

anthropology是一個英語單詞,名詞,人類學。用作名詞 (n.)His field of expertise was anthropology.  他的研究領域是人類學。She's course tutor in anthropology.  她是人類學選課指導教師。Anthropology is one of the social sciences.  人類學是社會科學中的一支。I believe he has started reading up anthropology.  我相信他已開始攻讀人類學。
詞    性



  • 1Listen to part of a lecture in an anthropology class.聽一部分人類學課程。
  • 2Wasn't there notice on the Anthropology Department's bulletin board?難道在人類學學院的公告欄上沒有通知嗎?
  • 3I took a few anthropology classes with her and they were great, inspiring.我和她一起上了幾堂人類學的課,這些課都很好,很振奮人心。
  • 4We're compiling a database of articles the anthropology faculty has published.我們正在彙編一個人類學學院所發表的文章的數據庫。
  • 5There is not much glory in it, but we are looking for someone with some knowledge of anthropology to join us.這不是什麼能獲得榮耀的工作,但是我們在尋找有一些人類學知識背景的人來加入我們。
  • 6Not to be the skunk at this party, but I think it's important to ask whether neuroscience reveals anything more than we already know from anthropology.我並不想成為這場聚會上的討厭鬼,但我認為重要的是,要問清楚神經科學是否揭示了我們從人類學等學科中已知之外的東西。
  • 7DNA teased from these human remains may help answer one of the most puzzling questions in Pacific anthropology: did all Pacific islanders spring from one source or many?從這些人類遺骸中提取的 DNA 可能有助於回答太平洋人類學中最令人困惑的問題之一:所有太平洋島民是來自一個源頭,還是不同源頭呢?
  • 8"Essentially, I could not agree more with the authors," said Svante Paabo, a biologist and director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany.“從本質上説,我非常同意作者的觀點。”德國馬克斯·普朗克進化人類學研究所的生物學家兼主任斯温特·帕波説。
  • 9He taught diverse courses such as Biology, Anthropology and Zootechny.他教多樣化的課程,如生物學、人類學和畜牧學。
  • 10Michael S., anthropology student邁克爾S,人類學學生
  • 11Chemistry? Anthropology?化學?人類學?
  • 12My major was anthropology and her was history.我得專業是人類學,她的專業是歷史。
  • 13Now without doubt this is a dubious theory of classical anthropology.現在毫無疑問這是一個關於古典人類學的可疑學説。
  • 14That analysis appears in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.該研究的分析報告發表在《美國體質人類學雜誌》上。
  • 15This semester I'm taking a class called The Anthropology of Reproduction.這學期,我參加了一個課程,叫做:繁殖人類學。
  • 16But evolutionary anthropology is not destiny, as they say in the classics.但是進化人類學並不代表一成不變的命運。
  • 17That's according to research in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.該項研究發表在《美國自然人類學》雜誌上。
  • 18Someone has just gotten a PHD in anthropology, or I guess archaeology probably.他剛剛獲得了人類學的博士學位,或者有可能是考古學。
  • 19This is a book for anyone interested in words, language and cultural anthropology.這本書是為所有對詞彙、語言及文化人類學感興趣的人而寫就的。
  • 20When he's not writing, he teaches anthropology and women's studies in Las Vegas, NV.在不寫作的時候,他在內華達州拉斯維加斯教人類學和女性研究課程。
  • 21Despite its recent advances, the field of molecular anthropology is treacherous terrain.儘管分子人類學近期取得了上述的進展,但是人們對這個學術領域仍然持懷疑態度。
  • 22So we use our science in anthropology to determine the ancestry, or some people say race.因此,我們要利用人類學科學來確定種族。
  • 23I first came to the Czech Republic in 1994 as an anthropology graduate, looking for adventure.1994年,我首次來到捷克尋找奇遇,當時我是人類學畢業生。
  • 24Nobue Suzuki is a professor of anthropology at the Faculty of Letters, Chiba University, Japan.鈴木 伸枝 是日本千葉大學文化人類學教授。
  • 25I applied to Penn. I got into the anthropology department, but I specifically wanted archeology.後來我申請了賓夕法尼亞大學並進入了人類學系,但是我很明確自己想學考古學。
  • 26At that point I became really interested in anthropology and I really wanted to be an archeologist.那時候我開始對人類學十分感興趣,而且我希望成為一個考古學家。
  • 27I applied to Penn.I got into the anthropology department, but I specifically wanted archeology.後來我申請了賓夕法尼亞大學並進入了人類學系,但是我很明確自己想學考古學。
  • 28It's just the latest example of how modern genetic techniques are transforming the world of anthropology.這是最新一個有關基因技術改變人類學認識的案例。
  • 29Ong, Aihwa. "The Pacific Shuttle: Family, Citizenship, and Capital Circuits." In The Anthropology of Globalization.太平洋接駁車:家庭、公民權和資金流轉〉,刊於《全球化人類學》。 [1] 