

bravely,英語單詞,主要用作副詞,作副詞時譯為“勇敢地;華麗地”。 [1] 
詞    性
屬    性


bravely dedicated 英勇
bravely opening 開拓奮進
challenges bravely 勇敢面對挑戰
fight bravely 英勇奮戰
fighting bravely 英勇作戰
innovate bravely 大膽創新
theory of surpassing bravely 趕超理論
a bravely decorated house 裝飾華麗的房子
a bravely decked house 裝飾華麗的房屋 [1] 


  • 1He bravely held back his tears.他勇敢地沒讓眼淚流出來。《牛津詞典》
  • 2She bore her misfortunes bravely.她勇敢地承受不幸的遭遇。《牛津詞典》
  • 3She bravely blinked back her tears.她勇敢地抑制住了淚水。《牛津詞典》
  • 4We should fight with them bravely.我們應該勇敢地和他們戰鬥。
  • 5Then I went on to the stage bravely.然後我勇敢地走上舞台。
  • 6"Let us draw lots," Wendy said bravely.“我們抽籤吧。”温迪勇敢地説。
  • 7He kept on bravely.他勇敢地堅持着。
  • 8Pinocchio, although alone, defended himself bravely.皮諾喬雖然獨自一人,卻勇敢地保護自己。
  • 9It takes a great deal of courage to face the situation bravely.大膽地正視這一局面需要很大的勇氣。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10The most important thing is to face the pains bravely and learn from them.最重要的是勇敢地面對痛苦並從中吸取教訓。
  • 11He bravely bore his miseries three weeks, and then one day turned up missing.他勇敢地忍受了三個星期的痛苦,然而有一天他不見了。
  • 12Instead of losing dignity, you would gain respects for bravely admitting your mistakes.你不會因為勇敢地承認錯誤而失去尊嚴,相反,你會獲得尊重。
  • 13In his diseased ravings he called himself the Prince of Wales, and bravely doth he keep up the character.在他那病態的胡言亂語中,他稱自己為威爾士王子,並勇敢地保持着這個稱號。
  • 14Our men wiped them out, but the enemy fought bravely and well.我們的人殲滅了敵人,不過敵人也打得很勇猛頑強。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15We must face them bravely and solve them.我們必須勇敢地面對它們,解決它們。
  • 16You'd better face challenges bravely instead of running away from them.你最好勇敢地面對挑戰,而不是逃避。
  • 17One is to complain, and the other is to face it bravely.一種是抱怨,另一種是勇敢面對。
  • 18As long as we step out bravely, we'll find it's not so difficult.只要我們勇敢的走出去,我們就會發現它並沒有那麼難。
  • 19Our teachers often encourage us to face difficulties bravely and try to overcome them.我們的老師經常鼓勵我們,要勇敢面對困難,並努力客服它們。
  • 20The dolls help her not only make a living, but also face life bravely.這些玩偶不僅幫助她謀生,而且幫助她勇敢地面對生活。
  • 21I gave my money to the boy and told him to face the life bravely.我把我的錢給了男孩,告訴他要勇敢地面對生活。
  • 22At the same time, we should encourage him to face his weaknesses bravely and correct them.同時,我們應該鼓勵他勇敢地面對自己的弱點,並加以改正。
  • 23By facing it bravely and trying to solve it, you can get away from your worrying thoughts.通過勇敢地面對,並努力解決它,你就可以擺脱你的擔憂。
  • 24I remember your present of flowers and how the thorns had hurt your fingers but you carried on bravely.我記得你送給我的鮮花,以及花刺如何刺痛你的手指,但你卻勇敢地堅持着。
  • 25And some were even excited to read their notes out loud, like one shy girl who bravely said that she was lonely.有些人甚至興奮地大聲朗讀他們的筆記,就像一個害羞的女孩勇敢地説她很孤獨。
  • 26"It's a magic tail." the wizard said, "When someone wears it and acts bravely, he or she will turn into a strong lion."“這是一條神奇的尾巴。”巫師説,“當有人戴上它並且表現得勇敢的時候,他/她就會變成強壯的獅子。”
  • 27She had known that Monica would make it when she bravely took her first step to overcome her fear of speaking in public.當莫妮卡勇敢地邁出第一步來克服她對當眾演講的恐懼時,她就知道莫妮卡會成功。
  • 28"Oh, I see," he said, trying bravely to laugh and ruffling up his wig with his hand.“哦,我明白了。”他説,勉強笑了笑,用手弄亂了假髮。
  • 29"I'm all right," he said bravely.“我沒事,”他勇敢地表示道。
  • 30Mary bravely laughed off her pain.瑪麗勇敢地以笑來應對痛苦。 [1] 