

crumble,英語單詞,主要用作不及物動詞、及物動詞、名詞,作不及物動詞時譯為“崩潰;破碎,粉碎”,作及物動詞時譯為“崩潰;弄碎,粉碎”,作名詞時譯為“麪包屑”。 [1] 
詞    性


crumble /ˈkrʌmbəl/ CET6 TEM4 ( crumbling, crumbled, crumbles )
1.V-T/V-I If something crumbles, or if you crumble it, it breaks into a lot of small pieces. 碎裂; 弄碎
2.V-I If an old building or piece of land is crumbling, parts of it keep breaking off. 崩塌
3.PHRASAL VERBCrumble away means the same as . 崩塌
4.V-I If something such as a system, relationship, or hope crumbles, it comes to an end. (制度、關係或希望) 崩潰
5.PHRASAL VERBCrumble away means the same as . (制度、關係或希望) 崩潰 [1] 


to crumble 坍塌 ; 崩潰 ; 崩壞
Crumble Clown 崩潰的小丑
Crumble Horn 瓦解之號角
grinding crumble 壓研粉碎
impact crumble 衝擊粉碎
T Crumble 硬搖滾
Classic Crumble 糖果金寶 [1] 


  • 1Nix the anonymous letter; anyone would crumble under the weight of that humiliation.千萬不要寫匿名信;任何人都不會承受住這樣的侮辱而崩潰的。
  • 2If you are living for others before yourself and pushing your own needs aside, eventually you will crumble in some way.如果你先為別人而活,把自己的需求放在一邊,那麼你一定會崩潰的。
  • 3They appear to be okay, and they look good, and they're easy and cheaper for now, but when the storms move in, they crumble.它們表面看起來還可以,而且現在看來十分方便和便宜,但是當暴風雨來臨時,他們就崩潰了。
  • 4All his hopes began to crumble away.他所有的希望開始化為泡影。《牛津詞典》
  • 5Rice flour makes the cake less likely to crumble.這種糕餅用米粉做不那麼容易碎。《牛津詞典》
  • 6The Aristotelian view held for a long time, but eventually, it started to crumble in the light of more data.亞里士多德的觀點持續了很長一段時間,但最終隨着更多數據的出現,它開始瓦解。
  • 7Julian Sanderson was in his apartment on the first floor of an old brick movie theater when the walls and ceiling began to crumble around him.四周的牆壁和天花板開始崩塌,而此時,朱利安·瑟德森正在他的公寓內,一座舊磚牆電影院一樓。
  • 8The minute you have the cookie it starts to crumble or you start to worry about it crumbling or about someone trying to take it away from you.從你拿到小甜餅的那一刻起,它就開始碎裂,或者你開始擔心它會碎裂,或者有人試圖把它從你身邊奪走。
  • 9Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers.Bottlemaster 的塑料瓶塞不會泄漏、碎裂或發黴,長期以來一直為葡萄酒製造商提供價格略高於傳統價的軟木塞。
  • 10Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or become moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine.許多釀酒師使用軟木塞;但軟木塞可能會漏水、碎裂或發黴,因此這些釀酒師常常必須丟棄大量的庫存瓶裝葡萄酒。
  • 11Even if the seas go dry and rocks crumble, my will will remain firm.縱然海枯石爛,意志永不動搖。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 12But countries tend to crumble slowly.但是國家容易慢慢崩潰。
  • 13Or your teeth crumble into powder.或者夢到牙齒碎成粉狀。
  • 14Crumble beef over mixture and mix well.加入牛肉餡,並混合均勻。
  • 15The old houses crumble and new ones rise.舊屋倒下,新屋上升。
  • 16ARE the bones of America about to crumble?難道美國的骨頭就要粉碎了?
  • 17The traditional order began to crumble soon after.傳統秩序很快就開始崩潰。
  • 18After Tripoli most other fronts appeared to crumble.在的黎波里大部分其他的前線都崩潰之後。
  • 19Crumble it and pour oil on it; it is a grain offering.分成塊子,澆上油,這是素祭。
  • 20We saw the innocence of a nation crumble to the ground.看着一個無辜的國度被徹底打翻在地。
  • 21When the walls of the house started to crumble, she got out.屋牆開始倒塌時,她逃了出來。
  • 22On both occasions, Mr Jobs recovered and Apple didn't crumble.這兩次,喬布斯先生都挺了過來,蘋果也沒垮掉。
  • 23But as the Soviet Union began to crumble, greater opportunities loomed.但是,隨着蘇聯開始崩潰,更大的機會隱現。
  • 24If sharks go, the ocean food chain could crumble, experts have warned.專家警告説如果鯊魚滅絕的話,海洋食物鏈將遭到破壞。
  • 25The earth warms-you can smell it, feel it, crumble April in your hands.大地也暖和起來了——你可以聞到四月的氣息,感覺到它那股馨香,把它捧在手中賞玩。
  • 26Thanks to these companies the old restrictions have started to crumble.得益於這些互聯網為基地的公司,禁賭陳規開始分崩離析。
  • 27Build too weighty a project on those fragile foundations and it will crumble.這個計劃對於歐盟議會脆弱的基礎過於沉重,最終會使其不堪重負而崩潰。
  • 28The earth warms – you can smell it, feel it, crumble April in your hands.大地也暖和起來了——你可以聞到四月的氣息,感覺到它那股馨香,把它捧在手中賞玩。
  • 29Perhaps you have great intentions, but they crumble in the face of reality.你也許有長遠的打算,但是當你面對現實時,它們破滅了。 [1] 