


複    數
詞    性


visitor value 訪客價值
winter visitor 冬候鳥 ; 冬鳥 ; 冬季來訪者 ; 冬留鳥
Visitor Registration 訪客登記處 ; 來賓請登記 ; 訪客請登記 ; 客人報到
Visitor Elevator 訪客電梯
Hospital Visitor 醫院常客
Visitor Route 參觀路線 ; 最佳觀展線路
summer visitor 夏候鳥 ; 夏留鳥 ; 消暑的遊客
Visitor Reception 接待來訪客人 ; 來賓接待 ; 接待來訪的客人 ; 來訪接待
Business Visitor 商務訪問者 ; 商務拜訪者 ; 商務旅客 ; 商務訪客 [1] 


  • 1I wasn't expecting a visitor.我沒有預期會有訪客。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2"You must be Emma," said the visitor.“你一定是埃瑪,”來訪者説道。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Reception just rang through to say my visitor has arrived.服務枱剛剛打電話來説我的客人到了。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Seen from afar, its towering buildings beckon the visitor in.遠遠望去,它的高聳建築就像在召喚遊客。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5It was a lavish reception as befitted a visitor of her status.這場鋪張的招待可算得正適合她這種身份的來訪者。《牛津詞典》
  • 6What about visitor numbers?遊客人數呢?
  • 7He drove his visitor away.他把客人趕走了。
  • 8You're a welcome visitor.你是一個受歡迎的參觀者。
  • 9He is an English visitor.他是一名英國遊客。
  • 10A visitor said that it was terrible.一個遊客説這很可怕。
  • 11One day, a visitor came to the village.有一天,一個遊客來到這個村莊。
  • 12Be a polite visitor.做一個文明參觀者。
  • 13A visitor just left.一位客人剛走。
  • 14He had a chat with a visitor in the kitchen.他在廚房裏與客人聊天。
  • 15The visitor spoke, in a lovely bell-like voice.客人開口了,用一種可愛的鈴般的聲音。
  • 16After the game, how did the visitor feel for Mike at first?比賽結束後,客人對邁克最初的感覺如何?
  • 17You should be back at the Visitor Centre at about four o'clock.你應該在四點鐘左右回到遊客中心。
  • 18The Cat Léon, the mascot of France Pavilion, will interact with every visitor.貓萊昂,法國館的吉祥物,將與每一位遊客互動。
  • 19Next day, they had hardly finished their dinner, when another visitor arrived.第二天,他們剛吃完飯,又來了一位客人。
  • 20It was a busy morning for Heidi, who put the hut in order for the expected visitor.對海蒂來説,這是一個忙碌的早晨,她把小屋整理得井井有條,迎接即將到來的客人。
  • 21Among the works and masterworks on exhibition the visitor will find the best pieces.在展覽的各色作品和著作中,參觀者會找到最好的作品。
  • 22It would now be difficult for an intern, visitor or a thief to steal a document like this.現在對於實習生、訪客或小偷來説,要偷這樣的文件是很困難的。
  • 23It allows the visitor to stay with a local family to better understand the local lifestyle.它能讓遊客住在當地的家庭裏,更好地瞭解當地的生活方式。
  • 24Similarly, the information accompanying the objects often made little sense to the lay visitor.同樣,這些物品所附的信息對外行訪客來説往往意義不大。
  • 25In this exciting event, any visitor can hold out his arms with the local people and cheer together.在這個激動人心的活動中,任何一個遊客都可以和當地人一起伸出雙臂歡呼。
  • 26There's a visitor for you.有位客人找你。《牛津詞典》
  • 27She's a frequent visitor to the US.她經常去美國。《牛津詞典》
  • 28He was a regular visitor to her house.他是她家的常客。《牛津詞典》
  • 29He is a frequent visitor to this country.他常常訪問這個國家。《牛津詞典》
  • 30She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall.她已成為霍頓府邸的一名常客。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》