
The Fields of Athenry

《The Fields of Athenry》是一首歌曲,歌手是阿森萊田野。
The Fields of Athenry
背    景
地    區

The Fields of Athenry歌曲簡介

The Fields Of Athenry 阿森萊田野
這首歌的背景設置在1845年開始的愛爾蘭大饑荒中,一名來自高威郡的Athenry鎮, 叫做Michael的男子,由於為他飢餓的家人偷竊食物而被抓獲。他遭到流放,被髮配去了遠在地球另一端的澳大利亞

The Fields of Athenry歌曲背景

在1845年開始的愛爾蘭大饑荒中,一名來自高威郡的Athenry鎮, 叫做Michael的男子,由於為他飢餓的家人偷竊食物而被抓獲。他遭到流放,被髮配去了遠在地球另一端的澳大利亞。從此天各一方,再不能見面。  歌曲主要描繪了Michael的妻子Mary,在港口目送押解丈夫的船遠去的情景。
經國外傳統民謠研究者的考證,這首的詞曲作者都是Pete St. John,創作於1979年。説這是一首古民謠是沒有根據的。

The Fields of Athenry歌詞賞析

By a lonely prison wall
I heard a young girl calling
Micheal they are taking you away
For you stole Trevelyn's corn
So the young might see the morn.
Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay.
Low lie the Fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly.
Our love was on the wing we had dreams and songs to sing
It's so lonely 'round the Fields of Athenry.
By a lonely prison wall
I heard a young man calling
Nothing matter Mary when your free,
Against the Famine and the Crown
I rebelled they ran me down
Now you must raise our child with dignity.
Low lie the Fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly.
Our love was on the wing we had dreams and songs to sing
It's so lonely 'round the Fields of Athenry.
By a lonely harbor wall
She watched the last star falling
As that prison ship sailed out against the sky
Sure she'll wait and hope and pray
For her love in Botany Bay
It's so lonely 'round the Fields of Athenry.
Low lie the Fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly.
Our love was on the wing we had dreams and songs to sing
It's so lonely 'round the Fields of Athenry. [1] 

The Fields of Athenry歌曲大意

在孤寂的監獄高牆旁  我聽到一個姑娘在説  邁克,他們把你帶走  只是偷了塔凡亞的幾個苞米  也許年輕人還能見到黎明  但是一艘監獄船已停在海灣  低窪之地,我的阿森萊田野  這裏我們曾見小鳥自由飛翔  我們的愛也迎風展翅  我們曾懷抱夢想,縱情歌唱  如今孤獨瀰漫我的阿森萊田野  在孤寂的監獄高牆旁  我聽到一個小夥在説  瑪麗,只有你自由,我沒事  為了度饑荒,為了抗英王  我奮起反抗,他們卻將我拿下  你好好撫養孩子,尊嚴生活  低窪之地,我的阿森萊田野  這裏我們曾見小鳥自由飛翔  我們的愛也迎風展翅  如今孤獨瀰漫我的阿森萊田野  在孤寂的海港高牆  她看到最後一顆星隕落  那艘監獄船慢慢駛向天際  她祈禱,她滿懷希望等着愛人歸來  她的男人在澳洲波特尼灣  如今孤獨瀰漫我的阿森萊田野  低窪之地,我的阿森萊田野  這裏我們曾見小鳥自由飛翔  我們的愛也迎風展翅  我們曾懷抱夢想,縱情歌唱  如今孤獨瀰漫我的阿森萊田野

The Fields of Athenry新聞鏈接

2012年6月15日歐洲盃的一場小組賽裏,愛爾蘭國家足球隊遇上了實力遠勝自己的西班牙隊,連失4球慘敗。比賽臨近結束的時候,全場愛爾蘭的球迷沒有憤怒、沒有哭泣,依然唱起了他們為自己的球隊助威的歌曲:“The Fields of Athenry”。
出局?愛爾蘭球迷大雨中高歌! 你怎能不愛足球?
10年前的愛爾蘭,在世界盃中將西班牙逼到絕境,只是遺憾的在點球大戰中告負;10年之後,愛爾蘭的足球水平已經遠遠被西班牙甩在身後。0-4,愛爾蘭在歐洲盃的第2戰被西班牙蹂躪。儘管特拉帕託尼的球隊慘敗,但球迷們卻絲毫沒有泄氣,格但斯克競技場歌聲飄揚,愛爾蘭球迷用這種方式詮釋他們對足球的愛。 [2] 

The Fields of Athenry歌詞翻譯

The Fields of Athenry《阿森萊原野》【愛爾蘭
【曲:Pete St. John】
【詞:Pete St. John】
By a lonely prison wall 孤寂囚徒高牆黑,
I heard a young girl calling 傾聽姑娘柔情傷悲,
Michael,they are taking you away,Michael,頭戴枷鎖誰之罪?
For you stole Trevelyans corn 禍出財主的苞米堆,
So the young might see the morn 但願黎明得來安慰,
Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay 緩緩囚船港灣離情催。
Low lie, The Fields of Athenry (同左)
where once we watched the small free birds fly 舊日仰望天空鳥兒自由高飛
Our love was on the wing 讓愛在天上追,
we had dreams and songs to sing 歌謠夢想為了誰?
It's so lonely around the Fields of Athenry如此孤寂我的原野阿森萊。
By a lonely prison wall 孤寂囚徒高牆淚,
I heard a young man calling 遙聞夫君叮嚀低迴,
Nothing matters,Mary, when you're free 謝謝愛人Mary的安慰,
Against the famine and the crown 饑荒撼動暴君危,
I rebelled, they cut me down 悲情抗爭枷鎖背,
Now you must raise our child with dignity且盼來日兒女尊嚴威。
Low lie, The Fields of Athenry (同左)
where once we watched the small free birds fly 舊日仰望天空鳥兒自由高飛,
Our love was on the wing 讓愛在天上追,
we had dreams and songs to sing 吟唱歌謠與夢想為了誰?
It's so lonely around the Fields of Athenry 如此孤寂我的原野阿森萊。
By a lonely harbour wall 孤寂港灣高牆淚,
She watched the last star falling 流星隕落濤聲低垂,
As the prison ship sailed out against the sky 目送囚船天際灰灰,
For she lived in hope and pray 願主保佑夫君早歸,
For her love in Botany Bay 我的愛人在botany bay,
It's so lonely around the Fields Of Athenry 如此孤寂我的原野阿森萊。
Low lie, The Fields of Athenry (同左)
where once we watched the small free birds fly舊日仰望天空鳥兒自由高飛,
Our love was on the wing 讓愛在天上追,
we had dreams and songs to sing 吟唱歌謠與夢想為了誰?
It's so lonely round the Fields Of Athenry如此孤寂我的原野阿森萊。