


詞    性
屬    性
釋    義


英 [ˈbæŋkwɪt] 美 [ˈbæŋkwɪt] [1] 


The Banquet 豪門夜宴 ; 夜宴專輯
Banquet Hall [建] 宴會廳 ; 大餐廳 ; 宴席廳 ; 宴會大廳
Banquet Bar 宴會酒吧 ; 宴席酒吧
Peach banquet 蟠桃宴
Han Banquet 滿漢全席
Banquet Server 宴會廳服務員 ; 宴會服務員 ; 宴會服務生 ; 宴會廳
Beggars Banquet 乞丐盛宴 ; 乞丐的宴會 ; 出版者 ; 唱片公司
BANQUET CENTRE 宴會中心 ; 宴會中央
Banquet Coord 宴會協調員 [1] 


  • 1He was arranging floral centrepieces in the banquet hall.他正在宴會大廳擺放餐桌中央的裝飾花束。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2There's a banquet for you!這是為你準備的宴會!
  • 3I'll order the Banquet.我來組織宴會。
  • 4There's going to be a big banquet to-morrow night.明晚有一個盛大的宴會。
  • 5He met the foreign friends and gave a banquet in their honour.他會見了外國朋友,並設宴招待了他們。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 6It's about this Banquet, and very sorry I am to have to speak to you like this.是關於這次宴會的事,很抱歉我不得不這樣跟你説話。
  • 7The Badger had ordered everything of the best, and the banquet was a great success.獾子班傑把一切都安排得盡善盡美,宴會非常成功。
  • 8The hotel called, saying that because of a scheduling error, they won't be able to cater for our banquet.酒店打來電話,説由於日程安排錯誤,他們將無法承辦我們的宴會。
  • 9The hotel called, saying that because of its scheduling there, they won't be able to cater for our banquet.酒店打電話來説,由於那裏的日程安排,他們將無法承辦我們的宴會。
  • 10A banquet was held in her honour.為歡迎她而設宴。《牛津詞典》
  • 11The meal that followed was a veritable banquet.隨後擺上的飯菜儼然是一桌宴席。《牛津詞典》
  • 12You see, we really ought to have a Banquet at once, to celebrate this affair.你看,我們真應該馬上舉行一次宴會來慶祝這件事。
  • 13Though why on earth you should want to have a Banquet in the morning I cannot understand.雖然我不明白你到底為什麼要在早上舉行宴會。
  • 14There are a good banquet scene, a lissom Lady Macbeth and a clever solution to the Birnam-comes-to-Dunsinane problem.有不錯的宴會場面,嬌小的麥克白夫人,以及對解決柏南樹林向杜西寧山移動問題的更加聰明的辦法。
  • 15A grand victory banquet was served in the royal dining room.在皇家餐廳舉行了祝捷盛宴。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 16The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmosphere from beginning to end.宴會始終充滿親切友好的氣氛。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 17Your presence is requested at a banquet to be given at the Friendship Hotel at 7:30 p.m. of March 2.茲定於三月二日晚七時半在友誼賓館舉行宴會,敬請光臨。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 18She ushered at the banquet.她在宴會上作招待員。
  • 19Without cruelty there was no banquet.沒有殘酷的剝削,就沒有豪華的盛宴。
  • 20We should get some wine in for the banquet.我們應買一些酒以備宴會用。
  • 21Do you want to change before the banquet?宴會前你想換衣服嗎?
  • 22How does the lotus fairy throw a banquet?想知道芙蓉花精是如何設宴的嗎?
  • 23It gives us a great pleasure to attend the banquet.我們非常榮幸能去參加這個宴會。
  • 24The famous actor stole the show at the charity banquet.那位知名男演員在慈善宴會上搶盡了光采。
  • 25The confused sounds of the banquet reached his ear.酒席上的嘈雜聲傳到了他耳邊。
  • 26At the banquet of life, each language is another course.在生活的盛宴裏,每一門語言都是一道菜。
  • 27The banquet proceeded in a warm and friendly atmosphere.宴會始終洋溢着熱情友好的氣氛。
  • 28The banquet is permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.宴會充滿着友好的氣氛。
  • 29After the talks, Li hosted a welcoming banquet for Tsekoa.會談結束後,李肇星外長為柴誇外交大臣舉行歡迎宴會。 [1] 