

詞    性
英[əˈraɪz]美[əˈraɪz] [1] 


arise attention引起注意的抱怨
Blessings Arise福就生
functional arise函數發生
arise together並起
Arise Sepultura神碑合唱團
bolobeat arise熱輻射計支架
emerge arise出現
atlantis arise海底之國
arise fro由 [1] 


  • 1Only a finite number of situations can arise.只有有限的幾種情況可能會出現。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2When children enter the equation , further tensions may arise within a marriage.有了孩子以後,婚姻中可能出現新的矛盾。《牛津詞典》
  • 3In a good marriage, both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise.在一樁美滿的婚姻中,夫妻雙方共同致力於解決出現的任何問題。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Moral or legal issues might arise.可能會出現道德或法律問題。
  • 5In addition, barriers can rapidly arise and shut off the trickle.此外,障礙會迅速出現,切斷滴流。
  • 6Questions arise over authorship and the determination of literary heirs.關於作者身份和文學繼承人的決定產生了疑問。
  • 7A number of conditions enhance the likelihood that primary groups will arise.一些條件提高了初級羣體出現的可能性。
  • 8Only in research on entirely new treatments are new and unexpected variables likely to arise.只有在研究全新的治療方法時,才可能出現新的和意想不到的變數。
  • 9As Mercedes Benz 4S dealership didn't handle the oil leak scandal, we have seen what terrible consequences can arise.由於奔馳4S經銷商沒有處理好漏油事件,我們已經看到了可能出現的可怕後果。
  • 10As a result, we let disturbing thoughts and emotions arise in our consciousness and surrender to our primitive behavior.結果,我們讓令人不安的思想和情緒出現在意識中,並屈服於我們的原始行為。
  • 11Future research should look at the behavior and ecology of these worms, to understand what caused the new species to arise.未來的研究應該看看這些蠕蟲的行為與生態學,以瞭解新物種的出現是由什麼造成的。
  • 12This metabolic cost may arise from the muscular and neural activity involved in singing or from behaviors associated with singing.這種代謝消耗可能是由於唱歌或與唱歌相關的行為中涉及的肌肉和神經活動所產生的。
  • 13When emotions arise, instead of stifling them, pay attention to them and try to understand the messages they are trying to deliver.當情緒出現時,與其將其扼殺,不如關注它們,並試着理解情緒想要傳遞的信息。
  • 14You say "hello", use small talk if you see them in the yard, you discuss problems as they arise and you help each other in an emergency.你説“你好”,如果你看到他們在院子裏可以閒聊,當他們出現時你們可以討論問題,在緊急情況下你們可以互相幫助。
  • 15Whereas atmospheric storms arise in a matter of hours and last for days, magnetic tempests develop over decades and persist for centuries.大氣風暴出現在幾小時內,持續幾天,而磁暴形成要幾十年,持續幾個世紀。
  • 16The earliest humans arrived several million years ago, but only 150,000 to 200,000 years ago, did cultures, language, religion and the arts arise.人類最早出現在幾百萬年前,但直到15萬到20萬年前,才出現了文化、語言、宗教和藝術。
  • 17Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to, or to arise from is so intrinsic that we are barely ever conscious of its abiding claims on us.這些花園似乎所迴應或所產生的另一種期望或需要如此潛藏於內在,以至於我們幾乎從未意識到它對我們的持久要求。
  • 18Their allele frequencies at numerous genetic loci gradually become more and more different as new alleles independently arise by mutation in each population.隨着新等位基因在每個羣體中獨立突變產生,它們在許多遺傳位點上的等位基因頻率逐漸變得越來越不同。
  • 19We do not even know, for example, how many stars have planets, and we certainly do not know how likely it is that life will arise naturally, given the right conditions.例如,我們甚至不知道有多少恆星有行星,我們當然也不知道如果有適當的條件,生命自然出現的可能性有多大。
  • 20When several individuals of the same species or of several different species depend on the same limited resource, a situation may arise that is referred to as competition.當同一物種或不同物種中的幾個個體依賴於同一有限的資源時,就會出現所謂的競爭的情況。
  • 21In times of emotional turmoil, remember that emotions arise because your senses are wired to the primitive part of your mind which is self-regulated, autonomous and spontaneous.情緒混亂時,請記住,情緒的產生是因為意識連接到了大腦中的原始部分,而這一部分是自動調節的、自主的、自發的。
  • 22We keep them informed of any changes as they arise.如有任何變化,我們隨時通知他們。《牛津詞典》
  • 23Noisome vapours arise from the mud left in the docks.難聞的蒸汽從殘留在碼頭上的瘀泥裏散發出來。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 24He refuses to allow that such a situation could arise.他拒不承認這種情況有可能發生。《牛津詞典》
  • 25Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.身體上的原因可以引起情緒或精神上的問題。《牛津詞典》
  • 26Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise.復甦之鳳會從經濟廢墟的灰燼中騰飛而起。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 27Many diseases arise from what people really don't know about in their daily life.許多疾病是由人們在日常生活中不瞭解的東西引起的。
  • 28Technical difficulties often arise from the subjective-objective nature of the problem.技術上的困難往往是由問題的主客觀性質引起的。
  • 29Technical difficulties often arise from the subjective-objective nature of the problem.技術上的困難往往是由問題的主客觀性質引起的。
  • 30In many cases, similar difficulties arise when attempts are made to measure domestic tourism.在許多情況下,在試圖衡量國內旅遊業時也會出現類似的困難。 [1] 
  • 1.    arise  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-18]