


詞    性


英[ænt];美[ænt] [1] 


Ant Hill安特山 ; 蟻丘 ; 蟻土冢 ; 蟻冢
leafcutter ant切葉蟻 ; 佔先 ; 提前使用
Honeypot ant蜜蟻 [1] 


  • 1From the very beginning, Stuart Leslie Goddard, a.k.a. Adam Ant, knew he was going to be a star.從一開始,斯圖爾特·萊斯利·戈達德,又叫螞蟻亞當,就知道他將會成為明星。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Have you ever stepped on an ant?你踩過螞蟻嗎?
  • 3The ant is carrying a leaf.螞蟻在搬運葉子。
  • 4The ant is eating leaves.只螞蟻正在吃樹葉。
  • 5Do you play Ant Forest?你玩螞蟻森林嗎?
  • 6For instance, the letter A was ant or apple or ax.例如,字母 A 代表螞蟻、蘋果或斧頭。
  • 7In the dry season, it could be attacked by another species of ant.在乾燥的季節裏,它可能會遭到另一個種類的螞蟻攻擊。
  • 8Subsequent ant researchers have focused on external prompts for behavior.後來的螞蟻研究人員把注意力集中在外部的行為提示上。
  • 9They all set out on their journey together, and came at last to an ant-hill.他們全部一起出發去度假了,最後來到了一座螞蟻山。
  • 10When the lid of the nest box on an ant colony is raised, a whiff of dead cockroach wafts by.當蟻羣的巢箱蓋子被揭開時,一股死蟑螂的氣息撲面而來。
  • 11They came up with a computer model, based on the self-organising principles of an ant colony.他們提出了一個基於蟻羣自組織原則的計算機模型。
  • 12Ant societies existed in something like their present form more than seventy million years ago.螞蟻社會大約在七千萬年前就以類似現在的形式存在。
  • 13When the virtual trees are big enough, Ant Forest will plant real trees somewhere in the world.當虛擬樹足夠大時,螞蟻森林將在世界的某個地方種植真正的樹。
  • 14As Gordon discovered during her research, there's no one ant making decisions or giving orders.正如戈登在研究過程中發現的那樣,沒有一隻螞蟻在做決定或是發號施令。
  • 15A dove heard his cries for help and threw him a leaf, which helped the ant float back to the bank.一隻鴿子聽到了螞蟻的呼救聲,就扔給它一片樹葉,樹葉幫助螞蟻漂回了岸邊。
  • 16In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely.在加利福尼亞,阿根廷螞蟻由於缺乏基因變異而得以廣泛傳播。
  • 17He listened, and heard an ant-king complaint: "Why cannot folks, with their clumsy beasts, keep off our bodies?"他聽着,聽到了一個螞蟻王的抱怨:“為什麼人們帶着他們笨拙的牲畜,不能遠離我們的身體呢?”
  • 18Therefore, the planned introduction into that region of ant flies, which prey on Loma ants, would benefit public health.因此,計劃引進以洛馬蟻為食的蟻蠅進入該地區將有利於公共健康。
  • 19When Ph.D. student Quentin Willot shaved an ant with a tiny scalpel and put it under a heat lamp, its temperature jumped.博士生昆汀·維洛特用小刀把一隻螞蟻颳了毛再放到加熱燈下,螞蟻的温度上升了。
  • 20A biologist at Stanford University showed me that nothing an ant does makes any sense except in terms of the whole colony.斯坦福大學的一位生物學家告訴我,如果不以整個蟻羣為出發點,單隻螞蟻做的任何事情都是沒有意義的。
  • 21The Nature Conservancy has declared war on a multitude of invasive species here, from sheep to plants to the aggressive Argentine ant.大自然保護協會還向眾多入侵物種發起了宣戰,從羊羣到植物,再到具有攻擊性的阿根廷蟻。
  • 22A very aggressive species of blank ant, the Loma ant, which has recently invaded a certain region, has a venomous sting that is often fatal to humans.一種非常有攻擊性的螞蟻——洛瑪螞蟻,最近入侵了一個特定的區域,它們的刺有毒,對人類往往是致命的。
  • 23Hoelldobler and Wilson's magnificent work for ant lovers, The Ants, describes a supercolony of the ant Formica yessensis on the Ishikari Coast of Hokkaido.《螞蟻》是 Hoelldobler 和 Wilson 為螞蟻愛好者所創作的傑出作品,這部作品描述了北海道石狩灣海岸上的一個超級蟻羣——石狩紅蟻。
  • 24According to Ant Financial, "Ant Forest" can help people improve the environment.螞蟻金服表示,“螞蟻森林”可以幫助人們改善環境。
  • 25"Ant Forest" has been very popular.“螞蟻森林”一直很受歡迎。
  • 26Bai Xue is a member of Ant Financial.白雪是螞蟻金服的會員。
  • 27Ant Financial is an Internet financial service company.螞蟻金服是一個網絡金融服務公司。
  • 28Ant Forest plants real trees for all Chinese people.螞蟻森林為所有中國人種下真正的樹。
  • 29Ant Financial has planted more than ten million real trees.螞蟻金服已經實地種植了1000多萬棵樹。
  • 30In August 2016, it started an interesting project "Ant Forest".2016年8月,一個叫做“螞蟻森林”的有趣項目啓動了。 [1] 
  • 1.    ant  .有道[引用日期2019-10-24]