


chronology,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“年表;年代學”。 [1] 
詞    性


the determination of the actual temporal sequence of past events
a record of events in the order of their occurrence
an arrangement of events in time [2] 


chronology /krəˈnɒlədʒɪ/ TEM8 ( chronologies )
1.N-UNCOUNT The chronology of a series of past events is the times at which they happened in the order in which they happened. 大事記 [oft N 'of' n]
2.N-COUNT A chronology is an account or record of the times and the order in which a series of past events took place. 年表 [oft N 'of' n] [1] 


lunar chronology 月面年代學 ; [天] 月球年代學
denudation chronology 剝蝕年代 ; 剝蝕年代學
Isotopic Chronology 同位素年代學
environmental chronology 環境年代學
thermal chronology 熱年代學
media chronology 媒體年表
Chronology frame 地質年代格架
deformation chronology 變形年代學 [1] 


  • 1Historians seem to have confused the chronology of these events.歷史學家好像把這些事件發生的年代順序搞混了。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The second part of Duffy's book is a detailed chronology of the Reformation.黛菲書的第二部分是關於改革的一個詳細年表。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3To establish such a chronology, it is necessary to determine the relative amounts of land ice that existed at various times in the Earth's past.為了建立這樣一個年表,有必要確定地球過去不同時期存在的陸冰的相對數量。
  • 4Because of these advantages, sedimentary evidence can be dated with sufficient accuracy by radiometric methods to establish a precise chronology of the ice ages.由於這些優點,可以通過輻射測量方法以足夠確定沉積證據的年代,從而建立一個精確的冰河時代年表。
  • 5For sometime this theory was considered untestable, largely because there was no sufficiently precise chronology of the ice ages with which the orbital variations could be matched.有一段時間,這一理論被認為是不可檢驗的,主要是因為沒有足夠精確的冰河時代的年表與軌道的變化相匹配。
  • 6She gave him a factual account of the chronology of her brief liaison.她就自己在短時間內的聯絡給了我一個確鑿的大事記。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7The painter Peter Brandon never dated his works, and their chronology is only now beginning to take shape in the critical literature.畫家彼得·布蘭登的作品從來沒有標註過日期,其時間表現在才開始在批評文獻中形成。
  • 8A chronology of the artist's works.對藝術家的作品年表。
  • 9I didn't want there to be a chronology in wiki.我不希望在維基中出現一個時間軸。
  • 10This holds a chemical chronology of the Earth laid out by depth.地球土層根據深度的排列而得出了一個化學年表。
  • 11Chronology of global counter-crisis actions since 1st BRIC summit.自首次“金磚四國”峯會以來全球反危機活動時間表。
  • 12If you only log to the second, you cannot reestablish the chronology.如果你只記錄到秒,你就無法恢復原始時間順序。
  • 13Chronology is the arrangement of facts and events in the order of time.年表是安排的事實和事件,在該命令的時間。
  • 14As a result, the book flows thematically, not in aday-by-day chronology.因此,這本書主題上是連貫的,而不是日復一日的流水帳形式。
  • 15The first half of this work is an autobiographical chronology of the author's life.前半部分的內容是作者人生的自傳年表。
  • 16All the reasons for the details of this chronology have not yet been discovered.所有的原因,這個年代的細節還沒有被發現。
  • 17The chronology of charcoal deposits closely matches the tree-ring chronology of fire scars.這些木炭沉積物的年代與年輪火傷痕跡記錄的年代高度契合。
  • 18This episode, more than others, reveals the convoluted chronology of stories from the first two seasons.這一集比其他任何一集都更多地展示出前兩季故事那複雜的時間線。
  • 19Remember that a thesis is not a story: it usually doesn't follow the chronology of things that you tried.記住你的論文不是一篇故事:它不是按照時間記錄你所做過的事情。
  • 20Her novel subverts the conventions of linear narrative. It has no neat chronology and no tidy denouement.她的小説顛覆了線性敍事的傳統,沒有清晰的時間線索,也沒有簡單明瞭的結局。
  • 21Next he learns about the Copernican system, and after that he moves on to geometry, and then to chronology.下一步,他學到更多的哥白尼體系,之後,他移動到幾何,然後年表。
  • 22In order words, the chronology shows that dancing while you have a minor injury could be a very foolish mistake.換言之,這一時間表顯示在傷勢不重的情況下跳舞可能是一大愚蠢的錯誤。
  • 23When attempted, important achievements are left out to make room for a full chronology of the career history and education.那麼重大的成績就要為列舉多年的工作經歷和教育騰出空位。
  • 24The last part is the chronology, which makes Yang's experience more clearly. I think it will do some help to the further study.最後附錄中加入了楊恩壽年表的編寫,使其生平脈絡更加清晰,材料更加翔實,有助於進一步的深入研究。
  • 25It is clear from the chronology of his work that the symphony was composed in clusters: 1799-1802, 1803-08, 1811-12, and 1822-23.從貝多芬作品的編年史可以清楚地看出,他的交響樂是在連接着的年代裏寫成的:1799 - 1802,1803 - 08,1811 - 12,1822 - 23。 [1] 