


詞    性


英[əˈmjuːz]美[əˈmjuːz] [1] 


amuse bouche餐前開胃小吃 ; 開胃小點 ; 餐前小食 ; 開胃小吃
Amuse Yourself自娛自樂
amuse powerfully十分逗樂 [1] 


  • 1This will amuse you.這個會逗你笑的。《牛津詞典》
  • 2She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins.她給勞拉出了一些主意,好逗這對雙胞胎開心。《牛津詞典》
  • 3I need distractions. I need to amuse myself so I won't keep thinking about things.我需要娛樂。我需要自我消遣,這樣我才不會一直想事情。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The robot is trying to amuse its customers.這個機器人正設法逗顧客開心。
  • 5Pets are playful animals and they amuse us.寵物是活潑可愛的,他們能逗我們笑。
  • 6Didn't I know anything about turning right? Now I think I know enough to amuse them and to entertain them.難道我不知道怎麼右轉嗎?現在我想我已經知道了足夠的東西來逗他們開心。
  • 7The thought seemed to amuse him.這個想法好像讓他覺得好笑。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours.我相信我能自娛自樂幾個小時。《牛津詞典》
  • 9People everywhere have told stories to amuse, to teach, to remember, and just to pass the time.世界各地的人都會通過講故事來消遣、教育孩子、銘記人或事,或是單純地打發時間。
  • 10In May, Rowling started writing a new story called The Ickabog, which was free to read online to help amuse people who stayed at home because of COVID-19.今年5月,羅琳開始撰寫名為《伊克博格》的新故事,它可以在網上免費閲讀,以幫助娛樂那些因新冠肺炎疫情而待在家裏的人。
  • 11They sang songs to amuse themselves during the break.休息時, 大家一起唱唱歌,娛樂娛樂。
  • 12They sang songs to amuse themselves during the break.休息時, 大家一起唱唱歌,娛樂娛樂。
  • 13After dinner, they do what they want to amuse themselves.晚飯之後,他們自娛自樂。
  • 14Hop on a heart-stopping ride, amuse yourself in the theme parks.跳入一段驚心動魄的旅程,在主題公園裏享受自我。
  • 15It's a big place and you may go where you like and amuse yourself as you like.這是一個大地方,你可以去你喜歡的地方,你喜歡怎麼玩就怎麼玩。
  • 16They would be different from the birds in India and it might amuse her to look at them.它們會和印度的鳥不一樣,她看它們也許會覺得有趣。
  • 17The children seemed to tumble about and amuse themselves like a litter of rough, good-natured collie puppies.孩子們好像在打滾,像一窩亂蓬蓬、脾氣好的柯利牧羊犬幼犬一樣自娛自樂。
  • 18Some amuse themselves in folly.有些人以幹荒唐事取樂。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 19My clients never fail to amuse.我的客户總是逗我。
  • 20The teacher said, "How amuse you are!"老師説:“可笑!”
  • 21I'm sorry. What do you amuse yourself with?真遺憾。有什麼消遣嗎?
  • 22Amuse the storyteller's jokes amused the children.説書人的笑話逗樂了孩子。
  • 23It was not to amuse myself that I went: I was often wretched all the time.我去並不是為了讓自己快樂,我常常感到心煩。
  • 24Such costumes were put on long ago to amuse the audience after the Harvest Fest.很久以前,人們就在收穫節後穿這樣的服裝娛樂觀眾。
  • 25Sometimes, when I have finished my work and they let me, I amuse myself, too.有時候,我做完了事,人家准許的話我也玩。
  • 26Indeed, fear of such manipulation may amuse even more anxiety than fear of death.確實,害怕對人的操縱所引起的擔憂可能會超過對死亡的害怕。
  • 27I try to amuse them with my lack of everyday bush skills and fear of wild animals.我和他們開玩笑,説起我怎樣缺乏日常的户外能力,怎樣害怕野生動物。
  • 28This battle against pride would challenge him — and amuse him — for the rest of his life.這場針對驕傲的戰鬥是個難題——也是種消遣——在他的餘生裏。
  • 29And I imagine his laugh, and the way his eyes crinkle, and I think of the things that amuse him.我想象他的笑,想象他眼睛皺起來的樣子,我思考能夠逗他發笑的事情。
  • 30With few recreational activities to amuse them, people found attending trials to be a diverting pastime.因為很少有娛樂節目,人們發現旁觀庭審是一個消磨時間的好辦法。 [1] 
  • 1.    amuse  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-13]