

詞    性


英[klɔː]美[klɔː] [1] 


China Claw中國網爪 ; 神州網爪
claw wrench鈎形扳手 ; 爪型板鉗 ; 鈎形板子
Slash Claw烏鴉斬 ; 用手臂上的刀攻擊 ; 用手臂上的爪子攻擊 ; 有時可以防禦
claw back彌補性收入
claw hammer羊角錘;木工錘;燕尾服;拔釘錘 [1] 


  • 1It has three pairs of legs, each ending in a large claw.它有3對腿,每條腿的末端都有一個大爪子。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2An iron claw gripped his shoulder.一隻鐵爪抓住了他的肩膀。
  • 3Waiter, this lobster has only one claw.服務員,這個龍蝦只有一隻爪。
  • 4"Shake hands, Starkey," said Hook, proffering his claw.“握手吧,斯塔奇。”胡克伸出爪子説。
  • 5Undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw.毫無疑問,他身上最可怕的部分是他的鐵爪。
  • 6The crusher claw is short and stout; the cutter claw is long and slender.破碎機的爪子短而結實;切割機的爪子則又長又細。
  • 7They cling to the belly of their oppressor and hang on with tooth and claw.它們緊緊地抓住獵食者的腹部,用牙齒和爪子緊緊抓住不放。
  • 8That was 50 years ago, but it stuck in Howell's memory like a strange claw.那都是50年前的事了,但它像一隻奇怪的爪子一樣卡在豪厄爾的記憶中。
  • 9It was like an invisible claw which had grabbed my heart tightly, making it unable to beat.就像一隻無形的利爪,緊緊抓住我的心,讓它無法跳動。
  • 10The latest deaths have come after the completion of Operation Panther's Claw in central Helmand.最近死亡事件是在在赫爾曼德中心執行豹爪行動之後才出現的。
  • 11His iron claw made a circle of dead water round him, from which they fled like affrighted fishes.它的鐵爪在他的周圍形成了一圈死水,它們像受驚的魚一樣逃了出來。
  • 12From the flooded depths of the ship, some did manage to claw their way up iron ladders to the safety of the upper deck.從被洪水淹了的船的深處,一些人着實艱難地爬上鐵梯來到上層甲板的安全處。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 13What arrested him was this reflection: To claw a man because he is good form, what would that be?使他吃驚的是這樣一種想法:因為一個人有良好的風度就去抓他,那是什麼事情呢?
  • 14Some who succeeded fought off those in the water who had the strength to try to claw their way aboard.那些成功的人擊退了那些在水中奮力爬上甲板的人。
  • 15I think, typically, the majority of people's experience is that you have got to claw your way through it.我認為,一般來説,大多數人的經驗是你必須設法通過它。
  • 16If both religion and reason are removed, all that remains are will and power, where the only law is the law of tooth and claw.如果宗教和理性都被摒棄,那麼就只剩下了意志和力量,唯一準則就只有弱肉強食。
  • 17Yucca and devil's claw are common herbal anti-inflammatories.絲蘭和魔鬼爪是常見的草藥消炎藥。
  • 18Nature really is red in tooth and claw.自然確實是血紅的牙齒和利爪。
  • 19But we can claw it back.但我們可以追回來。
  • 20Ten soldiers have died in Operation Panther's Claw.已有10名士兵在黑豹利爪行動中死亡。
  • 21But Grethel had nothing for herself but a crab's claw.但是格雷特自己除了得到一條螃蟹腿什麼也沒有。
  • 22An invisible hag's claw slammed down an upper floor window.一隻看不見的老妖婆的爪子使勁關上了樓上的窗户。
  • 23His kitchen contained a claw-foot bath, a stove and a table.他的廚房裏有一個爪型支座的浴缸,一個爐子和一張桌子。
  • 24This is techno-social Darwinism, nature red in pixel and claw.這就是科技社會的達爾文主義,同時用像素和爪子描繪自然的紅色。
  • 25It has four claws, with spiky nails on each claw, all painted red.它有四個爪子,每一個爪子上都帶有很尖很尖的指甲,還染成紅色。
  • 26At this point, the sprockets of his memory claw at a blank reel.在這時,里斯·瓊斯記憶的齒輪空轉了。
  • 27Each claw of the footprint is about the size of an average human foot.這腳印中每個爪子的大小跟人腳差不多大。
  • 28Findings question the old adage of "nature red in tooth and claw".所取得的發現對“大自然是殘酷和無情的”的古訓提出了疑問。
  • 29That was 50 years ago, but it stuck in Howell’s memory like a strange claw.這都是50年前的事了,但它像某種奇怪的爪子一樣,卡在豪厄爾的記憶中。 [1] 
  • 1.    claw  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-17]