


canyon,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“峽谷”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈkænjən] 美 [ˈkænjən]
n. (兩邊為峭壁、谷底通常有溪流的)峽谷
[ 複數 canyons ] [1] 


grand canyon n. (美)大峽谷
grand canyon national park (美國)大峽谷國家公園 [1] 


  • 1The Grand Canyon never fails to impress.大峽谷永遠讓人歎為觀止。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The canyon is hemmed in by towering walls of rock.峽谷四周環繞着高聳的巖壁。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Laguna Canyon Road was blocked off again northbound.拉古納峽谷路的北行道又被封了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon.假期中最精彩的片段是參觀大峽谷。《牛津詞典》
  • 5Far up the west rim of the canyon, a coyote yipped twice.遠處峽谷的西岸,一隻叢林狼嚎叫了兩聲。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world.科羅拉多大峽谷是世界自然奇觀之一。《牛津詞典》
  • 7This isn't like the Grand Canyon.這和大峽谷不一樣。
  • 8Take the Grand Canyon for instance.以大峽谷為例。
  • 9The canyon is famous for producing echoes.這個峽谷以回聲而聞名。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10Many people go to Utah because they love hiking in Bryce Canyon National Park.許多人去猶他州是因為他們喜歡在布萊斯峽谷國家公園徒步旅行。
  • 11If you're lucky enough to live near some woods, or a mountain, or a canyon, go hiking.如果你足夠幸運能夠生活在靠近森林、羣山或是峽谷的地方,可以去徒步旅行。
  • 12Now, we geologists thought we had a pretty good idea of how the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States was formed.現在,我們地質學家自認為對美國西南部大峽谷的形成有了很好的認識。
  • 13Two geologists discovered that about half of the sand from the Grand Canyon was actually once part of the Appalachian Mountains.兩位地質學家發現,約半數的來自大峽谷的沙子實際上曾經是阿巴拉契亞山脈的一部分。
  • 14Look for natural frames, such as an arch or the shaded walls of a canyon. A frame can be a dramatic device to enhance your subject.尋找自然的框架,比如一個拱形或峽谷涯壁的陰影。一個框架可以是一個戲劇性的裝置來突出你的主題。
  • 15In 1996, scientists caused an experimental flood of the Colorado River by releasing water from Glen Canyon Dam above the Grand Canyon.1996年,科學家從大峽谷上方的格倫峽谷大壩放水,造成科羅拉多河實驗性洪水。
  • 16The Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River drops a stunning 308 feet (94 meters) to the canyon floor below—twice as big as Niagara Falls.黃石河飛流直下大峽谷谷底,形成的“下黃石瀑布”落差高達308英尺(94米)——是尼亞加拉大瀑布的二倍。
  • 17That's really eye-opening news, since the Appalachian Mountain Range is, of course, thousands of kilometers to the east of the Grand Canyon.這真是個讓人大開眼界的消息,因為阿巴拉契亞山脈當然在大峽谷以東數千公里處。
  • 18For the more adventurous, we offer rewards beyond mere sightseeing—from a three-day hike across the Grand Canyon to a ride along China's Yangtze River.對於更喜歡冒險的人,我們提供了除純粹的觀光以外的獎勵——從大峽谷三天徒步旅行到沿長江騎行。
  • 19Establishments projects of tourism: iron chain bridge above the canyon, whirlybird tour project, water amusement, and geographic museum of glacier relics.旅遊建設項目:大峽谷鐵鏈橋、直升飛機旅遊項目、水上游樂項目和冰川遺蹟地質博物館。
  • 20Because of this, this new way of doing Uranium-Lead Dating, we've been able to determine that one of our major assumptions about the Grand Canyon was wrong.因為有這種新的鈾鉛定年方法,我們才得以確定我們對大峽谷的一個主要假設是錯誤的。
  • 21Environmental groups now have a very good chance of forcing the removal of two major dams, the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado and the Hetch Hetchy Dam in Yosemite.環保組織現在很可能會強制拆除掉兩座重要大壩——科羅拉多的格倫峽谷大壩和約塞米蒂的赫奇赫奇大壩。
  • 22You could hike through the Fish River Canyon – it's entirely up to you.你可以遠足穿越菲什幹河大峽谷–這全由你自己決定。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 23It's built over a 300-meter-deep canyon in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.它建在張家界國家森林公園300米深的峽谷上。
  • 24In Bryce Canyon, the days are very hot and the nights are very cold.在布賴斯峽谷,白天很熱,晚上很冷。
  • 25Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.黃石公園的大峽谷。
  • 26So I turned and headed back down the canyon.所以我再次轉回頭,向峽谷口返回。
  • 27We arrive at the Grand Canyon the next morning.第二天早晨,我們終於到了大峽谷。 [1] 