

detain是一個英語單詞,動詞,意為“拘留;留住;耽擱 [1]  ”。
詞    性


英 [dɪˈteɪn] 美 [dɪˈteɪn] [1] 


automatic detain 自動扣留
detain provisionally [法] 暫行拘留
detain honorably 光榮地查明
detain flood 滯洪
detain characteristics 羈押屬性
detain dust 滯塵
ǘ detain 拘留
thermwis detain 熱更改點
Detain Method 留置法 [1] 


  • 1He caught her arm in a subconscious attempt to detain her.他下意識地抓住了她的胳膊,試圖留住她。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Millson stood up. "Thank you. We won't detain you any further, Mrs. Stebbing."米爾森站起來。“謝謝您。我們不再耽擱您了,斯特賓太太。”《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3It is against the law to detain you against your will for any length of time.違反你的意願拘留你無論多久都是違法的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Sovereigns have "auctoritas", whereas magistrates detain "imperium".君主擁有“權力”,而地方法官則擁有“帝國”。
  • 5What else can detain him at Norland?還有什麼事情能把他耽擱在諾蘭莊園呢?
  • 6Whereby shall we detain him?我們憑什麼要拘留他呢?
  • 7Some things , Is we cannot detain .有些東西, 是我們留不住的。
  • 8Allow me to detain you for a moment.請允許我耽擱你一小會兒時間。
  • 9The police detain a man.警方扣留了一名男子。
  • 10Allow me to detain you for a moment.請允許我耽擱你一會兒。
  • 11We'll have to detain you temporarily.我們要暫時扣留你。
  • 12Forgive me. I'll detain you no longer.原諒我,我不再耽擱你的行程了。
  • 13I won't detain you.我不會耽誤你太久時間。
  • 14You cannot detain the eagle in the forest.你沒有法子將一隻老鷹扣留在森林裏。
  • 15Find the bald guy with the sling and detain him!找到那個纏着繃帶的光頭男人並扣留他!
  • 16Suddenly, two armed agents arrive to detain him.突然,兩個持槍的特工出現並扣留了他。
  • 17Pierce notifies his agents that they are to detain Jack.皮爾斯向他手下的特工通報,他們需要扣留傑克。
  • 18Nothing could detain me or make me deviate from my morning route.沒什麼可以阻擋我或使我離開早晨的送報路線。
  • 19Must detain today, treasures today, treasures this whole life the love.要留住今天,珍惜今天,珍惜這輩子的愛。
  • 20They have the power to detain you and send you back to where you came from.他們有權利拘捕你並把你遣回原住地。
  • 21We shall be obliged to detain you here while we continue the investigation.在繼續進行調查期間我們不得不把你扣留在這兒。
  • 22We were forced to use special powers to detain him when it became clear that he was out of control.譯文我們被迫使用特殊權力扣留他,因為那時很明顯他已經失控。
  • 23This has long been misused by police to detain suspects without charge, even children, for as long as two years.在過去兩年裏,這一法案為警察所濫用,這一法案使得警察可以在沒有指控的情況下將嫌疑犯拘留,有時甚至拘留兒童。
  • 24But he is now being investigated on separate charges and he has been ordered to detain during the investigation.而他現在正在接受單獨的罪名調查而且已被下令在調查期間被拘留。
  • 25One NGO reported that investigators could detain an individual for the purpose of investigation up to two months.一個NGO報告説調查者可以出於調查的目的將個人拘禁長達兩個月。
  • 26It is unlawful and invalid for Japan to detain and investigate the boat captain and to take any legal measures against him.日本船長的扣押和調查以及採取的任何法律措施都是非法的、無效的。