


詞    性


tyrant flycatcher 霸鶲
Tyrant Unleashed 暴君主義
proto tyrant 試作型 [1] 


  • 1The country was ruled by a despotic tyrant.該國家被一位專橫的暴君統治着。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He is a tyrant who knows no pity.他是一個不知憐憫的暴君。
  • 3"Geppetto looks like a good man," added another, "but with boys he's a real tyrant."“傑佩託看上去是個好人,”另一個補充説,“但對孩子們來説,他真是個暴君。”
  • 4Sin is a harsh tyrant in your life. But Christ not only died for our sins, he died to sin.罪是你生命中的一個殘酷暴君。但是基督不僅為我們的罪捨命,而且他向罪而死。
  • 5Our allies pressed us to join with them to act against the tyrant and restore order on the south shore of the Mediterranean.我們的同盟們敦促我們加入他們來反抗暴君,並且重新恢復地中海南岸的秩序。
  • 6His boss is a complete tyrant.他的老闆是個不折不扣的暴君。《牛津詞典》
  • 7He ran a sword through the tyrant.他用刀刺穿暴君。
  • 8Now they think that I'm a tyrant.現在他們覺得我是個暴君。
  • 9Mr Michaels was not a tyrant by nature.麥克爾斯先生的本性並不是一個暴君。
  • 10Oh, I forgot you, "said the tyrant."‘啊,我忘記你了,’這個暴君説。
  • 11Mr Kagame, he said, had become a tyrant.他説Kagame已經變成了一個暴君。
  • 12The people designated the King as a tyrant.人民稱那國王為暴君。
  • 13We will never again allow a tyrant to lead.我們將不再允許暴君存在。
  • 14But dislodging Libya's tyrant is proving hard.但事實證明,罷黜利比亞的暴君十分困難。
  • 15What counts there is the dethronement of a tyrant.最重要意義的是廢立了一個暴君。
  • 16For even a tyrant will occasionally rule in my favor.因為即使是暴君也可能偶爾獲得我的支持。
  • 17He jokes about it. He says, 'People say I'm a tyrant.'他開玩笑道‘人們説我是暴君。’
  • 18So remember: If you're going to be a tyrant, be a wacko.所以,謹記:如果你要成為暴君,那就成為一個瘋狂的暴君。
  • 19Than Shwe: Unmasking Burma's Tyrant. By Benedict Rogers.丹瑞:撕破面具的緬甸暴君本尼迪克特.羅傑斯著.
  • 20Than Shwe: Unmasking Burma’s Tyrant. By Benedict Rogers.丹瑞:撕破面具的緬甸暴君 本尼迪克特.羅傑斯著.
  • 21"Egypt is free," the revelers chanted. "the tyrant is gone."“埃及自由了”,“狂歡者反覆歌唱。”暴君的統治已經一去不復返了。
  • 22Like Pinochet, the Serb tyrant escaped jail by death-in 2006.與皮諾切特一樣,那位塞爾維亞暴君也因為死亡(在2006年)而逃脱了牢獄之懲。
  • 23In the case of Hoarding Tyrant, you can banish it to gain two runes.如【護寶暴君】,你可以通過放逐它來獲得兩個符文。
  • 24From his youth, Mr Mugabe had all the ingredients to become a tyrant.從他的青年開始,穆加貝就具備了成為暴君的一切元素。
  • 25Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion.與我們的自我認知相比,公眾輿論不過是一個軟弱的暴君。
  • 26Exile, once the choice of many a deposed tyrant, no longer seems so safe.流亡——一度是許多遭廢黜的暴君的選擇——看來不再是那麼安全。
  • 27The simple truth is that bully or tyrant bosses can be found in abundance.最簡單的事實是,惡霸或者暴君是大把的。
  • 28A safer strategy is to lie low and stay out of the way of the tyrant boss.有一個安全的策略是低姿態,離暴君老闆遠點。 [1] 