

詞    性


英[kəmˈpleksəti]美[kəmˈpleksəti] [1] 


computational complexity 計算複雜性
time complexity 時間複雜度
complexity analysis 複雜度分析;成分分析
complexity theory 複雜理論 [1] 


  • 1I was astonished by the size and complexity of the problem.這個問題的複雜性和涉及面之廣使我感到驚訝。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The situation presents great complexity.形勢顯得極為複雜。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 3An open-science stance can also add complexity to a collaboration.開放科學的立場也會增加協作的複雜性。
  • 4Given curiosity's complexity, scientists have found it hard to define.考慮到好奇的複雜性,科學家們發現很難定義它。
  • 5This technological shift causes profound changes in the complexity of African societies.這種技術上的轉變使非洲社會複雜性發生了深刻的變化。
  • 6Ecologists concluded that the apparent stability of climax ecosystems depended on their complexity.生態學家認為,頂極生態系統呈現出的穩定性取決於其複雜程度。
  • 7This considerable volume of intercommunity exchange brought a degree of social complexity in its wake.這種數量可觀的相互交易隨後給社會造成了一定的複雜性。
  • 8The human groups that are the smallest and have the least social and political complexity, we call bands.最小的、社交最少的、且政治體系最不復雜的人類團體,我們稱之為羣體。
  • 9"For consciousness to evolve, a brain with a threshold level of complexity and capacity is required," he added.“大腦需要具備一定的複雜性和容量,才能進化出意識。”他補充説。
  • 10The rise of the mobile phone has recently added a new level of complexity to the process of retail reinvention.最近,手機的興起使零售業的再創造過程變得更加複雜。
  • 11Most people are reluctant to see themselves as being creative because they associate creativity with complexity.大多數人都不情願把自己看成是有創造力的人,因為他們把創意和複雜聯繫到一塊了。
  • 12All the complexity, nuance, and pleasure of flavor come from the sense of smell operating in the back of the nose.所有風味的複雜性、細微差別和愉悦感都來源於鼻子後部進行的嗅覺。
  • 13All the parties have realized the complexity of the Peninsula nuclear issue, whose resolution requires prolonged efforts.各方都認識到半島核問題的複雜性,解決半島核問題需要長期努力。
  • 14TCM's complexity and underlying conceptual foundations present challenges for researchers seeking evidence on how it works.中醫藥的複雜性和深層的概念基礎,給研究人員尋找其工作原理的證據帶來了挑戰。
  • 15Despite his involvement in visual arts, Ellison insisted that only language could capture the complexity of American identity.儘管他參與了視覺藝術,埃利森堅持認為只有語言才能捕捉到美國身份的複雜性。
  • 16The level of complexity here refers to the organization of people into large, diverse groups, and densely populated communities.這裏的複雜程度指的是把人們組織成大型的、多樣化的羣體和人口密集的社區。
  • 17He ultimately left an endowed chair at Stanford in 1996 to focus on complexity theory and the economy at the Santa Fe Institute.他最終於在1996年離開了斯坦福大學的講座教授職位,來在聖達菲研究所專注於複雜性理論和經濟。
  • 18The cerebellum contains about three million neurons, which also allows you to once again experience the complexity of these systems.小腦包含大約三百萬個神經元,這也能夠讓你再次體會到這些系統的複雜性。
  • 19Depending on the complexity and scope of the concern being addressed, the resulting tangle can be anywhere from minor to significant.根據要解決的問題的複雜性和範圍,所引起的混亂可大可小。
  • 20No doubt the ability to talk about one's past represents memory of a different level of complexity than simple recognition or recall.毫無疑問,談論一個人的過去的能力代表了一種和簡單的認知或回憶複雜程度不同的記憶。
  • 21Aspects of the code that you think are trivial will magnify in complexity once you implement all the other required parts of the system.代碼中有些方面你以為平常不過,但是一旦你要實現系統中其他所有必需的部分時,複雜度又隨之放大。
  • 22They can do only so much to represent the full complexity of the global climate and hence may give only limited information about natural variability.關於全球氣候的複雜性他們也只能呈現這麼多,因此得到關於自然變化性的信息是有限的。
  • 23The method is that designing theory is simpleness and being understood is easy and avoiding complexity computation on state equations and drive equations.該方法設計理論簡單易懂,避免了狀態方程和驅動方程的複雜計算。
  • 24Languages in East Asia tend to have tonal vowels, and those of the north-eastern Caucasus are known for consonantal complexity: Ubykh has 78 consonant sounds.東亞的語言往往有帶聲調的元音,而東北高加索地區的語言以輔音複雜而聞名:尤比克語有78個輔音。
  • 25The complexity of these relationships makes it unlikely that a system of import relief laws will meet the strategic needs of all the units under the same parent company.這些關係的複雜性使得進口救濟法律制度不太可能滿足同一母公司下所有單位的戰略需要。
  • 26This allegation has led to Google becoming mired in a legal battle whose scope and complexity makes the Jarndyce and Jarndyce case in Charles Dickens' Bleak House look straightforward.這一指控使谷歌陷入了一場法律糾紛的泥潭,這場糾紛的範圍和複雜性使得查爾斯•狄更斯的《荒涼山莊》中的賈尼斯和賈尼斯案看起來很簡單。
  • 27Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity.在過去的幾十年中,對語言的本質以及產生並使其易於理解的過程的研究表明,它具有極大的複雜性,而不是潛在的簡單性。
  • 28In their groundbreaking work regarding complexity and the limitations of formal systems, mathematicians Gregory Chaitin and A.N. Kolmogorov force us to consider this last claim more closely.數學家 Gregory Chaitin 和 A.N.Kolmogorov 在他們關於複雜性和形式系統的侷限性的開創性工作中,迫使我們更仔細地考慮最後一個説法。
  • 29Skaters score extra points for technical complexity.滑冰運動員技巧難度大者獲得額外加分。《牛津詞典》
  • 30On the subject of space walks, for example, audiences vary in their interests and how much complexity they can comprehend.在太空行走這個主題上,觀眾的興趣不同,能理解的複雜程度也不同。 [1] 