

datum [1]  是一個英語單詞,名詞,作名詞時意為“數據,資料;基準點”。
詞    性
語 言


英[ˈdeɪtəm ; ˈdɑːtəm]美[ˈdetəm ; ˈdætəm ; (also) ˈdɑtəm] [1] 


root datum 根資料
sounding datum 深度基準 ; 測深基準面 ; 海圖基準面 ; 海圖基準面海圖基準面
Datum tooth 基準齒
datum plane 基準面
Datum Shift 基準偏移 ; 大地基準變換
datum diameter [機] 基準直徑
Datum Simulator 基準模擬
characteristic datum 特盞 [1] 


  • 1Each datum has a unique key.每個數據都有一個獨特的鍵。
  • 2Let's call a Flitter datum a flit.讓我們將一段Flitter數據稱為一個flit。
  • 3Would you send a datum for me?請幫我傳一份資料好嗎?
  • 4The datum has nothing to do with basic cognitive processes.所以這份陳述資料和基本的認知過程無關。
  • 5Why is Groupon not merely a tech-bubble datum but a Ponzi scheme?為什麼Groupon不僅僅是一個高科技泡沫而是龐氏騙局呢?
  • 6syntax-object->datum is the reverse process of the datum->syntax-object.syntax-object->datum 執行與 datum->syntax-object 相反的過程。
  • 7At any moment he wishes, one can refer directly to an inwardly felt datum.任何時刻,個人都希望,人們可以直接提及他的內心感到的數據。
  • 8Using words like 'datum' and 'subfocal' can make even the most mundane words sound erudite.datum '和' subfocal '的使用甚至可以最平淡的詞語變得富有學問。
  • 9By analyzing the datum, it is necessary for us to set fund for motor vehicle insurance.本文通過對數據的分析,説明我國建立機動車輛保險賠償基金十分必要。
  • 10You then display an output tag that displays the contents of the current XML contents of datum.然後您將顯示一個out put標記,用於顯示當前XML數據內容的內容。
  • 11The string will be DATUM, and you will see how to use it in the section on embedded modifications.這個字符串是DATUM,在關於嵌入式修改一節中您將瞭解到如何使用它。
  • 12By analyzing the datum, it is necessary for us to set up the fund for motor vehicle insurance.本文通過對數據的分析,説明建立我國機動車輛保險賠償基金十分必要。
  • 13The connection can be made by using the running surface of the paved cart as the horizontal datum.連接時可以利用已鋪好的大車運行軌道面作為水平基準。
  • 14The fourth column shows the index type (as defined in the schema in Listing 5) used to represent the datum.第四列將顯示用於表示數據的索引類型(按照清單5的模式中的定義)。
  • 15I have not experimented with words having irregular plurals; words like datum and data might trip up Rails.我沒有使用不規則複數單詞的經驗;datum 和 data 等單詞可能會令 Rails 出現問題。
  • 16Some datum, for example safety factor and allowable stress are put forward based on production practice.提出的設計數據如安全係數、許用應力均根據生產實踐的應用所確定。
  • 17My advice is to think carefully at the design stage about whether a singular datum might have siblings later on.我的建議是,在設計階段,就單個數據是否在以後需要多個兄弟數據,要仔細考慮。
  • 18Through net flow analysis, use pattern can be gotten, there are lots of redundant information in net flow datum.通過對網絡流量的分析,能夠反映出網絡的使用模式,但網絡流量數據中包含大量的冗餘信息。
  • 19Documents are one datum typically shoe-horned into rows and columns; irregular data is a mismatch for RDBMSs, as well.文檔是一種通常按行和列填充的數據,不規則的數據也不適合於 RDBMS。
  • 20The ealuation of datum mark stability is one of most important parts in data processing of deformationmonitoring.基準點的穩定性評價,是變形觀測數據處理時不可忽視的重要內容。
  • 21The orientation of the floor plan responds directly to the original pier axis and is an overall site control datum.平面圖的方向直接回應原始的窗間壁的軸線,是整個基地控制的基線。
  • 22Given a regex and a datum, a regex engine yields whether the datum matches a pattern and, if a match was found, what matched.給定一個正則表達式和數據,正則表達式引擎將得到數據是否匹配模式及匹配內容(如果找到匹配)等結果。
  • 23They accepted their categories as they were, without further trouble, as an apriori datum, not yet tested by reflection.因為舊形而上學漫不經心地未經思考就接受了其範疇,把它們當作先在的或先天的前提。
  • 24Here is how it happens: First, you find that each Flazbar has a flizbam attached to it (and a flizbam is described by a datum).這裏,看一下它是如何發生的:首先,發現有一個flizbam附加在每個Flazbar後面(並且由數據來描述flizbam)。
  • 25Conversion from one datum to another requires specialized algorithms and trained users, and is not supported by the Spatial Extender.從一種大地基準點轉換到另一種需要專門的算法,而且要求用户受過訓練,Spatial Extender不支持這種轉換。
  • 26The feeling process we term "experiencing" also occurs in an individual's awareness without direct reference to it as a felt datum.我們稱之為“體驗過程”的感覺過程,也發生在一個人沒有直接指涉作為一種感知數據的意識中。
  • 1.    datum  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-08-16]