

詞    性
屬    性


英[ˌædəˈlesns]美[ˌædəˈlesns] [1] 


Angels Adolescence爆裂天使 ; 詳細翻譯
Adolescence Education青春期教育 ; 青少年教育
adolescence literature詳細翻譯
Adolescence depression青少年抑鬱症
adolescence onset青春期發病
Enter adolescence進入青年期 [1] 


  • 1No one knows for sure why adolescence is unique to humans.沒人確切知道為什麼青春期是人類獨有的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The play is set in the dangerous no-man's land between youth and adolescence.該劇定位於少年和青春期之間的危險的中間年齡段。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Some young people who were easy-going and extroverted as children become self-conscious in early adolescence.一些在孩提時候隨和且外向的年輕人在青春期初期變得害羞了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Most adult cases of clinical depression first emerge in adolescence.大多數成人臨牀抑鬱症病例最初在青春期出現。
  • 5Your goal should be to teach them these lessons over the course of their childhood and adolescence.你的目標應該是在他們的童年和青少年時期教會他們這些課程。
  • 6Friendships and other important relationships become increasingly important, particularly during adolescence.友誼和其他重要關係變得越來越重要,尤其是在青春期的時候。
  • 7As we leave adolescence behind and enter adult life, no one can teach us how to fall in love and get married.當我們走出青春期、進入成年生活,沒人會教我們如何愛上他人並結婚。
  • 8The United States Department of Justice showed that one out of four kids will be bullied during their adolescence.美國司法部表示,四分之一的孩子在青春期會遭到霸凌。
  • 9The world's smartest adolescence in mathematics and science are Singapore, according to a global survery of educational achievement.一項全球教育成就調查顯示,全世界在數學和科學方面最聰明的青少年是新加坡的。
  • 10Most mammals reach sexual maturity when their growth rates are in recession, while humans experience a growth spurt during adolescence.大多數哺乳動物達到性成熟時,它們的生長率處於衰退狀態,而人類則在青春期經歷性成熟的激增。
  • 11None of these legal provisions determine at what point adulthood has been reached but they do point to the prolonged period of adolescence.這些法律條文沒有規定什麼時候已經到了成年期,但是他們確實指出了延長的青春期。
  • 12My own research at the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in-depth interviews with small samples of youngsters rather than large-scale surveys.我個人在斯坦福青少年研究中心的研究採用的是對小樣本的青少年進行深入訪談的方式,而不是大規模的調查。
  • 13However, now they are becoming an extended period of adolescence, during which many of today's students and are not shouldered with adult responsibilities.然而,現在他們青春期正在延長,許多今天的學生並沒有肩負起成人的責任。
  • 14Adolescence: always a problem.青春期:一直以來就是一個麻煩。
  • 15Culture clearly shapes adolescence.文化無疑塑造了青春期。
  • 16Yes, adolescence can be a trying time.是的,青春期是一個不好過的時期。
  • 17Yet culture does not create adolescence.但是,青春期並不是由文化創造出來的。
  • 18No one wants to go through adolescence again.沒人想再一次經歷青春期。
  • 19Adolescence is all about wanting to fit in.青少年其實就是一個渴望入羣的時期。
  • 20She lost two years of her early adolescence.她失去了兩年青春時光。
  • 21Which, apparently, is what happens in adolescence.這很顯然正是發生在青春期的情況。
  • 22My parents and I became enemies during adolescence.我父母和我在我青春期的時候成了敵人。
  • 23Engage them during adolescence, and you light a fire.青春期時觸及了它們,就等於點燃了一團火。
  • 24Much education in adolescence is learning from mistakes.孩子在青春期所獲得的教育,大部分都是從錯誤中學到的。
  • 25Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence.青春期裏,我們對愛情的感知能力與日俱增。
  • 26The project is a unique representation of adolescence lost.這個項目堪稱失落青春期的獨特詮釋。
  • 27We all remember adolescence, too often a time of misery for young people.我們都還記得青春期,那往往是年輕人的一段痛苦的時光。 [1] 