

詞    性
英[əˈrɪθmətɪk]美[əˈrɪθmətɪk] [1] 


arithmetic progression等差數列 ;[數]算術級數 ; 等差級數 ; 等值等差數列
arithmetic operator算術算符 ; 算術操作符 ;[計]算術運算符 ; 算術操作數
arithmetic statement[計]算術語句 ; 算術陳式 ; 算術敍述
oral arithmetic口算
pointer arithmetic[計]指示字運算 ; 指針運算 ; 指針的算術運算 ; 指針算術運算
address arithmetic[計]地址運算 ; 算術位址 ; 地址算術
interval arithmetic區間算術運算 ;[計]區間運算 ; 區間算術 ; 區間算法
Arithmetic Data[計]算術數據 ; 運算數據
multiprecision arithmetic多倍精度動算 ;[計]多倍精度運算 [1] 


  • 1He's not very good at arithmetic.他不太擅長算術。《牛津詞典》
  • 2They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.他們將重點教授閲讀、寫作和算術的基本要點。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3He is good at arithmetic.他擅長算術。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4He has a knack of teaching arithmetic.他教算術有訣竅。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5In my class we do arithmetic with oranges.我們班裏用桔子做算術題。
  • 6That school puts particular emphasis on arithmetic and reading.那所學校側重算術和閲讀。
  • 7Evidence of early stages of arithmetic and numeration can be readily found.我們很容易找到早期算法和計算的證據。
  • 8One of the books was a very large volume, an arithmetic text, heavily bound in leather.其中一本書是一本很厚的算術課本,用羊皮紙包得很厚。
  • 9The thinking in each chapter uses at most only elementary arithmetic, and sometimes not even that.每一章的思考最多隻使用了初級算術,有時甚至不需要用。
  • 10Aisles of marketing genius belie the fact that, ultimately, weight loss is dictated by the laws of arithmetic.藥店裏的營銷天才掩飾了一個事實,即減肥最終是由算術定律決定的。
  • 11Instead they may involve, at most, a little arithmetic, such as "the sum of two odd numbers is even", and common sense.相反,它們最多可能涉及一點算術,比如“兩個奇數之和為偶數”,以及常識。
  • 12Lessons are extremely practical and include work on farming, carpentry, health and running a home, as well as lessons on the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic.課程非常實用,包括農耕、木工、健康和家庭管理,以及閲讀、寫作和算術的基本技能課程。
  • 13Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping.外出購物時練習一下心算。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14I think there's something wrong with your arithmetic.我認為你的計算有錯。《牛津詞典》
  • 154,000 women put in ten rupees each, which if my arithmetic is right adds up to 40,000 rupees.4千名婦女每人交10盧比,如果我的計算準確的話加起來總共是4萬盧比。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 16The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels.對核運行費用的計算因其他燃料費用的下降而出現了偏差。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17The arithmetic was discouraging. In less than two months, they had used up six months' worth of food.數據不容樂觀。在不到兩個月裏,他們已經吃完了6個月的食物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 18It can't be skills like arithmetic.不可能是算術之類的技能。
  • 19It can't be skills like arithmetic, which machines already excel in.不可能是算術之類的技能,這些機器已經很擅長了。
  • 20It is a goal more difficult than excellence in arithmetic or soccer.這個目標,比學好數學或踢好足球更難。
  • 21Recently, a study showed that bees could perform arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction.最近一項研究表明,蜜蜂可以進行加減法的運算。
  • 22I think there should be equal concern for those who are unable to cope with simple mental arithmetic—particularly girls.我認為對於那些不能應付簡單的心算的人,尤其是女孩,應該給予同樣的關注。
  • 23That is also its strength: it's easy for readers to understand, and to do the arithmetic for their own schools if they'd like.但這也是它的優勢:方便讀者理解,如果他們願意的話,也可以為自己的學校算算數。
  • 24But that is also its strength: it's easy for readers to understand, and to do the arithmetic for their own schools if they'd like.但這也是它的優勢:讀者很容易去理解,如果他們願意的話,也可以為自己的學校做計算題。
  • 25We first introduce methods of finding the sum of the first n terms for an arithmetic sequence of higher order.我們首先介紹了高階等差數列前 n 項和的求解方法。
  • 26Music, writing, and arithmetic.音樂,文筆,算術.
  • 27Arithmetic is done on integers.算術只對整數進行。
  • 28It's just a matter of arithmetic.這是一種簡單的算術問題。
  • 29All I knew was the arithmetic of it.我所知道的就是其中的算術。
  • 30It does arithmetic.它能做算術。 [1] 