


brighten,英語單詞,主要用作不及物動詞、及物動詞、名詞,作不及物動詞時譯為“明亮;變亮;活躍;快樂高興”,作及物動詞時譯為“使閃亮;使生輝;使快樂高興”,作名詞時譯為“(Brighten)人名;(英)布賴滕”。 [1] 
詞    性
Brighten Transition


brighten /ˈbraɪtən/ CET6 TEM4 ( brightening, brightened, brightens )
1.V-I If someone brightens or their face brightens, they suddenly look happier. 變得開心; 面露喜色
2.PHRASAL VERBBrighten up means the same as . 變得開心; 面露喜色
3.V-I If your eyes brighten, you suddenly look interested or excited. (眼睛) 變亮
4.V-T If someone or something brightens a place, they make it more colourful and attractive. 使增輝
5.PHRASAL VERBBrighten up means the same as . 使增輝
6.V-T/V-I If someone or something brightens a situation or the situation brightens, it becomes more pleasant, enjoyable, or favourable. 改善; 轉好
7.V-T/V-I When a light brightens a place or when a place brightens, it becomes brighter or lighter. 照亮; 變亮
8.V-I If the weather brightens, it becomes less cloudy or rainy, and the sun starts to shine. (天氣) 放晴 [1] 


You brighten 你讓人眼前一亮
Brighten Transition 高亮過渡
Prospects Brighten 前景光明
brighten agent 熒光增白劑
brighten n 使快活 ; 使發光
Brighten Eyes 亮眼 [1] 


  • 1David spotted the pink silk lampshade in a shop and thought it would brighten up the room.大衞在一家商店發現了這個粉色的絲綢燈罩,他想它會使房間生輝。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2They brighten in parks and gardens as they fly among the flowers.當它們在花叢中飛舞時,它們使公園和花園熠熠生輝。
  • 3If you don't arouse someone's curiosity or brighten someone's day, you probably come across as being a little bit dull.如果你不能激起別人的好奇心或點亮別人的生活,你也許會給人留下有點沉悶的印象。
  • 4Seeing him, she seemed to brighten a little.看見他她似乎高興點了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5In the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten.遠方的天空開始泛白。《牛津詞典》
  • 6Fresh flowers will brighten up any room in the house.鮮花會使屋裏的任何房間都亮麗生色。《牛津詞典》
  • 7According to the forecast, it should brighten up later.根據天氣預報,晚一點天應該會轉晴。《牛津詞典》
  • 8A personal letter will usually brighten up a person's day.一封私人來信往往就能使人一天心情愉快。《牛津詞典》
  • 9It could do with a lick of paint to brighten up its premises.用一點塗料就可以讓房子明亮起來。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10That does not do much to brighten the prospects of kids in the city.那並沒怎麼改善城裏孩子們的前途。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11The sun rises to brighten the land.太陽昇上高空照亮了整個大地。
  • 12The colors brighten.色彩熠熠生輝。
  • 13It can brighten the world around you.它會讓你周圍的世界變得美好。
  • 14They will brighten the dreary lives of Cubans.他們將照亮古巴人沉悶的生活。
  • 15His eyes brighten as he ponders the possibility.思考這種種可能性時他激動得兩眼冒光。
  • 16Brighten, his head cocks, he pauses under a green bough.明亮,頭顱高昂,他在一根綠色的樹枝下停下來。
  • 17What is it that you can do to brighten their day somewhat?這樣做是不是會令他們的一天變得更美好一點?
  • 18There’s nothing like colour to brighten up an office space.沒有東西比色彩更能照亮辦公空間。
  • 19If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.為別人點一盞燈,照亮別人,也照亮了自己。
  • 20The flash will brighten up people's faces and make them stand out.閃光可照亮人物的臉部,使其影相突出。
  • 21Brighten and say hello when you see people in the hallway and elevator.當你在走廊或者電梯上看到他人的時候,説聲你好,用你的快樂點亮他人。
  • 22Applying fresh peel to your face can lighten and brighten the complexion.用柿皮敷臉可以使皮膚明亮,有光澤。
  • 23This will boost her confidence and brighten the entire night for her.這將促進她的自信,並在黑夜裏給她明亮。
  • 24Nothing like a lime green concrete-covered slope to brighten up a corner.用綠色石灰遮蓋的斜坡很有趣吧
  • 25Both artificial and natural light will brighten up a room, making it look bigger.無論是人造光還是自然光都將點亮一個房間,讓它看起來空間更大。
  • 26Consider several ways to brighten things up to sustain your output and energy.考慮下面的幾種方法讓辦公空間亮麗起來以便保持你的工作和精力。
  • 27In these places the weather may brighten some people's lives in more ways than one.在這些地方,明媚的陽光照亮的不僅是人們的生活。 [1] 