


cracker,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“薄脆餅乾;彩色爆竹”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈkrækə(r)] 美 [ˈkrækər]
n. 薄脆餅乾;彩色爆竹;<英,非正式>好東西,有趣的事物;黑客;精神崩潰的人,斷裂(或裂開)的東西;<英,非正式>迷人的女子;<美,非正式>車把式
[ 複數 crackers ] [1] 


catalytic cracker n. 催化裂化器
prawn cracker 龍蝦片;蝦片
nut cracker 堅果破殼器,堅果脱殼機;胡桃鉗 [1] 


  • He put cheese on a cracker. 他在一塊餅乾上放了奶酪。
  • I also sometimes just enjoy eating hummus on toast or a cracker. 有時候,我也喜歡吃帶有鷹嘴豆泥的烤麪包或餅乾。
  • It was a cracker of a goal. 這球進得真精彩。
  • Who wants to pull this cracker with me? 誰跟我拉響這個彩炮?
  • I've got a joke for you. It's a real cracker! 我給你講個笑話,好笑死了!
  • He let her feast on the cracker with strawberry jam. 他給餅乾配上草莓果醬,讓她美食一餐。
  • Spread a cracker with butter. 在餅乾上塗一層黃油。
  • You shave with a cracker? 你用餅乾刮鬍子麼?
  • ANN: (chewing a cracker) For the orphans? 安妮:(吃着一塊餅乾)為孤兒的那次?
  • Try a graham cracker or bowl of cereal. 試試看全麥餅乾或者一碗麥片。
  • Paperboard (soda box, cracker box, cereal box). 紙板(飲料盒,餅乾盒,麥片盒都可以)。
  • A cracker sprinkled with salt before baking. 烘焙前撒上一層鹽的薄脆餅乾。
  • 1 whole wheat cracker with 1 teaspoon natural peanut butter. 1盎司全麥餅乾和一湯匙的天然花生醬。
  • And is that a box of Cracker Jacks sitting on the side table? 那是一盒玉米花生糖放在桌邊嗎?
  • Thinking like a cracker is the next step in defending your code. 以一個攻擊者的角度進行思考是防護代碼的下一個步驟。
  • I spread mustard on a cracker, and pretended not to have heard anything. 我把芥末醬塗在餅乾上,假裝沒聽到。
  • Ophcrack, a Windows Password cracker, USES the Rainbow Tables technique. 一個Windows密碼破解工具,正是利用了Rainbow表技巧。
  • Stir in the peanut butter, graham cracker crumbs, and maple sugar and mix well. 攪動花生黃油、全麥麪包和楓糖,將其充分混合。
  • The liver is served in a soup, and the spine is deep-fried and eaten like a cracker. 肝臟入湯,油炸透的脊骨可以當餅乾吃。
  • Cashiers have been told to check the age of any cracker shopper who looks under 16. 收銀員已經被告知核對任何看似低於16歲以下年齡的顧客。
  • That reminds me - what the hell is the deal with the prizes in Cracker Jacks these days? 它到提醒了我——到底是誰這些天裏在用玉米花生糖應付獎品?
  • One of fiction's most famous stimulant users is the great caper cracker Sherlock Holmes. 虛構人物中最著名的興奮劑使用者之一是偉大的犯罪偵破專家歇洛克·福爾摩斯。
  • There are many ways you can inadvertently expose yourself to a cracker inside an intranet. 有許多種方式會使您不經意地將自己暴露給 intranet內部的駭客。
  • Most Linux distributions install with a password cracker module activated for password changes. 大多數的Linux發行版本安裝時都會啓用passwordcracker模塊,用於修改密碼。
  • Both RFC 1392 and the Jargon Wiki provide definitions of "cracker" that support this use of the term. RFC 1392和行話維基提供的關於“cracker”的定義都支持了“這個詞的這種用法。”
  • Makers roll giant spiked rolling pins over sheets of cracker dough to pop air bubbles prior to baking. 餅乾製作者用帶釘子的巨大擀麪杖在做蘇打餅乾用的乾麪薄片上滾動,這樣其中的氣泡在烘前便爆裂了。
  • 1 tablespoon of smooth peanut butter (if no risk of food allergies) spread thinly on bread or a cracker. 均勻塗在麪包或者餅乾上的1湯匙花生醬(如果沒有食物過敏)。 [1] 