


thunderstorm,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,譯為“[氣象] 雷暴;雷暴雨;大雷雨”。
詞    性


根據《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 》:
N-COUNT A thunderstorm is a storm with thunder and lightning and a lot of heavy rain. 雷雨 [1] 


advective thunderstorm 平流雷雨 ; [氣象] 平流性雷暴 ; 平流雷暴
volcanic thunderstorm [地質] 火山雷雨 ; 火山雷暴 ; 火山雷雨 [1] 


  • 1She got caught in a thunderstorm.她遇上了雷雨。《牛津詞典》
  • 2"And I," said the mother, "I feel so uneasy, as if a heavy thunderstorm were coming."“而我,”母親説,“我感到很不安,好像一場大雷雨就要來了。”
  • 3She climbed into the jungle gym for the drizzle had quickly changed into a large thunderstorm.她爬進了格子爬梯,因為綿綿細雨很快地變成了傾盆雷雨。
  • 4A fellow student could recall being taught nothing more profound than what to do in a thunderstorm at night.一個同學回憶説,學的最深奧的莫過於雷暴雨的晚上該做什麼。
  • 5Alice looked up, and there stood the Queen in front of them, with her arms folded, frowning like a thunderstorm.愛麗絲抬頭一看,王后站在他們面前,交叉着胳膊,皺着眉頭,就像一場暴風雨。
  • 6Franklin conducted his dangerous kite experiment in a thunderstorm, founding the science of atmospheric electricity.富蘭克林在雷雨中進行了危險的風箏實驗,從而奠定了大氣電學的基礎。
  • 7The night of our birth, a thunderstorm had cracked a tree in the courtyard of the new church, setting the building afire.我們出生的那個晚上,雷暴劈裂了新教堂大院裏的一棵樹,使建築着了火。
  • 8The agency, BEA, said the plane received inconsistent airspeed readings from different instruments as it struggled in a huge thunderstorm.該機構(BEA)表示在同雷暴搏鬥的過程中,飛機上各儀表上得出的航速讀數不一致。
  • 9Last September, Thunderstorm was shown to remember Cao Yu, one of China's greatest playwrights.去年九月,《雷雨》放映了,以紀念中國最偉大的劇作家之一——曹禺。
  • 10One hot summer afternoon, he was taking a walk when a thunderstorm started all at once.一個炎熱的夏日下午,他正在散步,突然下起了雷雨。
  • 11The thunderstorm stampeded the cattle.大雷雨驚了牛羣。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 12An evening thunderstorm suggested that the situation would not be cavok.傍晚雷陣雨表明雲層及能見度並非良好。
  • 13The thunderstorm terrified the child.雷暴天氣使孩子受到了驚嚇。
  • 14The thunderstorm may settle the weather.這場雷暴過後天氣可能反而好些。
  • 15We were born 17 years ago during a thunderstorm.我們17年前在雷雨中出生。
  • 16Thunderstorm is about to start at one of the lakes.即將遭遇風暴的一個湖泊。
  • 17Sadly, they do not even offer much insight into thunderstorm snow.遺憾地是,他們甚至沒有就雷暴夾雪提出更多的觀點。
  • 18During the passage of a thunderstorm pressure has pronounced change.在雷暴過境時,氣壓有着明顯變化。
  • 19Oneafternoon while we were there at that lake a thunderstorm came up.有天下午,我們在湖邊與一場雷雨不期而遇。
  • 20Why do the roiling, black clouds of a thunderstorm produce lightning?為什麼滾滾的天雷,黑色的暴雨雲能夠產生閃電?
  • 21One afternoon while we were there at that lake a thunderstorm came up.有天下午我們在湖畔時,來了一陣雷暴。
  • 22The Observatory issued only an amber rainstorm signal and a thunderstorm warning.天文台只是發出黃色暴雨警告及雷暴警告。
  • 23Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour.陣風可以以每小時75英里以上的速度從雷暴中吹出。
  • 24An example would be to listen to a thunderstorm and snap your fingers simultaneously.一個例子就是聽到雷雨的同時不要打響手指。
  • 25Stephen: Wow, you look like a drowned rat! Didn't you know there's a thunderstorm today?斯蒂芬:哇,你就像個落湯雞!你不知道今天有雷雨嗎?
  • 26Point of view #1: The Creation does declare the glory of God, and the "Thunderstorm Psalm" ( Ps.觀點1:宇宙萬物宣告了神的權威,而“雷雨聖歌”(即打碎黎巴嫩雪柏的神...)
  • 27In the end there was no castle, no thunderstorm and definitely no hunchbacked cackling lab assistant.到最後也沒見什麼城堡,沒有暴風雨,更沒有駝背,口做怪音的實驗室助手。