

詞    性
屬    性
bowling shoe


英[ˈbəʊlɪŋ]美[ˈboʊlɪŋ] [1] 


League Bowling聯盟保齡球 ; 超級保齡球 ; 保齡球聯盟 ; 同盟保齡球
bowling shoe保齡球鞋
bowling equipment保齡球設備 ; 保齡球球場設備
Bowling Ball保齡球 ; 保齡球室 ; 球館配套熒光保齡球 ; 詳細翻譯
lawn bowling草地保齡球 ; 滾木球 ; 現了一種叫做庭木球 ; 英國有一種叫做庭木球
bowling master速玩保齡球 ; 保齡球遊戲 ; 保齡球
Bowling Central保齡球中心
tenpin bowling十柱滾木球戲 ; 保齡球
bowling shirt滾木球戲運動衫 [1] 


  • 1They go in for tennis and bowling.他們愛好打網球和保齡球。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2I can't go bowling without you.我沒辦法不跟你一起去打保齡球。
  • 3Why do you go bowling so often?你為什麼那麼頻繁的去打保齡球呢?
  • 4I went bowling this evening.今天晚上我去打保齡球了。
  • 5Who did you go bowling with?你和誰一起去打保齡球了?
  • 6Let's go bowling tomorrow.明天一起去打保齡球吧。
  • 7Do you want to go bowling with us?你要不要和我們一起去打保齡球?
  • 8They like playing tennis and bowling.他們愛打網球和保齡球。
  • 9I thought we were going to go bowling!我以為我們要去打保齡球!
  • 10Why don't we go bowling this afternoon?今天下午去打保齡球好嗎?
  • 11My hobby is bowling. Do you have a hobby?我的愛好是打保齡球,你有愛好嗎?
  • 12The children have a game of bowling every week.孩子們每一星期都玩一場保齡球。
  • 13What's special for today, then, not bowling again.今天有什麼節目啊,別再去打保齡球了。
  • 14At least twice a month I go bowling with my friends.我和朋友打保齡球每月至少兩次。
  • 15If a gym isn't your scene, try bowling or an indoor climbing wall.如果你不喜歡去健身房,試試打保齡球或室內攀巖。
  • 16Right after your evening meal, engage in some sort of physical activity—a sport such as bowling, perhaps.在你晚餐之後,參加一些體育活動,比如打保齡球。
  • 17I go bowling for relaxation.我玩保齡球放鬆自己。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 18Soon we were bowling along the country roads.我們不久便在鄉村的公路上疾馳了。《牛津詞典》
  • 19I can't see the point of bowling a ball like that.我不能理解那樣的投球。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 20Much of the bowling today will be done by Phil Tufnell.大多數投球今天將由菲爾·塔夫內爾完成。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 21In any event, the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.不管怎樣,那家保齡球館的餐廳證明是很受歡迎的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 22I prefer bowling to baseball.比起棒球,我更喜歡打保齡球。
  • 23Bowling is an interesting sport for many Americans.對許多美國人來説,保齡球是一項有趣的運動。
  • 24While at university, he had many hobbies, such as chess, tennis and bowling.在大學期間,他有眾多愛好,比如象棋、網球和保齡球。
  • 25When playing golf and bowling (保齡球), people need to wear special shoes.打高爾夫球和保齡球時要穿特製的鞋子。
  • 26Golf shoes have sharp metal spikes (鞋釘), while bowling shoes have almost no spikes at all.高爾夫鞋有鋒利的金屬鞋釘,而保齡球鞋幾乎一個鞋釘都沒有。
  • 27Besides looking silly, golf shoes and bowling shoes do not have soles (鞋底) that are fit for street use.除了外形滑稽外,由於鞋底的原因,高爾夫球鞋和保齡球鞋也不適合穿上街。
  • 28My muscles are sore from bowling.我的肌肉由於打保齡球而痠痛。 [1] 