

barometer是一個英語單詞,名詞,作名詞時意為“ [氣象] 氣壓計晴雨表;顯示變化的事物”。
詞    性


英[bəˈrɒmɪtə(r)]美[bəˈrɑːmɪtər] [1] 


normal barometer [氣象] 標準氣壓表 ; [氣象] 標準氣壓計 ; 規範大氣的壓力錶
cistern barometer 槽式氣壓計 ; 液槽氣壓計 ; 水銀槽氣壓計 ; 水槽氣壓計
diaphragm barometer 膜片式氣壓計
vessel barometer 球管氣壓計 ; 翻譯
automatic barometer 自動氣壓計
portable barometer 輕便氣壓計
January Barometer 一月晴雨表
siphoon barometer 虹吸管氣壓表
Happy Barometer 歡樂晴雨表 [1] 


  • 1A man in camp took a barometer reading at half-hour intervals.營地裏的一個人每半小時看一次氣壓計。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2In past presidential elections, Missouri has been a barometer of the rest of the country.在過去的總統大選中,密蘇里州一直是該國其餘各州的晴雨表。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions.嬰兒死亡率是社會經濟狀況的可靠指標。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Money is the barometer of a society's virtue.金錢是衡量一個社會的美德的晴雨表。
  • 5But Bollen wanted to build a more nuanced emotional barometer.然而博倫想要完成一個更加細緻的情緒晴雨表。
  • 6They, too, are a good barometer of who is up and who is down.這同樣也是體現誰家得勢誰家失意很好的晴雨表。
  • 7The main barometer for monetary creation is the Fed's balance sheet.貨幣創造行為的主要晴雨表是美聯儲的資產負債表。
  • 8And why should you think it would rain unless the barometer told you so?為什麼晴雨表説下雨,你就堅信不疑呢?
  • 9Are such motley enterprises a barometer of British business in recession?這樣混雜的小公司們是否是衰退中的英國商業晴雨表呢?
  • 10People nevertheless use the stockmarket as a barometer of economic health.然而,人們把股票市場看做經濟狀況的晴雨表。
  • 11They're stuck in this paradigm that weight is the ultimate barometer for fitness.人們思維定勢認為體重是健康的最終晴雨表。
  • 12It sounds strange, but your skin can be a pretty good barometer of your stress level.這聽起來很奇怪,但皮膚的確是關於壓力水平的非常好的晴雨表。
  • 13It's no more a barometer of sadness than winning the lottery guarantees life satisfaction.這不是悲傷的晴雨表,只是保障生活滿意的頭獎彩票。
  • 14The lure of core inflation as a barometer is that headline inflation rates tend to be volatile.之所以核心通貨膨脹作為晴雨表很有吸引力,是因為整體通貨膨脹率往往變化無常。
  • 15The mood of the returning crowd can be a good barometer for the state of the European Union.歸來者的心情可極好地反映歐盟現狀--今年的情形非常糟糕。
  • 16On the other hand, the grapevine is valuable as a barometer of 'public opinion' in the organization.但在另一方面,小道消息作為組織中“民意”的晴雨表是有價值的。
  • 17It also serves as a barometer of investors' feelings about economic variables like inflation and recession.此外,美國國債收益率也常作為晴雨表衡量投資者對通脹和衰退等經濟變量的感覺。
  • 18The rise and fall of a stock isn’t a perfect barometer for predicting layoffs, but it can often be an early indicator.股價的漲跌固然不能算作未來裁員的晴雨表,但是也常常會被當成一個早期信號。
  • 19His capability of observation may be the barometer of the traveler's foresight of perils and hazards lurking ahead.他的觀察能力可能是他能夠預見前方潛藏着的危險的指標。
  • 20Taking advantage of a smart phone's GPS, compass and barometer, the app can determine the location of a person remotely.通過智能手機的GPS、指南針和氣壓計,該應用能遠程確定某人的位置。
  • 21The loudest sucking sound has been in the market for initial public offerings, a crucial barometer of financial wellbeing.作為金融活力中心氣壓計的首次公開發行市場最為明顯。
  • 22After three years of record orders, Mr. Enders said, new contracts are a barometer of airlines' health — not a necessity.恩德斯説,在訂單連續三年創下紀錄之後,新的合約能夠表明航空公司的運營狀況,但並非必不可少。
  • 23The mood of the returning crowd can be a good barometer for the state of the European Union. And this year it is dreadful.歸來者的心情可極好地反映歐盟現狀——今年的情形非常糟糕。
  • 24These statistics are not a perfect barometer either, however, because they reflect weddings that were celebrated years earlier.這些數據也並不是什麼晴雨表,無論如何,只是因為它反映的是慶祝時間要早一些的婚禮。 [1] 