

詞    性


英 [ˈkɒnsl] 美 [ˈkɑːnsl] [1] 


Consul Genering 總領事
Pyroclast Consul 烈火領事
student consul 見習領事 [1] 


  • 1He'll hold the post of consul general for the United States in Shanghai.他將就任美國駐上海總領事。
  • 2He'll hold the post of consul general for the United States at Shanghai.他將就任美國駐上海總領事的職務。
  • 3Ms. Silvy Gayatri is Consul General of Indonesia in Guangzhou.西爾維·加亞特里女士是印度尼西亞駐廣州總領事。
  • 4Consul General Camp's Remarks at Anniversary reception.美國駐上海總領事康碧翠女士在重新開館三十週年招待會上的講話。
  • 5Yasuhisa Kawamura is Japan's deputy consul general in New York.川村泰久是日本駐紐約副總領事。
  • 6The reception was presided over by Deputy Consul General Yu Boren.顏建羣副總領事主持了招待會。
  • 7Consul Li Feng and Vice Consul Yao Yinghua were present at the ceremony.李峯領事和姚英華副領事陪同出席了以上活動。
  • 8I am Wendy Lyle, the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan and the moderator of tonight's reception.我是白小琳,美國駐武漢總領事,也是今天晚上美國國慶招待會的主持人。
  • 9Counselor Yao Wenliang and Consul Li Zhuang from the Chinese Consulate General were present.使館參贊堯文良和領事李壯等在座。
  • 10Consul General Gao and Governor Perdue also exchanged views on issues of common concern.高總與珀杜州長還就其他共同關心的問題交換了看法。
  • 11Mr Uribe named Mr Noguera consul in Milan to remove him from the fray of the allegations.烏里韋任命諾格拉為駐米蘭的領事,讓其從指控的漩渦中脱身。
  • 12Consul General Gao also exchanged views with Governor Perry on issues of common interest.高總與佩裏州長還就共同感興趣的其他問題交換了看法。
  • 13On August 30, Consul General Gao Yanping met with President of Emory University James Wagner.2010年8月30日,駐休斯敦總領事高燕平會見美國艾默裏大學詹姆斯·瓦格納校長。
  • 14Consul General Gao and President Wagner also exchanged views on other issues of mutual concern.高總還與瓦格納校長就雙方共同關心的其他問題交換了看法。
  • 15Consul General Gao and Secretary of State Andrade also exchanges views on other issues of common interest.高總與安德雷德州務卿還就其他共同關心的問題交換了看法。
  • 16For a late drink try Oxygen in Qeimariyeh, which gained notoriety by throwing out the U.S. consul a few years ago.如果想要喝一杯,可以試一下Qeimariyeh街區的Oxygen,這家酒吧因為幾年前把一個美國領事攆了出去而聲名鵲起。
  • 17The Consul General li Shugang and Hon. Premier Colin Barnett respectively delivered a speech at the reception.招待會上,李樹鋼總領事、巴奈特州長先後發表了講話。
  • 18On April 14, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Texas Secretary of State Hope Andrade in Austin, capital of Texas.2009年12月15日,高燕平總領事在得州首府奧斯汀會見得克薩斯州州長裏克·佩裏。
  • 19Anyway, on the night ofFebruary ninth, the first call I got concerned Fernando Conseca, the Chileanvice-consul.還行,在二月九日的晚上,我收到的第一個電話涉及到費南肚.侃腮喀,一個智利的副參贊。
  • 20I learned everything I know from the consul general's wife: how to fill glasses, lay out the cutlery, make the beds.我從總領事夫人那裏學習每件事情:例如如何搽眼鏡、擺餐具、鋪牀。
  • 21Consul General Gao also exchanges views on other issues of common interest with Governor Perry and Secretary Andrade.高總領事與佩裏州長和安德雷德州務卿還就其他雙方共同關心的問題交換了看法。
  • 22Consul General Gao and Governor Scott, Lt. Governor Carroll also exchanged views on issues of their common interest.高總與斯科特州長、卡洛爾副州長還就其他雙方共同關心的問題交換了看法。
  • 23To Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Consul General Bea Camp, and all the men and women of the U.S. Mission in China, we thank you.駐華大使洪博培和總領事康碧翠以及美國駐中國使團的全體男女工作人員,我們感謝你們。
  • 24On February 22, Consul General Gao Yanping met with and hosted a dinner for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee and her husband.2011年2月22日,駐休斯敦總領事高燕平在中國駐休斯敦總領事官邸會見並宴請美國聯邦眾議員希拉·傑克遜—李夫婦。
  • 25Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of... goods produced in...駐貴地的中國領事向我們介紹,你公司是…生產…(商品)的大出口商。
  • 26Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of …… goods produced in ……駐貴地的中國領事向我們介紹,你公司是…生產…(商品)的大出口商。
  • 27Consul General Brian Goldbeck has told me about the robust, cooperative partnership the Consulate enjoys with AmCham South China.高來恩總領事告訴我領事館與華南美國商會之間有着十分活躍的合作伙伴關係。 [1] 