl.他不顧父親不高興,娶了那個女孩子。
  • 18Could Mingyong's retreat be another sign of Kawagebo's displeasure?明永冰川的消融,會不會是卡瓦·博格不悦的另一個徵兆?
  • 19He dared his father's displeasure when he left the family business.他不怕父親不高興,毅然丟下了自家的生意。
  • 20Tag questions indicating displeasure: Voice drops on both parts of the sentence.表示不滿的反意疑問:聲調在句子的兩部分都下降。
  • 21He soliloquized in an undertone of peevish displeasure, while relieving me of my horse.他接過我的馬時,彆彆扭扭地不高興地低聲自言自語着。
  • 22One such means is to publicly show displeasure, instead of pretending that all is well.意圖之一,是公開表示不悦,而不再假裝一切都好。
  • 23These exchanges should not be the first to go every time the two countries want to show displeasure.雙方要表達不滿時,不應將中止軍事交流視為首先採取的行動。
  • 24Jess (Parminder Na gra) is the girl who just wants to play footie, much to her family's displeasure.是一個違背家庭意願,一心只想踢足球的女孩。
  • 25He began to show displeasure in his tone and voice and his demeanor and his continued pressure for an explanation.他的語氣和聲音開始顯得不高興,他的風度和他繼續的壓迫做一個解釋。
  • 26Anger is a feeling of displeasure or hostility. It's a normal, healthy emotion, just like any other feeling you have.憤怒是不愉快或敵意的感覺。就和任何感覺一樣,憤怒是一個正常、健康的情緒。
  • 27Don't feel like children should never see their parents disagree, or that you can't express displeasure with your significant other.不要覺得孩子們永遠不應該看到父母的爭執,或父母之間不滿的情緒。 [1] 