

詞    性


英[kəˈset]美[kəˈset] [1] 


video cassette錄像帶 ; 錄像磁帶插盒 ; 錄影帶 ; 錄像磁帶盒
tape cassette盒式磁帶 ; 卡型磁帶盒 ; 磁帶盒
wafer cassette晶圓匣 ; 晶圓輸送盒
mask cassette掩模盒
cassette storage卡型盒式磁帶存儲器 ; 磁帶卡儲存器
cassette disk盒式磁盤 ; 卡式磁盤 ; 翻譯
rework cassette晶片再生用盒
unload cassette卸載盒
Cassette players盒式磁帶收錄機 [1] 


  • 1I swapped him my CD for his cassette.我拿我的激光唱片換了他的盒式磁帶。《牛津詞典》
  • 2This recording is available on disc or cassette.這錄音有激光唱片和盒式磁帶兩種。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Cassette recorders cannot rival the sound quality of CDs.盒式磁帶錄音機在音質上無法與CD相媲美。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4I keep a stock of cassette tapes describing various relaxation techniques.我儲藏着一些講述各種放鬆技巧的盒式磁帶。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5There are two cassette tapes.這有兩個盒式磁帶。
  • 6Here's the cassette tape.給你磁帶。
  • 7I'd like to buy a cassette recorder.我想買一台盒式磁帶錄音機。
  • 8I stuck a cassette into the car's player.我把一盤磁帶塞進車載播放器。
  • 9I think I've broken your cassette recorder.我想我弄壞了你的盒式磁帶錄音機。
  • 10Cassette tape recorders are out of date now.現在,盒式磁帶錄音機過時了。
  • 11Would you please pick up the cassette tapes?請幫我拾起磁帶好嗎?
  • 12I would like to buy some video cassette tapes.我想買一些錄像磁帶。
  • 13They will be like the tapes that are used in small cassette tape recorders today.它們將會像現在在小型盒式磁帶錄音機中使用的磁帶一樣。
  • 14A big step towards modern technology was the invention of the first portable cassette player.邁向現代科技的一大步是發明了第一台便攜式盒式磁帶播放機。
  • 15The music cassette is enjoying a little renaissance, its very faithlessness apparently part of its charm; but digital audio tape seems doomed.音樂盒式磁帶正在經歷一點復興,它的不忠顯然是其魅力的一部分;但數字音頻磁帶似乎註定要失敗。
  • 16He slotted a cassette into the VCR.他把錄像帶插入錄像機中。《牛津詞典》
  • 17His two albums released on cassette have sold 10 million copies.他以磁帶形式發行的兩張專輯已售出1000萬份。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 18Stick it in the cassette player.把它塞到磁帶播放器裏。
  • 19Any cassette recorders will work.任何卡式錄音機都行。
  • 20His speech was taped on a cassette.他的講話錄在盒帶上。
  • 21Put the cassette into the recorder.把錄音帶放進錄音機裏。
  • 22The video cassette is under the table.錄像帶在桌子下。
  • 23Excuse me, did you see my video cassette?請問,你看見我的錄影帶沒有?
  • 24Tom, what's wrong with your cassette recorder?湯姆,你的錄音機怎麼啦?
  • 25I had my first cassette player when I was twelve.我十二歲時有了第一台卡式錄音機。
  • 26The cassette recorder is a present for my daughter.這個收錄機是為我女兒買的禮物。
  • 27Play the cassette to let the students read and say.播放錄音內容讓學生跟讀。
  • 28Could you show me how to use this cassette recorder?你能向我示範怎樣使用這台卡式錄音機嗎?
  • 29Don't forget to bring your cassette recorder tomorrow.別忘了明天把你的卡式錄音機帶來。
  • 30Play the cassette and do listening exercises in class.在課堂上播放錄音做聽力練習。 [1] 