

certification,英文單詞,名詞,作名詞時意為“證明,鑑定; 出具課程結業證書,頒發證書”。
詞    性


英[ˌsɜːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]美[ˌsɜːrtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] [1] 


conformity certification[經管]合格認證 ; 合格證 ; 合格認證標誌 ; 合格評定
International certification國際認證 ; 國際資質 ; 國際體系證書
certification hierarchy證書結構 ; 證書等級 ; 認證階層組織 ; 證書層次結構
certification activity認證活動 ; 認證體系
seed certification種子鑑定 ; 種子認證 ;[農學]種子證明書 ; 種子檢定
Certification Service認證服務 ; 航空器認證 ; 證書服務 ; 認證專項服務
INSPECTION CERTIFICATION商檢證 ; 檢驗證書 ; 驗廠認證 ; 不遲於提單日
certification scheme認證計劃 ; 認證方案 ; 認證機構 ; 新認證制度
Certification Record認證記錄 ; 驗證合格記錄 ; 認證記載 ; 驗證記錄 [1] 


  • 1An employer can demand written certification that the relative is really ill.僱主可要求書面證明以證實這位親屬確實病了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2It could have meant the end as far as the certification process was concerned.就認證過程而言,這可能意味着結束。
  • 3Some states require parents or a home tutor to meet teacher certification standards.一些州要求家長或家庭教師達到教師資格認證標準。
  • 4In September 2000, MSC announced that the Alaska salmon fisheries qualified for certification.2000年9月,美國水產管理委員會宣佈阿拉斯加三文魚漁場獲得認證資格。
  • 5Certification is for an initial period of five years, with an annual review to ensure that the fishery is continuing to meet the required standards.證明的最初期限為五年,每年進行一次審查,以確保漁業繼續達到所要求的標準。
  • 6Recognizing the potential benefits of being identified as environmentally responsible, fisheries approach the Council requesting to undergo the certification process.認識到被認證為對環境負責的漁場的潛在利益後,漁場就開始想辦法滿足委員會的要求,從而辦理認證程序。
  • 7The lawsuits said that the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the company's own.該訴訟稱,這個標籤具有誤導性,因為它給人們留下的印象是這些產品已經經過了第三方認證,而該認證實際上是該公司自己完成的。
  • 8Students would be offered on-the-job training leading to the certification of their skill in a particular field.學生將獲得在職培訓,他們也將因此得到在某一領域的技術合格證。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9The internship requires me to have a scuba diving certification and to be a senior oceanography student.這份實習要求我有潛水證書,並且是海洋學專業的大四學生。
  • 10Certiport delivers the ACA certification program throughout the world.思遞波公司在全球範圍內提供 ACA 認證計劃。
  • 11Is certification worthwhile?認證是否值得?
  • 12Q: Why is certification important?問:為什麼認證很重要?
  • 13Certification forces you to stay current.認證會迫使您隨時關注最新信息。
  • 14Want to know why certification is important?想要了解為什麼認證很重要?
  • 15They also had federal organic certification.而它們卻依然擁有聯邦有機食品認證。
  • 16Introduction: Is certification worth it?簡介:認證“物有所值”嗎?
  • 17Select the certification and install it.選擇證書並安裝。
  • 18The biggest trend in IT careers is certification.IT 職場中最明顯的趨勢是認證。
  • 19Certification drags you out of your comfort zone.認證會使您擺脱您安全區域。
  • 20Each one you pass gives you another certification.每通過一門考試都會使您獲得另一個認證。
  • 21Getting a certification can boost your resume.獲得一項證書能給你的簡歷增色不少。
  • 22Organic certification means antibiotics are not used.有機認證意思是沒有使用抗生素。
  • 23It is by far the most popular entry level certification.它是目前最受歡迎的入門級認證。
  • 24This certification will aid them in their advancement.這種證書將幫助他們得到晉升。
  • 25Service certification is a critical part of SOA governance.服務的認證是soa治理的重要部分。
  • 26Don't have local friends with the same certification interests?當地沒有對相同的認證感興趣的朋友嗎?
  • 27Books that specifically target certification are your best bet.專門針對認證的書籍是您的最佳選擇。
  • 28The COE supervises the training and certification of designers.COE監督設計人員的培訓和認證。
  • 29What makes the CITA Professional certification worthy of notice?是什麼讓CITA專業認證引起大家的注意呢?
  • 30There have been several certification attempts for programmers.事實上已經有好幾種為程序師頒發的證書。 [1] 


  • union certification[經] 工會證明...
  • certification program[計] 驗證程序...
  • program certification程序檢驗
  • certification of fitness質量合格證
  • export certification出口證明
  • FCC certification[計] 聯邦通信委員...
  • certification of proof檢驗證書
  • incumbency certification在職證明
  • reliability certification可靠性檢定
  • professional certification專業資證
  • China Compulsory Certification中國強制認證(3C認證) [2] 