

詞    性
屬    性
釋    義


英[bækˈtɪəriə]美[bækˈtɪriə] [1] 


anaerobic bacteria [微] 厭氧菌 ; [微] 厭氧細菌 ; 厭氧性細菌 ; 嫌氣細菌
acidophilic bacteria [微] 嗜酸菌 ; 嗜酸細菌 ; 嗜酸性桿菌 ; 喜酸細菌
sulfur bacteria [土壤] 硫細菌 ; 硫細茵 ; 硫黃細菌 ; [微] 硫磺細菌
thermophile bacteria 嗜熱菌 ; 耐熱細菌 ; 好熱性細菌 ; 中温菌
chemoheterotrophic bacteria [微] 化能異養菌
Nitrate bacteria 硝酸細菌 ; [微] 硝化細菌 ; 硝酸菌 ; 硝化菌
acetogenic bacteria 產乙酸菌 ; 產氫產乙酸細菌 ; 乙酸菌 ; 乙酸發酵菌
bacteria filter 生物濾池 ; 濾菌器 ; 細菌過濾器 ; 細菌濾器
Putrefying bacteria 腐敗細菌 ; 腐敗菌 [1] 


  • 1Chlorine is added to kill bacteria.加入氯以殺菌。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The bacteria are harmless to humans.這些細菌對人無害。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium.細菌在糖基中生長。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Warm milk is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria.温牛奶是細菌理想的繁殖地。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Some drugs kill off useful bacteria in the user's body.某些藥物會殺死服用者體內的有益細菌。《牛津詞典》
  • 6It is possible to multiply these bacteria in the laboratory.在實驗室裏繁殖這些細菌是可能的。《牛津詞典》
  • 7Tests showed it was contaminated by listeria and other bacteria.檢測表明它感染有李斯特菌和其他細菌。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8It is an effective treatment for the bacteria and does kill it off.這是一種有效的滅菌方法,確實把細菌都殺光了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells.細菌一進入血液裏,就附着在紅細胞表面上。《牛津詞典》
  • 10Parts of the shop were very dirty, unhygienic, and an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.商店的一些地方非常不衞生,是細菌滋生的理想之地。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11Bacteria remain in the body.細菌留在了人體內。
  • 12Bacteria are everywhere.細菌無處不在。
  • 13Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts.細菌對宇航員來説是個惱人的問題。
  • 14Some of these bacteria are actually good for you.實際上,這些細菌有的對你有益。
  • 15The pockets trap more bacteria and food particles.這些囊狀物會儲存更多的細菌和食物顆粒。
  • 16How many bacteria actually transfer in five seconds?到底在五秒之內轉移了多少細菌呢?
  • 17Office carpets collected more bacteria than elsewhere.辦公室地毯上積聚的細菌多於其他地方。
  • 18A large number of bacteria collected on a single shoe.一隻鞋上就聚集了大量細菌。
  • 19There were more bacteria on sidewalks than in the home.人行道上的細菌比家裏的要多。
  • 20But how many bacteria actually transfer in five seconds?但是有多少細菌能在五秒鐘內轉移呢?
  • 21The bacteria in plaque make poisons that attack the gums.牙菌斑中的細菌會產生損傷牙齦的毒素。
  • 22Bacteria feed on this oil and release hydrogen sulfide gas.細菌以這種油為食,並釋放硫化氫氣體。
  • 23Different types of bacteria existed on public-toilet floors.公共廁所的地板上有不同類型的細菌。
  • 24And bacteria, primitive forms of life, have been seen there.細菌——一種原始的生命形式——在那裏被發現。
  • 25Was there a sudden change in the viruses and bacteria around?周圍的病毒和細菌是否突然發生了變化?
  • 26But the chance of these bacteria being on most surfaces is very low.但是,這些細菌出現在大多數表面上的幾率非常低。
  • 27No bacteria can survive such heat, and no bacteria were found there.沒有細菌能在這樣的高温下生存,在那裏也沒有發現細菌。
  • 28They can disrupt experiments with the bacteria organisms they carry.他們可以通過攜帶的細菌來擾亂實驗。
  • 29To find out, we introduced bacteria to squares of tile, carpet or wood.為了找到答案,我們把細菌注入到方磚、地毯或木製品上。
  • 30Under such conditions, the destructive effects of bacteria are diminished.在這種條件下,細菌的破壞作用就會減弱。 [1] 