

發    音
英 [ə'sɪst(ə)ns]
詞    性
短    語
technical assistance 技術援助


英 [ə'sɪst(ə)ns] 美 [ə'sɪstəns] [1] 


social assistance社會救助 ; 社會援助 ; 長期失業救濟 ; 社會救濟
partner assistance對口支援 ; 對口援助 ; 對口聲援 ; 對口增援
public assistance公共援助金 ; 公共救助
anchimeric assistance[有化]鄰助作用 ; 鄰位促進 ; 鄰位協助 ; 助作用
Special Assistance特別援助 ; 特殊救助
Medical assistance醫療輔助 ; 醫療救助 ; 醫療援助 ; 醫藥援助
maritime assistance海事援助
Requesting Assistance請求幫助 [1] 


  • 1Can I be of any assistance?我能有所幫助嗎?《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2They rendered assistance to the disaster victims.他們給災民提供了援助。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance.儘管他喊叫,卻沒有人來幫助他。《牛津詞典》
  • 4She offered me practical assistance with my research.她給我的研究提供了實實在在的援助。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need.這個慈善機構的宗旨是向貧困者提供幫助。《牛津詞典》
  • 6The company provides advice and assistance in finding work.公司提供諮詢並幫助找工作。《牛津詞典》
  • 7Any assistance you could give the police will be greatly appreciated.您能給警方的任何幫助都將受到不勝感謝。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8They are appealing to the world community to come to Jordan's assistance.他們正呼籲國際社會來援助約旦。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9For assistance, they turned to one of the city's most innovative museums.為了尋求幫助,他們求助於該市最具創新精神的博物館中的一座。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10Since 1976 he has been operating the shop with the assistance of volunteers.自1976年以來他一直在志願者的幫助下經營着這家商店。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11The translations were carried out with the assistance of a medical dictionary.這些翻譯是在一本醫學詞典的幫助下完成的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 12Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans.一些人得到了大量的低息貸款形式的職業援助。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 13Thank you for your helpful assistance.謝謝你的幫助。
  • 14The man is thankful to the woman for her assistance.男人感謝女人的幫助。
  • 15They operate with little or no mechanical assistance.它們很少依賴或不依賴機械輔助來運作。
  • 16I couldn't have won the award without your assistance.沒有你的幫助,我不可能獲獎。
  • 17Without the assistance, the victim can destroy his life.沒有援助,受害者可以毀掉他的生活。
  • 18With proper assistance, victims can put their lives together one day.在適當的幫助下,受害者總有一天可以恢復正常生活。
  • 19They would always come to my assistance whenever I need a helping hand.無論我什麼時候需要幫助,他們都會來幫我。
  • 20They are the National Health Service and the 1948 National Assistance Act.它們是國民健康服務和1948年的國家援助法案。
  • 21With the assistance of social media apps, we can now get to know more people.在社交媒體軟件的幫助下,我們可以認識更多的人。
  • 22She received assistance naming plants, making sketches and referencing the work of others.她在為植物命名、製作草圖以及引用他人作品時得到幫助。
  • 23In the wake of the recession, the number of families in need of food assistance began to grow.在經濟衰退之後,需要糧食援助的家庭數量開始增加。
  • 24They have issued a global call for robotic assistance and are likely to put more robots to work shortly.他們已經向全球發出了使用機器人援助的呼籲,並可能很快會讓更多機器人投入工作。
  • 25For example, Americans routinely overestimate the share of black recipients of public assistance programs.例如,美國人經常高估公共援助計劃中黑人受助者的比例。
  • 26The idea was that there be a federal subsidy, financial assistance to artists and artistic or cultural institutions.這個想法是,對藝術家和藝術或文化機構實施聯邦補貼,財政援助。
  • 27It's not clear that the cruise industry will survive or that public transit won't go broke without federal assistance.目前還不清楚郵輪行業能否生存下去,或者説,在沒有聯邦援助的情況下,公共交通產業是否會破產。
  • 28His wallet, mobile phone and ID card stolen, the police are investigating and will send him to a social assistance station.他的錢包、手機和身份證都被偷了。警察正在調查,準備將送他到社會救助站。
  • 29The sons and grandsons of Theodosius were too young when they came to power to rule without the assistance of older advisors.狄奧多西的兒子和孫子,在缺乏年長顧問的幫助下,掌權時年紀太小。
  • 30The university offers financial assistance to international students, including first-year students, but says its resources are limited.該校向包括一年級學生在內的國際學生提供經濟援助,但表示其資源有限。 [1] 