

craze [1]  是一個英語單詞,讀音是英 [kreɪz]美[krez],可以用作名詞,可以翻譯狂熱等等。例句: N-COUNT If there is a craze for something, it is very popular for a short time.
用 途
語 言



  • 1Bands from London introduced the craze for this kind of music.倫敦的樂隊引發了對這種音樂的狂熱。《牛津詞典》
  • 2We called that craze "tulip mania".我們稱這種狂熱為“鬱金香狂熱”。
  • 3For at least the last decade, the happiness craze has been building.至少在過去的十年裏,人們對幸福的狂熱一直在升温。
  • 4More pertinent right now is whether or not the craze has reached a tipping point.現在更重要的是,這股狂熱是否已經達到臨界點。
  • 5As an organization of volunteers, AMSAT was putting "amateur" satellites in orbit decades before the current CubeSat craze.作為一個志願者組織,國際業餘衞星組織在當前立方體衞星熱潮之前的幾十年前就在將“業餘”衞星送入軌道。
  • 6As an organization of volunteers, AMSAT was putting "amateur" satellites in orbit decades before the current Cube Sat craze.作為一個志願者組織,業餘衞星組織將“業餘”衞星送入軌道的時間比現在的立方體衞星熱潮早了幾十年。
  • 7She always latches on to the latest craze.她總是對最新時尚有濃厚的興趣。《牛津詞典》
  • 8What happened then was a craze for these specialized tulips.緊接着一場圍繞“特色”鬱金香的產業狂潮便展開了。
  • 9The metal lunch box craze lasted until the mid-1980s,when plastic took over.在20世紀80年代中期前,金屬午餐盒可謂是大熱,後來塑料午餐盒開始風靡。
  • 10He has got a new craze, and it always takes him that way, in its first stage.他又迷上了一種新時尚,而且一開始的時候總是把自己折騰成那樣。
  • 11Dr Liggins (known as "Mont" after his childhood craze for Monty the Mouse) was determined to understand why such births occurred, and to prevent them.利兢絲醫生(人們稱他為“蒙特”,因為他小時候特別迷《蒙蒂老鼠奇遇記》)立志於揭開為什麼早產會發生的原因,以及預防方法。
  • 12The bicycle craze has waned.自行車熱已冷下去了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 13The craze is sweeping over Japan.這種狂熱正席捲日本。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 14But the craze had its detractors.但狂熱追捧的背後不乏反對者。
  • 15THERE's a craze for land everywhere!到處都颳着一股追求土地的狂熱風潮!
  • 16This week the craze spread to the real world.本週,這一熱潮蔓延到了現實世界。
  • 17The teddy bear craze even inspired music.泰迪熊風潮甚至啓發了音樂。
  • 18After Expo passports, comes the pin craze.繼世博護照熱之後,又掀起徽章熱。
  • 19I thank living during love, it brought me craze.愛情之中我感謝生活,它給我狂熱。
  • 20By 2004, the golf craze was getting embarrassing.到2004年,高爾夫熱陷入尷尬的處境。
  • 21I've been on a bit of a diet craze the last 4 months.前4個月我對節食都很着迷。
  • 22Clearly, we have a fashion craze on our hands, or, um, feet.很明顯,我們現在有着一種時尚狂熱在手,或者説,嗯,在腳上。
  • 23They did so voluntarily, even before the subprime craze.他們做這些完全是出於自願,甚至在次貸的瘋狂時期。
  • 24Remember that number puzzle craze a couple of years back?還記得風靡一時的數字拼圖遊戲嗎?
  • 25Warheads are introduced in the U.S., sparking the extreme candy craze.彈頭【6】引入美國,引爆了糖果狂熱。
  • 26Notably, a speculative craze has gripped the market for caterpillar fungus.更值得注意的是,投機熱潮已經緊緊覆蓋了冬蟲夏草市場。
  • 27Oh wait, did we mention that the bulk of this craze comes from THAILAND?稍等,我們是不是還沒提到這一坨潮人是來自泰國的?
  • 28The CPDO craze is just one sign of investors' appetite for corporate debt.CPDO熱僅僅是投資者對公司債券的偏愛的一個標誌。
  • 29The Angry Birds craze continues to captivate smartphone users across the globe.憤怒的小鳥持續着令全球智能手機用户着迷的熱潮。
  • 30In near future, the craze for Chinese language worldwide will keep surging.在不久的將來,國際上漢語熱潮將持續湧動。 [1] 
  • 1.    craze  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-08-12]