

詞    性


英[kənˈdem]美[kənˈdem] [1] 


RRO Condemn檔案及接待員
Openly Condemn申討
condemn mildly温和地責備
condemn publicly公開地譴責
Condemn Me判處我吧
condemn indiscriminately不分青紅皂白地責難
condemn as把…譴責為 ; 譴責為 [1] 


  • 1The Church has a duty to condemn violence.基督教會有義務譴責暴力。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Like everyone else, I deplore and condemn this killing.我同所有人一樣強烈譴責這樁兇殺案。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Political leaders united yesterday to condemn the latest wave of violence.政治領袖們昨天聯合譴責最近發生的一波暴力事件。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4I'm not homophobic in any way and certainly don't condemn gay relationships.我對同性戀者沒有任何的憎惡,當然也就不會譴責同性戀的關係。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5What it is wrong to condemn her for is overlooking your hard work.因為忽視你的努力工作而譴責她是不對的。
  • 6While this may be true, it's not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.雖然這可能是真的,但這並不是譴責間隔年的充分理由。
  • 7The Internet makes it very easy for us to condemn others for their mistakes.網絡讓我們更容易能夠去譴責別人的錯誤。
  • 8"Ah, my King," cried Hendon, colouring slightly, "do not thou condemn me—wait, and thou shalt see."“啊,我的國王,”亨頓微微紅着臉叫道,“不要譴責我——等着瞧吧。”
  • 9The court's ruling clears the way to condemn buildings in the area.法院的裁決為確定這一地區的建築物為危房掃清了障礙。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10Graham was right to condemn his players for lack of ability, attitude, and application.格雷厄姆責備他的隊員缺乏能力、態度不端正以及不肯用功,這是對的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11Many people condemn advertisements as the root of over-consumption.許多人指責廣告是人們過度消費的根源。
  • 12But while this may be true, it's not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.雖然這可能是真的,但這並不是指責間隔年的充分理由。
  • 13We need economic growth unless we condemn the world's poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else's living standards.經濟增長是必要的,除非我們想讓世界上的窮人深陷貧困的沼澤,或使其他所有人的生活水平停滯不前。
  • 14I condemn such crude manners.我痛恨這種粗魯的態度。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 15We cannot condemn him without factual evidence.我們不能在沒有真憑實據的情況下就認為他有罪。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 16There is no need to blame or condemn.沒有必要指責或譴責。
  • 17It is particularly inappropriate to condemn it.譴責它更是不恰當。
  • 18I can certainly condemn it, and I do so now.我當然可以譴責這種行為,我現在也正是這麼做的。
  • 19That is why he spoke out to condemn the decision.這就是他批評這項裁決的原因。
  • 20Then you condemn me to live wretched and to die accursed?那麼你就是判定我活着受罪,死後要受詛咒了?
  • 21Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do.任何傻瓜都能批評、譴責和抱怨——而大多數傻瓜確實就是這樣做的。
  • 22Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do.任何一個傻瓜都會批判,職責和抱怨,我們大多數人正如與此。
  • 23Obviously, he will have to condemn this [attack]. It's understandable.不過他肯定會譴責這次(襲擊),我能理解。
  • 24I wanted simultaneously to understand Hanna's crime and to condemn it.我想要了解漢娜的罪過,並想對之加以譴責,兩種矛盾心裏同時向我襲來。
  • 25He was one of my earliest supporters and had every right to condemn me.他是我最早的支持者之一,因而完全有資格批評我。
  • 26Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.親愛的弟兄阿,我們的心若不責備我們,就可以向神坦然無懼了。 [1] 