

capillary,英文單詞,名詞、形容詞,作名詞時意為“毛細血管;毛細管; 微血管”,作形容詞時意為“毛細管的;毛狀的;表面張力的”。
詞    性
英[kəˈpɪləri]美[ˈkæpəleri] [1] 


英[kəˈpɪləri]美[ˈkæpəleri] [1] 


capillary tube[物]毛細管 ; 毛細管水銀燈 ; 毛細現象 ; 聯繫動靜脈血管系統的最小的血管
Capillary number毛細數 ; 毛細管數 ; 毛管值 ; 毛細管準數
capillary phenomenon毛細現象 ; 毛細管現象 ; 毛細現像
capillary rise毛細上升 ;[流]毛細升高 ; 毛細管上升 ; 毛管上升
capillary condensation毛細管凝聚 ; 毛細凝縮 ; 毛管凝結 ; 毛細凝聚
capillary electrochromatography毛細管電色譜 ; 毛細管電泳層析 ; 及毛細管電色譜 ; 毛細電色譜
capillary viscosimeter[儀]毛細管粘度計 ; 毛細黏度計 ; 毛細管黏度計
capillary culture[細胞]毛細管培養
capillary GC毛細管氣相色譜法 ; 毛細管氣相色譜 ; 毛細管柱氣相色譜 ; 氣相色譜法 [1] 


  • 1The parameters of glomerulus sclerosis rate and the number of peritubular capillary were different between LBL and SLBL groups.LBL 組和 SLBL 組的腎小球硬化率參數和腎小管周圍毛細血管數目不同。
  • 2This paper describes a capillary column gas chromatography method for quantitative analysis of an 0.8 % solution of transfluthrin repellent.本文描述了用毛細管氣相色譜對0.8%四氟菊酯驅蚊藥液的定量分析方法。
  • 3Using thread or flange capillary connection.採用螺紋或法蘭毛細管聯接。
  • 4This consists of a capillary connected to a mercury reservoir.這由一根與汞池相連的毛細管所構成。
  • 5Capillary high-tech thermal protection device, safe and reliable.高科技毛細管過熱保護裝置,安全可靠。
  • 6The healing agent, then, fills the crack through capillary action.然後癒合劑通過毛細作用而充填裂紋。
  • 7The gasoline detection system consists of a capillary restriction.汽油檢測系統由毛細管節流器組成。
  • 8A tube of small internal diameter; holds liquid by capillary action.一種有很短直徑的管道;通過毛細管作用來盛液體。
  • 9When pulmonary capillary pressure is markedly elevated pulmonary edema ensues.當肺毛細血管壓力明顯升高時,就出現肺水腫。
  • 10When pulmonary capillary pressure is markedly elevated, pulmonary edema ensues.當肺毛細血管壓力明顯升高時,就出現肺水腫。
  • 11Rapid capillary proliferation is a prominent feature of all early wound healing.迅速的毛細血管增生是所有早期傷口癒合的一個突出表現。
  • 12Measure the effects of Tongshu capsule on clotting time by using capillary method.用毛細管法測定通舒膠囊對凝血時間的影響。
  • 13Capillary accords with spleen on function, so it is owned by spleen in viscera-state.毛細血管符合脾藏的功能特性,在藏象上當歸屬脾藏。
  • 14The tube formed part of a device called a capillary viscometer used to measure viscosities.這個試管是一個毛細管粘度計的組成部分,該粘度計是用來測量液體粘度的。
  • 15The capillary gas chromatography was used to isolate and analyze the extracted fatty acids.用毛細管氣相色譜對萃取的脂肪酸進行了分離和分析。
  • 16These conclusions can be confirmed by an analysis of the behaviour of the capillary constant.這些結論,可以通過在分析行為的毛細管常數。
  • 17Classic theory presumed that capillary vessel changes was the most basic pathological changes.經典理論認為最基本的病理改變為微血管改變。
  • 18What it leaves behind is the circuit, attached to the tissue by capillary forces and supported by it.此時,集成電路會在毛細管力作用下緊緊貼附在人體組織上,並良好地固定在那裏。
  • 19The aerosol performance of this binary system is dependent on both electrostatic and capillary forces.這種二元體系的霧化效果依賴於靜電和毛細管作用力。
  • 20AIM: the early changes of diabetic retinopathy are related with the injury of retinal capillary structure.目的:糖尿病視網膜病變早期改變與視網膜毛細血管結構損傷有關。
  • 21ResultsThe purity of final product confirmed by HPLC and capillary zone electrophoresis to be more than 92%.結果用反相高效液相色譜法和毛細管電泳法鑑定純度在92 %以上。
  • 22When a Krispie absorbs milk, the capillary forces push the air to shatter the cavities' walls -- and make a noise.當吸收牛奶之後,在毛細管中擠壓空氣使空洞的壁開裂因而造成響聲。
  • 23Each nephron contains a tuft of capillary blood vessels (glomerulus) and tiny tubules that lead to larger collecting tubes.一個腎單元包含一個毛細血管叢(腎小球)和一個細小的小管(腎小管),進而引導到更粗大的收集管。
  • 24Additionally, the comparison of these two kinds of monolithic columns was performed by capillary liquid chromatography.此外,還在毛細管液相色譜條件下比較了這兩種整體柱的表現。
  • 25For safety consideration due to ruptured seal, reaction of capillary fluid with process fluid should be carefully examined.由於密封破裂出於安全考慮,宜謹慎測試毛細管充液和工藝介質的反應。
  • 26On one side of the sheet, blood-vessel cells mimic a capillary wall; on the other, lung-cancer cells mimic lung epithelial cells.在這張圖的上邊,血管壁細胞模仿毛細血管,,在另一邊,模擬肺癌細胞的肺上皮細胞。
  • 27The interconversion of glucose values for venous and capillary blood is further complicated by the arteriovenous difference.靜脈血糖值與毛細管血糖值之間的相互轉換遠比動脈靜脈差別複雜。 [1] 