


  • 1Shall I use the clipper on the back?要不要我用理髮推子理後面的頭髮?
  • 2The pirate ship boarded the clipper.海盜船強行靠近快艇。
  • 3The Clipper arrives in New York first.克利·皮爾火車首先到達紐約。
  • 4Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas!給我一剪刀,我會在聖誕節回來!
  • 5I can use a nail clipper to cut my fingernails.我能用指甲剪修剪我的指甲。
  • 6This summer, clipper cut is preferred by many men.這個夏天,帆船頭受到眾多男士歡迎。
  • 7I don't know. You'll find them in the 'Clipper,' though.我不知道。不過你可以從《剪報》上找到他們。
  • 8This is measured across the width of the clipper blades.這是透過剪刀刀片寬度來判斷。
  • 9The 'Clipper.' the man said I'd find their addresses in here.《剪報》。那人説我可以在這上面找到他們的地址。
  • 10It's important to use a nail clipper designed for the purpose.它的重要的是利用指甲號設計的目的。
  • 11Warning: Don't lift the clipper with the cord avoiding it enwind.警告:軋刀不用時,請不要用電源線提軋刀,以避免軟線纏繞。
  • 12Late in 1935 American clipper planes began trans - Pacific flight.1935年底,美國的遠程客機開始了橫越太平洋的飛行。
  • 13The shorter clipper gauge will allow the hair to be trimmed closer to the scalp.更短的理髮剪能讓頭髮修剪的更靠近頭皮。
  • 14RTW members of the Clipper Race crew are about to join that small and elite group.克利伯環球帆船賽的環球全賽段選手即將加入到這個稀有而精鋭的團隊了。
  • 15Schooners and clipper ships sped to Buenos Aires and Kingston, Melbourne and Singapore.縱帆帆船和快速帆船迅速駛向布宜諾斯艾利斯、金士頓、墨爾本新加坡等地。
  • 16Change the clipper gauges to a shorter comb to begin fading the next layer of hair down.開始剪下一層頭髮的時候,換成帶有短梳的剪刀。
  • 17Where once an American clipper ship took months to cross from China to the United States.以前,美國的快速帆船開到中國要花幾個月。
  • 18Stealth Mode is an interesting and exciting concept used on the Clipper Round the World Race.隱身模式是克利伯環球帆船賽中使用的一個非常有趣、令人興奮的戰術概念。
  • 19With short hair, you could do many hairstyles like spikes, high and tight, clipper cut and face as well.擁有一頭短髮,你可有許多種髮型,例如刺頭,帆船頭,把頭髮梳的高高的一綹,或者貼臉式。
  • 20But this is now official, the consensus College Player of the Year from Oklahoma will be a Clipper.但是,這是目前官方的共識大學球員從俄克拉何馬年將是快船。
  • 21You use the Web clipper to display specific portions of a document in a portlet. You can also use it to.可以使用Web Clipper在Portlet中顯示文檔的特定部分。
  • 22Baron Davis made his debut as a Los Angeles Clipper, scoring 12 points and handing out a game-high 7 assists.拜倫·戴維斯首次代表洛杉磯快船出賽,得到了12分和全場最高的7次助攻。
  • 23Carrie proceeded to get the "Clipper," and tried to find the agents by looking over it as she stood beside the stand.嘉莉於是去買了《剪報》,站在報攤邊,想掃一眼報紙,找到那些代理人。
  • 24Finally, in the Clipper chip there are a number of silicon features, of which the most important is a fusible link system.最後,在大剪刀薄片中有一些矽特徵,一個熔解的聯編系統是哪最重要的。
  • 25Thank you. You'll find the music programs and the movies listed in our in-flight magazine Clipper, as well as beverage list.謝謝。你不僅可以在我們的飛行雜誌c中找到飲料表,也可以找到音樂和電影。
  • 26And now that Davis will be is a Clipper, they will be a much better team. Question is, will he even be on this list next year?戴維斯將成為快船陣中的一員,快船也將隨之變得更強。問題是,明年他還會出現在這份榜單中麼?
  • 27The Pacific Ocean conditions provide the perfect environment for the Clipper 70s to break the current 30.7 knots speed record.太平洋的海況條件給克利伯70尺帆船打破新紀錄提供了完美的基礎,當前的時速記錄是每小時30.7節。
  • 28More recently on Tyneside, Clipper Windpower, an American company, has started to build a factory for making giant offshore wind turbines.最近在泰恩賽德,快船風能——一家美國公司——已開始興建巨大的離岸風力渦輪機制造工廠。
  • 29The return of the Clipper Race fleet brings with it a hero's welcome for each and every crew member taking part. The crew return as legends.克利伯環球帆船賽船隊的迴歸歡迎儀式將眷顧每一位參賽選手。船員們傳奇迴歸,將會接受到英雄凱旋般的接待。