

類    別
詞    性


英[keɪdʒ]美[keɪdʒ] [1] 


John Cage約翰·凱奇 ; 約翰·凱吉 ; 約翰·凱之 ; 約翰凱奇
battery cage層架式雞籠 ; 巴達利籠 ; 格子籠飼
cage structure籠狀搭建物 ; 籠狀構築物 ;[生物物理]籠形結構 ; 籠狀結構
reinforcement cage鋼筋籠 ; 鋼筋骨架 ; 鋼筋組架
cage antenna[電訊]籠形天線 ; 圓柱形天線 ; 翻譯
Bottle Cage水壺架 ; 水壺
cage guiding套筒導向 ; 套籠導向
cage door升降機門 ; 轎廂門 ; 罐籠門
sound cage音籠 [1] 


  • 1The cage smelled of excrement.這個籠子聞起來有糞便味。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He opened up a cage and lifted out a 6ft python.他打開一個籠子,提起了一條6英尺長的蟒蛇。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage.把狗關進適於旅行的籠子裏。《牛津詞典》
  • 4A small, yellow bird in a cage sat on its perch outside the house.屋外,一隻小黃鳥站在鳥籠的棲木上。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5You're like a bird in a cage.你就像被關在籠子裏的小鳥。
  • 6The cage has a shower and WC.籠子裏有淋浴間和洗手間。
  • 7It got out of its cage.它從它的籠子跑出來了。
  • 8I held the rope and swang across the cage.我抓住繩子,在籠子裏盪來盪去。
  • 9When you get out of the cage, you'll fly very high.當你走出籠子,你就會飛得很高。
  • 10They found the space in the cage too small to stay in.他們發現籠子的空間太小,無法待在裏面。
  • 11The other carried a wooden cage with a chicken inside it.另一組拿着一個木籠子,裏面裝着一隻雞。
  • 12Add a dollar if the critter comes in a graceful wooden cage.如果這動物裝在一個漂亮的木製籠子裏,就再加一美元。
  • 13If you change their cage or their bedding, can it still work?要是你給它們換了籠子或者草墊,它還能繼續工作嗎?
  • 14He was limited to a cage underwater but that did not bother him.他被限制在水下的籠子裏,但這並不困擾他。
  • 15Hansel sprang like a bird from its cage when the door is opened.當門打開的時候,漢賽爾像鳥兒一樣從籠子裏跳了出來。
  • 16Sometimes, he was limited to a cage underwater but that did not bother him.有時,他被限制在水下的籠子裏,但這並不困擾他。
  • 17In the hurry, they have forgotten to shut your cage, and the upper window is open.他們在匆忙中忘了關上你的籠子,上面的窗户開着呢。
  • 18It made her sad to find a solitary otter in a small cage at Beijing Zoo four years ago.四年前,她在北京動物園的一個小籠子裏發現了一隻孤獨的水獺,這讓她十分難過。
  • 19Bobby the cat was placed in a smaller-sized cage that fits inside Bobby's larger kennel.貓巴比被放進一個更小的籠子裏,這樣才好塞進芭比的較大的狗屋裏。
  • 20The girl looked up and saw that the voice came from a bird hanging in a cage on the wall.女孩抬頭一看,聲音是從掛在牆上籠子裏的一隻鳥發出來的。
  • 21When the mice were well-fed, they stayed in areas of the cage that were considered "safe".當老鼠吃飽後,它們會呆在籠子,認為那是“安全”的地方。
  • 22The poor child felt like a little bird that is placed in a glittering cage for the first time.這個可憐的孩子第一次覺得自己就像一隻小鳥,被關在一個閃閃發光的籠子裏。
  • 23Screamed the lady of the house, covering the cage with an embroidered white pocket handkerchief.女主人尖叫着,用一塊繡花白手帕蓋住了鳥籠。
  • 24Emma was quick to volunteer, but when the keeper opened the first cage, the squirrel inside jumped out.艾瑪很快成為了志願者,但當飼養員打開第一個籠子時,裏面的松鼠跳出來了。
  • 25Gerda related all, from the very beginning: the Wood-pigeons cooed above in their cage, and the others slept.格爾達從頭到尾講了一遍:斑鳩在上面的籠子裏咕咕地叫着,其餘的人都睡着了。
  • 26Who's rattled his cage?誰惹他生氣了?《牛津詞典》
  • 27Cage changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism.凱奇改了名字以轉移裙帶關係的指責。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 28In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs.呼吸時胸部肌肉使胸廓擴大讓空氣吸入肺部。《牛津詞典》
  • 29One bird flew out of the cage.一隻鳥從籠子裏飛了出來。
  • 30The "Mom" cockatoo in the cage was soon expecting.籠子裏的鳳頭鸚鵡“媽媽”很快就懷孕了。 [1] 
  • 1.    cage  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-17]