

conscientiously,英語單詞,主要用作副詞,作副詞時譯為“良心上”。 [1] 
詞    性


柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 [1] 


Conscientiously study 認真學習吧
sing conscientiously 誠心誠意地歌頌
sew conscientiously 認真地縫製
rally conscientiously 誠心誠意地集合起來
believe conscientiously 誠心誠意地信仰
try conscientiously 誠心誠意地嘗試
conscientiously implement 狠抓落實 ; 認真貫徹
Conscientiously Implemented 認真貫徹落實
write conscientiously 誠心誠意地寫 [1] 


  • 1I carried out my duties conscientiously.我認真執行了我的各項職責。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2She performed all her duties conscientiously.她認真負責地履行自己的所有職責。《牛津詞典》
  • 3He studied conscientiously and enthusiastically.他認真積極地學習。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Officers and men perform their assigned duties conscientiously.將士用命。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5They conscientiously observed this law.他們認真遵守這項法律。
  • 6You must carry out the policy conscientiously.你應該認真執行政策。
  • 7They conscientiously landed up the young plants.他們認真地給幼苗培上了土。
  • 8I will continue to conscientiously study Korean.我將繼續認真學習韓語。
  • 9Which deserves us learning and thinking conscientiously.這都是值得我們去認真學習和思考的。
  • 10Jenny teaches English more conscientiously than her sister.珍妮教英語比她姐姐教得認真。
  • 11Live in the present, conscientiously. Now, now is successful.活在現在,認真做好現在,現在就成功。
  • 12But has chosen this topic, going to understand conscientiously.不過選擇了這個題目,就要認真的去了解。
  • 13If you like an idol, you must conscientiously crying over his name.如果你喜歡了一位偶像,請你一定認真地喊一遍他的名字。
  • 14To have a good pronunciation you have to study phonetics conscientiously.要發音好就必須自覺地學習語音。
  • 15Slowly and conscientiously he ate all of the wedge shaped strips of fish.他認真地慢慢兒把那些楔形的魚肉條全都吃了。
  • 16One, we need to conscientiously follow the general plan and annual plan for land use.一要認真執行土地利用總體規劃和年度計劃。
  • 17We always follow the conscientiously, high-efficient, high quality style of work.我們一向奉行認真、效、質的工作作風。
  • 18I study very conscientiously, moreover, my favorite subject is English and music.我學習十分認真,而且,我最喜歡的科目是英語和音樂。
  • 19Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection.認真負責,有計劃、有秩序地專心致志地工作;追求完美。
  • 20To conscientiously strengthen the internal management of units operating cemeteries.要切實加強公墓單位的內部管理。
  • 21We need to conscientiously study and do in life, study hard, make progress every day!我們需認認真真學習、踏踏實實做人,好好學習,天天向上!
  • 22We listen to the customer's opinion and demand, and the effective feedback in time conscientiously.我們認真聽取客户的意見和需求,並且及時有效的反饋。
  • 23I had an auto loan that I paid off religiously, and later a mortgage that I also paid very conscientiously.我有一筆汽車貸款,我付得很謹慎;後來有一個抵押貸款,同樣付得很認真。
  • 24Your job is to conscientiously observe your opponents so you can spot these behaviors when they occur.你的任務就是認真地觀察你的對手以便這些行為發生時你能辨認出來。
  • 25One of the best ways to correct such inadequacies is to conscientiously pick up good habits that counteract them.糾正此類缺點的最佳方法之一,就是有意識地採用抵制這些壞習慣的好習慣。
  • 26When sued, journalists usually have to prove that what they wrote was right, fair or at least conscientiously reported.一旦記者被告上法庭,他們通常必須要證明,他們所報道的是正確的、公正的,或者至少是本着良心報道的。 [1] 