

詞    性


Subject Bibliography 參考文獻篩選統計 ; 主題書目 ; 主題列表
Bibliography information 參考信息 ; 書目情報
Historical Bibliography 歷史目錄學 ; 分析目錄
bibliography n 有關某一專題的
Environmental Bibliography 環境文摘
New Bibliography 新目錄學
Music Bibliography 音樂文獻學
Supplementary Bibliography 補充書目
Format bibliography 格式化參考文獻 [1] 


  • 1Listing 2 shows a sample XML document, bib.xml, which represents a bibliography of books.清單 2 顯示了一個示例 XML 文檔 bib.xml ,它表示書籍的書目。
  • 2The Three Rules is a self-conscious contribution to this type of writing; it even includes a bibliography of "success studies".《三條規則》是對這類寫作的自覺貢獻;它甚至包括“成功研究”的參考書目。
  • 3At the end of this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books.本章末尾附着有用書籍的精選書目。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Speidel provides a substantial bibliography with extensive primary sources.斯派德爾提供了大量的參考書目與廣泛的主要來源。
  • 5The root node is the bibliography element.它的根節點是bibliography 元素。
  • 6You must include his name in the bibliography.你應該把他的名字加在這個參考書目裏。
  • 7This course features a bibliography of readings.本課程著重在參考書目的閲讀。
  • 8Use footnotes and bibliography where appropriate.使用腳註和參考書目。
  • 9Most chapters also contain a useful annotated bibliography.描述了一個項目可以無風險應用的最低條件。 大多數的章節中也包含了附註的參考書目。
  • 10The book ought to include a bibliography of the subject.這本書應包括一份關於這一學科的參考書目。
  • 11There is a useful bibliography at the end of each chapter.在每一章後附有一份有用的參考書目。
  • 12Eg: This course features a complete bibliography of readings.例句:本課程有完整的相關閲讀書目。
  • 13You should include a bibliography at the end of your research paper.你應該在研究論文後面附上參考書目。
  • 14The subject of the bibliography was due to arrive in fifteen minutes.這份目錄的主人再有十五分鐘就該到了。
  • 15He said the agnostics were also demanding a "more even-handed" bibliography.他説不可知論者也要求一個“更加公平的”書目。
  • 16The scholar compiled a bibliography of the unpublished writings of Emerson.這位學者編制了一部愛默生未發表的作品的目錄。
  • 17You can do so through footnotes, a bibliography, or some other kind of scholarly device.你可以透過附註、參考書目或其他學術性工具方式交待。
  • 18A succinct review of this problem with an excellent bibliography has recently appeared.關於這個問題的一個簡明的複習和一份極好的文獻目錄最近已發表。
  • 19Other publications that provide information or guidance are listed in the Bibliography.其它提供信息或指南的出版物已列入參考文獻中。
  • 20This essay is made up of five parts of introduction, three chapters, note , postscript and bibliography.題目為《論蒙古歌舞劇》這篇論文由緒論、三個章節、註解、後記和參考書目五個部分組成。
  • 21A supplementary bibliography at the end of this volume comprises the most important of these new publications.本書末的補充參考書目包括了這些最新出版的重要著作。
  • 22Hmm. I always thought the part of the book that listed sources of information was called the bibliography.嗯,我傾向於認為此處這個“列出信息出處的書籍部分”應該被稱作“參考文獻”。
  • 23Note the difference from a Bibliography, which may include works that are not directly referenced in the thesis.注意書目中的不同,它可能會包括與論文不直接相關的信息。
  • 24There is a short bibliography to which you might turn if you're having trouble or want to go beyond the notes.有一份簡短的文獻目錄,當你碰到困難或需要越出本書範圍的內容時,就可以查閲它。 [1] 