

cooling,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時譯為“涼快的,涼爽的;冷卻的”,作名詞時譯為“(Cooling) (英、美)庫林(人名)”。 [1] 
詞    性
釋    義
涼快的,涼爽的;冷卻的|(Cooling) (英、美)庫林(人名)


cool /kuːl/ CET4 TEM4 ( cooling, cooled, cooler, cools, coolest )
1.ADJ Something that is cool has a temperature which is low but not very low. 涼的
2.ADJ If it is cool, or if a place is cool, the temperature of the air is low but not very low. 涼爽的
3.N-SINGCool is also a noun. 涼爽
4.ADJ Clothing that is cool is made of thin material so that you do not become too hot in hot weather. (衣服) 涼快的
5.ADJCool colours are light colours which give an impression of coolness. 冷色的 [ADJ n]
6.ADJ If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are calm and unemotional, especially in a difficult situation. 冷靜的 [表讚許]
7. coolly ADV 冷靜地
8.ADJ If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are unfriendly or not enthusiastic. 冷漠的
9. coolly ADV 冷漠地
10.ADJ If you say that a person or thing is cool, you mean that they are fashionable and attractive. 酷的 [非正式]
11.V-T/V-I When something cools or when you cool it, it becomes lower in temperature. 使變涼; 變涼
12.PHRASAL VERB To cool down means the same as to . 降温
13.V-T/V-I When a feeling or emotion cools, or when you cool it, it becomes less powerful. (情緒等) 冷靜下來
14.ADJ If you say that someone is cool about something, you mean that they accept it and are not angry or upset about it. 冷靜的 [非正式][v-link ADJ]
15.ADJ If you say that something or someone is cool, you think they are excellent in some way. 很棒的 [非正式] [1] 


cooling tower[化工] 冷卻塔 ; 冷卻水塔 ; 涼水塔 ; 上海冷卻塔
oil cooling[機] 油冷 ; 油冷卻 ; 潤滑油冷卻 ; 油冷法
Free Cooling 自然冷卻 ; 免費供冷 ; 免費製冷 ; 免費冷卻
adiabatic cooling[熱] 絕熱冷卻 ; 絕對冷卻 ; 絕熱降温 ; 隔熱冷卻
cooling effect[熱] 冷卻效應 ; 冷卻效果 ; 降温效果 ; 冷卻作用
cooling medium 冷卻劑 ; 淬火劑 ; 製冷介質
cooling spiral 螺旋冷卻栓 ; 螺旋熱卻栓 ; 螺旋
spot cooling 現場冷卻 ; 定點空調 ; 局部減温 ; 局部冷卻
cooling channel 冷卻通 ; 冷卻通風 ; [製冷] 冷卻通道 ; 卻水管 [1] 


  • 1There should be a seven-day cooling-off period between a strike ballot and industrial action.罷工投票表決和採取罷工行動之間應有七天的冷卻期。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Scientists warned that emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur.科學家們警告説緊急冷卻系統可能失靈,核反應堆的堆芯熔燬可能會發生。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3It didn't come as a shock to learn that the fuel and cooling systems are the most common causes of breakdown.不足為怪的是,燃料和冷卻系統是故障的最常見原因。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4So that's how they contribute to cooling?這就是它們冷卻的方式嗎?
  • 5He took the school cooling pool for swimming pool.他將學校的冷卻池當成了游泳池。
  • 6Cakes and joints of meat remained uncooked in cooling ovens.蛋糕和肉塊在冷卻爐中,還未烹飪。
  • 7Cakes and joints of meat remained uncooked in cooling ovens.蛋糕和肉塊在冷卻爐中,還未烹飪。
  • 8The computer cooling system is like a miniature version of a car radiator.電腦冷卻系統就像一個汽車散熱器的微型版本。
  • 9You know, global cooling followed by global warming, and there was no extinction then.全球變冷之後才是全球變暖,那時還沒有物種滅絕。
  • 10When all of the data were entered, an overall cooling trend was predicted by the model.輸入所有數據後,模型預測出整體降温趨勢。
  • 11The water-cooling scheme will reduce the system's carbon footprint by up to 85 percent.水冷卻方案將減少系統的碳足跡高達85%。
  • 12Standing still and cooling his brow, he saw a boy running down the hill at topmost speed.他站着一動不動,冷卻着發熱的額頭,看見一個男孩以最快的速度從山上跑下來。
  • 13It is known that the Little Ice Age cooling began in Greenland and the Arctic in about 1200.據瞭解,小冰河期的降温始於約1200年的格陵蘭島和北極。
  • 14These homes were all built to take advantage of simple, natural cooling methods–no air conditioner required.這些住宅都利用簡單、自然的冷卻方法而建——無需空調。
  • 15Earth's climate system is constantly trying to strike a balance between the cooling and warming effects of clouds.地球的氣候系統不斷試圖在雲層的降温和變暖效應之間取得平衡。
  • 16Like paraelectric materials, this generates electricity from a heat source and produces cooling from an electrical source.像輔助電材料一樣,它從熱源處發電,從電源處製冷。
  • 17Without those masses of cooling sea ice, warm air brought to the Arctic can penetrate further inland than it ever did before.如果沒有這些大量冷卻的海冰,被帶到北極的暖空氣可以比以前更深入滲透到內陸。
  • 18This longer life means that in terms of cooling per gram, sulphur in the stratosphere outdoes the lower-down stuff by about 25 to 1.更長的生存期就意味着就每克的冷卻量而言,平流層中的硫比底層的硫多約25倍。
  • 19Furthermore, the birds orient themselves carefully with regard to the Sun and gently flap their wings to increase convection cooling.此外,這些鳥會根據太陽的位置謹慎調整自己的方向,並輕輕拍打翅膀以增加對流的降温效果。
  • 20An increasingly attractive theory holds that decreases in atmospheric carbon dioxide start the cooling trend that leads to glaciation.一個越來越有吸引力的理論認為,大氣中二氧化碳的減少引發降温趨勢,這趨勢導致冰川作用。
  • 21At the same time, nearly half of U.S. carbon emissions come from heating, cooling and powering our homes, offices and other buildings.與此同時,美國人近一半的碳排放來自供暖、製冷以及為家庭、辦公室和其他建築供電。
  • 22But at the same time, nearly half of U.S. carbon emissions come from heating, cooling and powering our homes, offices and other buildings.但與此同時,美國人近一半的碳排放來自供暖、製冷以及為家庭、辦公室和其他建築供電。
  • 23The technician attempts to produce better cooling in personal computers by stirring up the liquid with tiny jets to make sure maximum heat exchange.這位技術人員試圖用微型噴嘴攪拌液體,以確保最大的熱量交換,從而為個人電腦提供更好的冷卻效果。
  • 24There are several hypotheses, including warming or cooling of Earth, changes in seasonal fluctuations or ocean currents, and changing positions of the continents.有幾種假説,包括地球變暖或變冷,季節波動或洋流的變化,以及大陸位置的變化。
  • 25During cooling most migrants would be expected to travel toward Africa, which is near the equator, since this is the direction dictated by habitat changes on a cooling Earth.在氣候變冷期間,大多數遷徙者預計將前往靠近赤道的非洲,因為在氣候變冷的地球上,這是棲息地變化所決定的方向。
  • 26This idea was modified in the late twentieth century, when geologists and oceanographers examining oceanic sediment found fossil evidence of warming and cooling of the oceans.在20世紀後期,地質學家和海洋學家在研究海洋沉積物時發現了能夠證明海洋變暖和變冷的化石,並修正了這一觀點。
  • 27Although change in carbon dioxide content closely follows change in temperature during periods of deglaciation, it apparently lags behind temperature during periods of cooling.雖然在冰川消退期間二氧化碳含量的變化與温度的變化密切相關,但它顯然滯後於冷卻期間的温度。
  • 28The net result is a continuous flow of gas, starting as hot gases in intergalactic space and ending as a drizzle of cool gas called a "cooling flow," falling into the central galaxy.最終的結果是一股持續的氣體流,開始是星系間的熱氣體,結束時是一股被稱為“冷卻流”的少量冷氣體,落入星系中央。
  • 29The correlation of carbon dioxide with temperature, of course, does not establish whether changes in atmospheric composition caused the warming and cooling trends or were caused by them.當然,二氧化碳與温度的相關性並不能確定是大氣成分的變化導致了氣候變暖或變冷的趨勢,還是它們本身造成的。
  • 30The soothing, cooling effect is caused by the evaporation of the sweat on the skin.涼爽怡人的效果是由皮膚上汗液揮發所致。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》 [1] 