


性    質
  • 1Within a few years the pipes began to clog up.沒有幾年管子就開始堵塞了。《牛津詞典》
  • 2It does not distribute neurotoxic mercury around the planet; it does not clog city air and the lungs of those who breathe it with soot and sulfur.它不會在地球上散播神經毒性汞;它不會用煙塵和硫堵塞城市空氣和呼吸者的肺。
  • 3On the criminal justice side, we hope to make punishment tough enough to discourage crime but not so tough as to clog our prisons with relatively minor offenders.在刑事司法方面,我們希望使懲罰嚴厲到足以阻止犯罪,但不要嚴厲到讓罪行相對較輕的罪犯都擠滿我們的監獄。
  • 4The ballet "La fille mal gardée" contains a well-known clog dance.芭蕾《關不住的女兒》中有一段知名的木屐舞。
  • 5Will it clog my pores?會堵塞毛孔嗎?
  • 6Office towers shoot up, and the Audis clog the roads.商業大樓林立,奧迪車阻塞了道路。
  • 7Will the Internet clog up and turn to molasses soon?網絡會不會堵塞而變得擁擠呢?
  • 8Just make sure you don't go overboard and clog the toilet.只是要確保你不匆忙地堵塞的廁所。
  • 9These Web services clog network traffic from system overloads.這些 Web 服務會阻塞網絡通信,從而導致系統過載。
  • 10They hope the volume of dirty traffic will clog up the keyword filters.他們希望大量包含敏感信息的數據流能夠堵塞關鍵詞過濾系統。
  • 11They can clog up plumbing and latex, when in water, is not biodegradable.它們會堵塞水管,並且橡膠在水中是不能被生物降解的。
  • 12Your phone might still function, but all those texts can clog the network.你的電話也許還能使用,但是這些文本信息會堵塞網絡。
  • 13If we remembered every image of our waking lives, it would clog our brains.如果我們要記住每一個清醒時候的生活形象細節,它會塞爆我們的大腦。
  • 14Large fires can do more than scorch vegetation and clog the skies with smoke.大火燒焦了樹木,濃煙遮住了天空。
  • 15When used in massive quantities, Web services get bloated and clog up network traffic.當大量使用時,Web服務會變得過於龐大,從而阻塞網絡通信。
  • 16Yet without painful surgery, there is a real danger that the arteries of finance may soon clog.然而,如果不實施痛苦的手術,金融動脈就有馬上阻塞的真正風險。
  • 17Hydrates occur naturally in pipelines, and are unpopular because they clog the flow of oil.水合物可以在輸油管道中自然形成,因為它們阻礙石油的流動,因而不受歡迎。
  • 18But eventually the mind slows, the arteries clog, the ability to deal with new challenges dulls.但是最終頭腦會變得遲鈍,動脈會阻塞,處理各種新挑戰的能力也會減弱。
  • 19I still recollect how we clustered in front of the clinic and tried to clog the front entrance.我還記得我們聚集在診所門口、試圖堵住診所正門的場面。
  • 20The incomers might clog their schools, build slums on their doorstep or compete with them for jobs.遷入者可能讓學校人滿為患,可能在他們門前搭建貧民窟,或者和他們競爭工作崗位。
  • 21Unsolicited goods can clog harbours or airports preventing vital supplies from reaching victims in time.非需求的貨物可能會阻塞港口或機場,會妨礙至關重要的補給及時送達受害者。
  • 22The main hall is now being used by local groups for exhibitions from clog-dancing to rag-rug making.主廳現在被當地的組織用來展覽,內容從木屐舞到碎尼地毯的製作。
  • 23All of them, every sneaker, boot and sandal, every high heel and clog, every flip-flop. What do I do?所有的鞋,包括全部的球鞋、靴子、涼鞋,高跟鞋、木屐、人字拖……我該怎麼辦啊?
  • 24It also could clog railway lines and ports and trigger brown-outs as overloaded power grids collapse.同時如果電網負荷過重,還可能導致鐵路和碼頭無法正常運行從而引起城市供電不足。
  • 25It will clog your pores, promote blackheads, and dehydrate your skin, all of which enhance the signs of aging.這將阻塞你的毛孔,促成黑頭和皮膚脱水,所有這些都加重了皮膚老化的跡象。
  • 26Cars clog intersection and expressways. Their exhaust clouds the sky and the air is full of the sound of horns.汽車堵塞了十字路口和高速公路,排出的廢氣遮蔽了天空,空氣中喇叭聲不斷。
  • 27These ingredients will gently exfoliate skin while removing bacteria and dirt that can clog pores and form acne.這些成分會輕輕地去除脱落的皮膚,去除堵塞毛孔形成痤瘡的細菌和污垢。 [1] 